New Voices of the Eclipse

Shining light on Underrepresented Voices & New Voices yet to be heard, The Jasper Project invites submissions of poetry from unpublished poets age 15 and up from the 8 counties of the SC Midlands.

Theme = the literal solar eclipse or the metaphor of transforming shadows.

A select number of poems will be chosen for presentation on Thursday, August 17th from 3 – 5 PM in Columbia, SC. One Poem will receive a cash prize and publication in the September issue of Jasper Magazine.

·         Poets may enter up to 3 submissions

·         NO multiple submissions or previously published poetry

·         Names should not appear on poems

·         Please send submissions along with a cover sheet stating  

  •  title of poem
  •  name
  •  address
  •  email


Deadline: June 30th, 2017


Judge: Cassie Premo Steele

Cassie Premo Steele is the author of 14 books of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction published by small, independent presses. She was featured as a speaker for TEDxColumbiaSC and has been a columnist for Literary Mama and a blogger for the Huffington Post. She works as a writing coach with women from around the world and has a special affinity for creating connections between people and the natural environment. She lives in Columbia with her wife and daughter.

Cassie Premo Steele

Cassie Premo Steele