Singer songwriter David Wilcox will be performing at the TOL Coffeehouse concert this Saturday, December 16th at 7:30pm. Wilcox, a Coffeehouse favorite, will present a program including some songs off his newest album “My Good Friends.” The TOL Coffeehouse is located at 6719 North Trenholm Road, Columbia, SC 29206. Tickets are $27 when ordered on line before the concert. Tickets at the door are $29.

Wilcox, who has appeared at the Coffeehouse many times over the past several years, always draws a large enthusiastic audience. In fact, the way Wilcox feels about every tune on My Good Friends proves this is indeed a fan-requested labor of love. “I am grateful for the community that sustains me – my good friends,” he says. “These are the kind of friends that get you through difficult times. The kind of friends that you go to for a fresh perspective when the future looks grim. These songs grew out of conversations with friends, and they hold ideas that I like to have around.”

Tickets are available through The TOL Coffeehouse website tol-coffeehouse.square.site, Facebook page and by scanning the QR code on the poster and other printed materials. Doors open at 6:30pm for Groucho’s deli sandwiches, coffee, and home baked goods. Music begins at 7:30pm.

Due to heightened security please limit the size of purses and handbags. No backpacks are allowed. All bags will be subject to search. To keep everyone healthy we are using ionizing devices on each of our HVAC units. As air flows past the ionizing devices, positive and negative ions actively treat the supply air, reducing bacteria and viruses in the coil and living space This increases the efficacy of our MERV 8 filter. 

Out of respect for our hosts at Tree of Life, we ask that no pork or shellfish food items be brought inside the building.