Josh Roberts and the Hinges @ 5 Points Pub This Saturday Night

 Josh Roberts and the Hinges

We here at Jasper are pretty excited about featuring Mr. Roberts in Volume 1, Number of 1 of our magazine, as well as having him be the special musical guest at our release party, but we couldn’t resist telling you that he’s playing with his full band tonight at the newly re-instated 5 Points Pub.

Roberts calls his music “rock and roll with the roots showing,” which roughly translates (at least for this band) as electric guitar explorations that recall some of the best rock music of the 60s and 70s, with amble forays into blues, country and old-school folk. The best part is. According to Roberts when “every fifth song or so, we’ll [The Hinges] dive off a cliff and see where it takes us.”

Anytime these guys are in town, the possibility exists for seeing not just the best local show all year, but the best rock show all year period. So get it out.

Check out his website,

- K. Petersen