Call for Scripts!

From our friends at Local Cinema —

Local Cinema Studios, a local film production company committed to bridging the gap from academia to industry, is launching their second annual Get On Set initiative with the support of the South Carolina Film Commission and the University of South Carolina. Part of the launch includes a script call for the upcoming Summer 2023 project.

“We are excited to bring a screenwriter’s vision to life,” says Dustin Whitehead, Artistic Director of Local Cinema Studios and UofSC Assistant Professor, Theatre and Dance. “Get on Set is about pairing industry professionals with local students to tell a story we believe in. We demonstrated last summer with the feature film Hero that this initiative can work in South Carolina and we are excited to do it again. Local Cinema is all about finding the homegrown stories of the South and bringing them to the big screen.”

Local Cinema Studios is currently accepting feature film or pilot script submissions for a project to be filmed Summer 2023. They are also seeking professional directors and other crew to be part of the “Get On Set” Team. Those interested should apply online by November 1st. The application can be found here:

For more information about Local Cinema Studios or the Get on Set Initiative, contact Dustin Whitehead via email at

And watch out in November for our feature print story on Whitehead and the cast and crew of Hero, Local Cinema’s 2022 summer project!