What's Love: input/output with Jasper Reads: Download

In another happy incidence of serendipity Jasper has the opportunity this week to yet again combine two of his favorite things -- Art and Love -- in one magnificent celebration.

Of course, we're referencing the most nontraditional of new Columbia traditions, the What's Love: input/output party and multi-disciplinary arts extravaganza at 701 Whaley on Valentine's night.

This year, What's Love -- which has earned a rep for being less about doillies and lace and more about leather and flesh -- is taking it to the next level and Jasper gets to come along for the ride.

Literary arts editor Ed Madden has been working for weeks to construct a night of art, film, performing arts, and poetry, sprinkled with a heaping helping of adult flavoured naughtiness that will likely bring a blush to the cheeks, if not a rosy glow. (Yes, that's what we mean.)

But the thing that Jasper is most excited about could easily be overlooked in all the heated revelry. Several weeks ago Jasper Magazine sent out a call to Columbia's poets and prose writers to send us some of their sexiest words and rhymes. And we're delighted to announce that they did not hold back. More than 40 writers shared their words of lust and love with us and the result is a hot little chapbook called, Jasper Reads:  Download.

Edited by Ed Madden and designed by his own partner in love and lust, Bert Easter, Jasper Reads: Download, is being published by Muddy Ford Press, LLC. With poems by 16 local artists, Jasper Reads:  Download is a tidy little keepsake being offered in limited and hand numbered quantities and only available upstairs in the Olympia room (we like to think of it as the love grotto) on Tuesday night, February 14th.

Cost is $6 for 1 or 2 for $10 (one for you and one for your baby.)

And seriously folks, Jasper highly recommends the almost-lost art of reading to your sweetie in bed, especially when this is what you're reading.

Don't just take Jasper's word for it, read this excerpt from Jasper Reads:  Download by Jasper associate editor Kristine Hartvigsen below.


lust poem


straddling the black

leather seat of

your riding machine

I want to be

the snatch of hide

under your weight

watch your leg

swing across

my waist

caress your

steely thighs

with my vibrations

feel your hands


my throttle

Whew! Even Jasper feels a little warm after that!

Quantities are limited (150 hand numbered copies) so hurry up to the Olympia Room at 701 Whaley on Valentine's night to purchase your own personal copies. If you can't make it out on the 14th but want to be sure to get yours, (yes, that's what we mean), email cindi@jaspercolumbia.com to reserve your copies and send a check for $6 per copy, plus $4 shipping and handling, to Muddy Ford Press, 1009 Muddy Ford Road, Chapin, SC 29036.



Sometimes it's all I think about, too.

Jasper is hosting the upstairs performance space in the Olympia Room at this year's What's Love evening of art and performance on Feb 14 at 701 Whaley.  We've got Shane Silman, Andrew Quattlebaum, and Alex Smith recreating the Beat poets, NiA Theatre Company offering a little teaser of a play, some poets and slammers, some short films, a freaky cool little installation of altered dolls by Susan Lenz, and Dr. Sketchy.

And one of the really cool things that Jasper Magazine is doing for this year's will be a little chapbook of sexy, quirky poems about love, sex, and technology.  The theme of this year's event is "input/output," so we invited poems and fiction writers to submit poetry and flash fiction that addressed love and sex and especially the ways that technology has changed our emotional and sexual relationships.  We got about 130 submissions from 40 SC writers.  There were text message poems, Skype poems, poems about voicemail and sexting, telephones and digital cams and iphones, a faux blog by a teenage girl, and story written in Facebook posts.  Girl crushes, long-distance calls, a Grindr post, lights left on all night--oh, and a lurker.  And we narrowed it down to 17 powerful, punchy little pieces.

Poets included are:  Ray McManus, Betsy Breen, Eric Kocher, Carol Peters, Worthy Evans, Nicola Waldron, Julie Bloemeke, Dustin Brookshire, Daniel Nathan Terry, Kristine Hartvigsen, Kendal Turner, Lauren Wiggins, Libby Swope Wiersema, Ed Madden, and Barbara G S Hagerty, as well as a poignant little bit of flash fiction by Carl Jenkinson.

The book is published thanks to Jasper and to Hip-Wa-Zee.


