New Jasper Guild Winners from Friday Night

jasper watches At Jasper, we're still basking in the glow of a majorly fun release party on Friday night.

Thanks so much to everyone who made the event -- and the magazine -- possible.

Just wanted to take a minute of your beautiful Sunday afternoon to annonce the winners of the four gift baskets provided to us by our arts organziation friends at Trustus, Columbia City Ballet, The Nickelodeon, and Muddy Ford Press.


Forbes Patterson won the Nickelodeon Basket valued at $60

Paula Matthews won the MuddyFord Press basket valued at $94

Robin Gottlieb won the Columbia City Ballet basket valued at $142

Wentworth Tradd won the Trustus basket valued at $200


Congratulations to all our winners!*

Thanks to all the new members of the Jasper Guild!

Thanks to our friends at The Nick, Trustus, City Ballet, and MFP for providing almost $500 in prizes to new Guild members.


*Contact or to make arrangements for picking up your baskets.