New Sculpture in the Vista by Lander University Artist Doug McAbee

Curtis & Bob

 ""Curtis & Bob represent the people and the state I know and love.” -- Doug McAbee, artist


The Vista Guild is proud to announce its most recent public art sculpture installation, a 12-foot-tall, powder-coated steel sculpture by artist Doug McAbee titled, “Curtis & Bob.”


The sculpture is at the Taylor Street entrance to the tunnel adjacent to Finlay Park, which opened July 13 after completion of Phase II of construction. The eye-catching yellow sculpture adds to the list of Vista Guild-commissioned public art pieces and is whimsical and approachable, according to the artist. The sculpture also follows McAbee’s current body of work, which utilizes humor with formal and conceptual qualities to create a visual conversation with the viewer.


“Curtis, the taller figure, may signify the Columbia or the state of South Carolina historically as we have risen with strength and technology again and again throughout our past,” said McAbee, a graduate of Winthrop University who is also an assistant professor of art at Lander University. “Bob sits high up on Curtis’ shoulders proudly looking toward the future. These two pals, though very different in appearance, work together in partnership to accomplish their goals.  Curtis & Bob represent the people and the state I know and love.”


The Vista Guild has worked diligently to fund, support, commission and install public art sculpture in recent years. With “Curtis & Bob,” the Vista now has five sculptures throughout the neighborhood. This commitment is part of the reason the South Carolina Arts Commission recently named the Vista an official South Carolina Cultural District.


“The Vista as we know it today is rooted in galleries and artists and we’re pleased to be able to add even more character to the neighborhood with the addition of Curtis & Bob. The sculpture is cheerful and adds to the fabric of its urban surroundings,” said Meredith Atkinson, executive director of the Vista Guild. “Our board is dedicated to keeping the history of the neighborhood and the arts front and center with every decision we make, and we look forward to adding even more public art to the Vista.”


One Columbia for Arts and History aided the Vista Guild with logistics and communications in the installation process. "It has been a privilege to work with the Vista Guild, Doug McAbee and the City of Columbia to install another piece of public art. Sculptures like ‘Curtis & Bob’ continue to enhance the uniqueness and artistic talent of the Vista, Columbia's first recognized cultural district, but also physically represent how Columbia is a hub of creativity," said Lee Snelgrove, executive director of One Columbia.


Friday Night - It's the CAYs!

"Clara" by Doug McAbee Nothing pleases Jasper more than the opportunity to take notice of a local artist and be able to say, Congratulations – Well done! It’s even more exciting when there’s an award involved and it’s not just a certificate, but some ca-ching, as well! That’s why we’re looking forward to this Friday night, April 26th and the annual Contemporaries Artist of the Year celebration when, in addition to the grand prize of big bucks from the Contemporaries, Jasper will award our second annual State-of-the-Art Award (a certificate, a feature story in Jasper Magazine, and $200) to some talented local artist.

Last year's winner of the Jasper State-of-the-Art award was Doug McAbee for his sculpture Clara (above.) We profiled Doug in the most recent issue of Jasper Magazine.

Entries to the competition were adjudicated by a jury consisting of Dr. Will South, Tom Stanley, and Mary Walker. Our panel of judges is headed up once again this year by Chris Robinson, who, has taken the lead as Jasper's visual arts editor.

Awards include:

  • $2,500 Contemporaries' Artist of the Year (with partnership from Anne and Alex Postic)
  • $300 People's Choice Award
  • The Jasper "State-of-the-Art" award receives a $200 cash prize and a spread in a future issue of Jasper Magazine.

Please join us on Friday night for the CAY Celebration from 7 - 10 pm at the beautiful Columbia Museum of Art.


For more info check out the CAY Facebook page or go directly to the CAY website at the Columbia Museum of Art.