Are you ready to Glo?


You are warmly invited to The Glo Show on Friday May 10, 2024 at the Olympia room at 701 Whaley. The house opens at 6:30 p.m. with heavy hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar, and the performance starts at 7. The Glo Show is a performance, dance party, and a fundraiser to raise $4000 for a matching grant to Power Company Collaborative from the South Carolina Arts Commission.

The Power Company Collaborative is a multidiscipline group of artists with dance as our root of origin committed to empowerment for all people through creative engagement. Martha Brim, artistic director for The Power Company Collaborative, aka PoCoCo, has been at the helm for almost 25 years!

The Glo Show has a triple purpose. First, to raise money to match Power Company Collaborative’s SC Arts Commission grant. The pandemic sucked for artists, but the Power Company continued to make work during the lockdown in a time that wasn’t easy for anyone. They received some small grants from the Arts Commission, but they’ve blown through the savings trying to continue their work. This matching grant would go a long way to support the 25th anniversary!

The second purpose is to celebrate PoCoCo and their silver 25th anniversary! According to Martha Brim, silver symbolizes radiance, brilliance and longevity.

The third, and grounding purpose for the variety show style evening is to honor Gloria Talcove Woodard. Gloria (Glo) was a friend, a luminous and joyful person in our community who died in 2018 from cancer. Her husband Doug said, “Gloria danced and laughed through the world with boundless energy.” There are many stories of Gloria launching into spontaneous dance pretty much wherever she went.

And that’s what Martha experienced with her throughout our friendship. Whenever she and I would get together we would end up dancing. After she died, Martha made a vow to herself that if she ever saw someone dancing in public I would join them as a tribute to Gloria.

During The Glo Show, they will be DIYing our own joyful luminosity as Glo-ing up with interactive possibilities (ok dance party)! As poet Amanda Gorman said “There is always light if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we are brave enough to be it.”

The performers and artists who have generously donated their time come from as far away as South Africa. Performances include various dance styles, live music, performance art, puppetry and film. Some of the listed performers are: Erin Bailey and Moving Body Dance, Brittany Watkins, Beth E. Coiner, Besty Newman and La Tropa, Allison Tipton Milner, Amanda Ling, Lisa Wheeler, Leanne Kornegay, Sally T McKay and the Hump Day Tappers, and of course Ken May and Jeanne Garane!

There are many ways to support this fundraiser:

  1. Buy a ticket and enjoy the amazing show! ($30)

  2. Click on the link or qr code and donate.

  3. Share this information with people who are also luminous and may want to support PoCoCo.

  4. If you see someone dancing, join them. Glo and Martha style.

Visit the event page for more information and for tickets.