As Kyle Petersen described him in a 2018 profile he wrote on Saul Seibert and his older brother Zach Seibert for Jasper Magazine, “… Saul is a consummate frontman, with a steady intensity that crackles with a voodoo-like mysticism punctuated by unfettered, anxious hollers that bring to mind the most wiry aspects of early post-punk.”
It’s hard enough being an artist and dealing with the difficulties the outside world sends your way — money problems, relationship challenges, and the general drama of daily life as a human — but when you add in all the internal battles specific to being an artist, a person whose job is basically interpreting life, processing feelings, and sharing it with the world, it can get seriously rough.
Saul Seibert has been at this battle for a while now. The 44-year-old musician and, let’s-face-it, philosopher, has become one of the Columbia music scene’s leaders, of late, cranking out stellar albums and hard-hitting performances alongside Scott Tempo in the band, Boo Hag.
This morning on social media, Seibert shared his take on dealing with one of the demons most of us don’t even want to admit we have caged up in the back room of our minds — Jealousy. Jasper was moved and asked Seibert if we could wrap his words of wisdom up in a tidy little package and share them with our readers.
He graciously agreed, and here you have it.
Competition motivated by jealousy can often be the Achilles heel of any artist or progressive movement and it's ugly. Guard your heart from such an insidious seduction. Here are a few things you can do to avoid such a pitfall.
1. Posture yourself in such a way so as to learn from those who have gone before you and ask questions.
2. Don't trust all your judgments and seek out council from your peers and other proven people in the art community.
3. Don't pretend. People are smart and can spot a poser.
4. It's ok to be an asshole, (the industry will make you one and that's ok) … just don't be a dick. There's no excuse for that.
5. Apologize and ask for forgiveness.
6. Fail. It's good to fail.
7. Sometimes the critics are right and sometimes they are wrong … either way they are in general paid to write about what you do. Take it on the chin and put it in box under the bed. Remember they can't do what you do.
8. Build relationships with younger players and performers and model the movement you want.
9. Look up the definition of "Service".
10. You are dying. Remember that. In general, that can kill a jealous mood.
Saul Seibert and his beautiful mom, Brenda Seibert.
“She taught this outlaw kindness.” — Saul Seibert