Jasper Presents Wet Ink Poetry Series with Kendal Turner

A message from your host ...

I believe that art all comes from the same place. Somewhere between the backs of your eyes and the spot where the stars touch the moon. A safe atmosphere full of inspiration, know how, and elbow grease. I want to create a space where all artists can commune with one another. Where a poet can write along to the sound of violins being played while an artist illustrates the way a dancers feet whisper across the floor. This is the environment Jasper wants to establish with its new poetry series, Wet Ink.

When a poet reads a poem for the first time they call it "wet ink." Brand new work never before heard. Art not shared is lonely. When we present our gifts, that's when the seed is planted. Because not only do you share your soul with others but you influence others to do the same. That small seed will germinate in many hearts and you will see a garden of creativity blossom from the influence.

Wet Ink will rotate throughout various art spaces in Columbia the 4th Sunday of every month. This will allow participants to see and feel a different visual atmosphere every time they attend. We encourage all to come and participate. No judgement, no competition, no rules. Just by showing up you have already succeeded.

I want established artists to mentor the new voices emerging in our community and I want everyone to walk away feeling that their body of work has grown, even if only by a single stroke. Join Jasper this Sunday, the 22nd, at the Tapp's Art Center from 7-9 pm as we premier an event like no other.

Without limitations... how far can you soar?

-- Kendal Turner

Visit the Wet Ink Facebook page by clicking this magic spot.