A message from Cindi

Here we are again about to release a new magazine, the first issue in our second year, and we're all feeling that glorious combination of being exhausted, being over-the-moon thrilled with the work we get to do, and being excited and anxious to see how you like your new issue. I love this issue of Jasper. As you'll see, we're taking some chances this time. We've toyed with politics before, but this time we're sporting some in-your-face challenges (thank you Alejandro Garcia-Lemos) and we're taking a critical look at a difficult period in our history (hats off to Ed Madden.) Kyle Petersen is building a reputation as a writer that readers can count on to not only make them think, but to make their heads spin with his wordsmanship. I think his Musings on Local Music this issue is one of the best columns I've read in a very long time.

And then there is the photography.

Photo editor Forrest Clonts has put together a powerful team of photographers including, new to Jasper this issue, Sara Kobos who shot our centerfold. I worked briefly with Sarah at undefined and I'm thrilled to bring her into the fold. Keep an eye on this one, Folks -- she's good.

To be honest, I have to share one small disappointment -- something you'll see when you read Ed's piece. We make any number of errors in the process of putting the magazine together, but then we spend hours and hours searching out those errors and either correcting them ourselves (usually) or having our printer do it for us (rarely.) This time, one of those errors needed to be corrected at the printer, but for some reason, it just didn't get done. So when you read Ed's piece you'll see a lovely little red box in the lower right corner with sentences that just don't seem to make any sense. We never like to see errors make their way to print, but this time, for this particular story, we're sadder about it than usual.

Here's what the box should say,

I am deeply grateful to Jim Blanton, Drucilla Brookshire, Mary Jeffcoat, and Bob Waites for talking with me about the play. I am especially grateful to Jim, who gave me access to his files. Without his box of newspaper clippings and reviews, I could not have written this. I particularly appreciated the extensive coverage of the plays by Dave Moniz in The Columbia Record. Thanks also to Tony Price at DHEC, and to archivist Santi Thompson and to the AIDS and Its Impact research collection in the Thomas Cooper Library at USC.//EM

We have an exciting line-up of artists sharing their work and their wares Thursday night. I hope you can join us as we celebrate all the things that make the Columbia art scene great.

As always, thanks for your support of Jasper.

All the best,
