FUERZA! New exhibit explores reality of domestic violence through art

Fuerza poster  

There’s something that goes on everyday, around the world, country and right here in Columbia. It happens next door, down the street and for some in their own homes. It’s what Palmetto Luna Arts board member Alejandro Garcia - Lemos refers to as “a serious and complicated issue.”

That issue is domestic violence.

The Columbia Museum of Art has teamed up with Palmetto Luna Arts, which promotes Latin arts around the State, to bring a one of a kind exhibit to museum visitors during Latin Month. ¡FUERZA! meaning strength, force, and power in Spanish, Artistas Latin@s in South Carolina, is the effort of Dre López, Sammy López, and Robert Chambers of the Piensa Art Company as well as Lemos, Ashley Berendzen, and Mariángeles Borghini.  Together, the team created panels of art to convey the struggles of domestic violence, specifically in minorities around the country. Aside from the CMA, this group of artists teamed up with the South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, which is compiled of 22 sexual assault programs in the state.

Artist - Alejandro Garcia-Lemos


The exhibit, which will be located in the Carolina Guignard Community Gallery of the CMA will open on Tuesday, September 23, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. and will feature music, dance and a lot of meaningful art to take in.

Garcia-Lemos is proud that this art is not solely for the purpose of entertainment, but to bring a necessary awareness to the community.  As an issue close to all the artists in the Latin American community, Garcia-Lemos hopes he can make a difference through this art and bring much more awareness to this often-occurring issue in South Carolina, as well as the entire U.S.

As an issue that can effect any population, gender, race or person, the artists, SCCADVSA and the CMA calls on all members of the community to get a better understanding of domestic violence through a unique form of artistic expression. Opening night of ¡FUERZA! is free to the public and will be on display until November 30., giving guests ample opportunity to experience the heartfelt strength, force, and power.


-By Caitlyn McGuire