Thanking our Advertisers & Guild Members BY NAME!

Thanksgiving_WordArt1 As this long weekend of explicit thankfulness comes to a close, Jasper would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the individuals and organizations for whom we are most thankful -- those who pay the piper or, in our case, the printer.

Jasper Magazine is 100% supported by advertisers and Jasper Guild members. We take no money from anyone else -- not even city government, (unlike with at least one other publication, a new advertorial one, city government doesn't even support us with their advertising dollars -- guess you won't be hearing us boast about bottles of champagne showing up on our doorsteps on New Years Eve!) But because of this, we're under no one's thumb and therefore not obligated to anyone. We like it this way.

But this makes us even more appreciative of those who support us both personally through their guild membership and with their advertising dollars.

Jasper Guild Members have gone out of their way to reach into their own coffers to support us. We can't tell you how much this means to us. We need your money, yes, but it is the act of your actually giving it to us that sometimes chokes us up -- we'll admit it -- we sometimes feel a little like Sally Field and we're not ashamed of it!

Our advertisers have taken a chance on us, as well. And they're taking a chance on you, our readers, too. Please help us repay their faith in us by patronizing their places of business. Tell them you saw their ads in Jasper and thank them for supporting your arts community with their advertising dollars.

Because the reality is, without them -- without our advertisers and our guild members, we wouldn't be here. Bottom line.

Our sincerest thanks to the members of the Jasper Guild:

Nancy Kauffman - Russ & Jeannie Eidson - Jennifer Phelps - Wade Sellers - Todd Mathis - Nancy Pope & John Watkins - William Fickj - Coralee Harris - Gigi Woods - Marcia Watkins - Katie Fox - Cindy Patterson - Elena Martinez-Vidal - Laurie & Duncan McIntosh - Diane Hare - Forbes Patterson - Erin Bolshakov - William Starrett - Toni Elkins - William Schmidt - Anna Shaw Legare - Sheila Morris - Lauren & Robert Michalski - Doni Jordon - Manita & Charles Craft - - Ceille Baird Welch - Philip Mullen - Kay & Jim Thigpen - Kirkland Smith - Amy Overstreet - Alex Smith - Charles Lesser - Joseph Counts - Tracie Broom - Alvin Neal - TraceBallou - Janna McMahan - Dick Moons - Easter Antiques - Margey Bolen - Melinda Cotton - Robert Coffee - C. Hope Clark - Wentworth Tradd - Watermark Hypnosis - Heather Green - Bob Waites - Catherine Petersen - Cindy Roddey - Sean McGuiness - BA Hohman - Joe Morales - Raia Jane Hirsch - Grace Aguila - Wild Blue Sky - Robin Gottlieb - Lizzie Wrenn - Nancy Marine - Ladybug Art Studios - Ron Hagell - Harriet Showman - Anthony Imperial - Trinessa Dubas - Glenda Keyes

Tremendous thanks also to our Advertisers:

Trustus Theatre - Midlands Clay Arts Society - One Columbia - Columbia Museum of Art - Columbia City Ballet - Mouse House - Elite Framing - The Whig - Artizan - Vista Ballroom - Bonnie Goldberg South Carolina State Museum - Cellar on Greene - Tapp's Arts Center - Ramco Framing - Columbia Marionette Theatre - Coal Powered Filmworks - Kristian Niemi for Rosso and Bourbon - First Citizen's Cafe


If you'd like to advertise with Jasper please contact

If you'd like to become a member of the Jasper Guild, please email or or go to

In any case, thanks for reading & thanks for being  a part of the Jasper Family.

-- CB