Christmas Wishes For and From the Columbia Arts Community, Part III

from Jeffrey Day

I still would like Santa – or someone – to bring a 30-foot tall, brightly-painted, fiberglass sculpture of Strom Thurmond standing on his head to be installed in front of the Strom Thurmond Wellness and Fitness Center at USC. That and more money for the arts. And a governor who doesn’t try to kill all arts funding. Two in a row is plenty. I know, I’m being completely unrealistic, but I’m counting on a jolly fat man who travels in reindeer drawn sleigh and slides down chimneys to take care of all this.

I'd also hope that everyone  – from artists to art lovers – will resolve to open your horizons. Go to art places and events (from exhibitions to performances) you’ve never before been to.

I could go on and on and on, but I will give everyone their Christmas wish and shut up.



from August Krickel

I hope Santa brings lots of  good roles in good shows to local performers, and plentiful audiences to come see them perform. More often than not, in reviews, I find myself saying that while the material may be hokey, or mediocre, or paper-thin, or all-too-familiar, the actors on stage do an awesome job with it. There are literally hundreds of good shows around that rarely if ever get produced, and if you produce good material, Columbia has more than enough talent.  The new age of social media and instant communication only helps the traditional word of mouth that has always benefited local theatre, and when word gets out that there's a good show, audiences will come whether they have heard of it before or not. If the same 4000-6000 people that will flock to see an adequate road company production of 30-40-50-year old musicals at the Koger Center would go see top-knotch productions stretched out over several weeks at places like Town, Trustus or Workshop Theatres, those organizations would have their best seasons ever.  The same is true with music - if the same 18,000 people who pack the Colonial Center to see Carrie Underwood or Jimmy Buffett for the dozenth time would go see local artists in local clubs, 20 local clubs would have shows with standing room only.



from Ed Madden

For there to be more and more interesting opportunities for inter-arts collaborations, more and better bridges between the university and the community.

For those in power to recognize that the arts are a necessity not a luxury, a vital part of education not an extracurricular option.

For more opportunities for young artists.

from Cindi Boiter

What would I want Santa to bring the Columbia arts community for Christmas?

It wasn't until I assigned myself the same question I had asked of other members of the arts community that I realized how difficult the question would be to answer. Difficult -- not because it's hard to think of things we need, but because it's hard to come up with a wish list that doesn't seem entirely too greedy. And really, given our abundance of richness in terms of talent around here, how much more can we ask for?

But I did put my head to the same task I had asked of others and the list below is what I came up with.

That said, I want to go on record as being enormously grateful for the support the arts community has given our magazine, the sense of community that so many people are working to nurture and grow, and the talent -- both humble and expansive -- so many artists share with one another. I'm thankful for how full our arts calendar is and that many days, we have to make choices -- or extra stops --when going out for an evening of the arts.

But enough sap. Here's what I would ask for Santa to bring:

  • More small theatre spaces, black box types with sprung floors where small, sometimes impromptu, theatre and dance troupes could perform in a cost-effective way.
  • Performance art -- whether it's good or bad, it always make people think and talk with one another about just how good or bad it was.
  • More opportunity for discourse -- hence, more talk back sessions after plays, concerts, and ballets and gallery exhibitions. We grow as individuals and a community when we discuss and debate.
  • I'd like for people who publish articles about the arts to actually read, copy edit, and proof the articles they publish. Mistakes will still be made -- we certainly have made them at Jasper (I'm still sorry, Thomas Hammond) -- but at least show a little respect for the written word. Magazines are about communication -- not just design. Even if the publisher doesn't deign to actually read the articles he or she publishes, she or he should be aware that others do. Good writers rely on good editors -- let them do their jobs.
  • More attention to the literary arts. Ed Madden, Jasper's literary editor (above) is working diligently to facilitate literary arts exchanges both via the magazine and via public events. (Find us upstairs at the What's Love Festival this February.) Let us know what you think, and share your ideas with us. We're here to serve.
  • Recognition that craft-persons, amateur artists, and professional artists are all unique entities, and while each operates under its own distinct paradigm, each entity is important to an arts community.
  • I want an arts festival -- a multi-day, multi-genre event that would showcase Columbia as the arts destination it is becoming. Who wants to work with us on making this happen? We're ready to go.

Thanks for reading this three-part shopping list of what some of us would like for Santa to bring the Greater Columbia Arts Community. If you missed part one, you can refer to it here. And if you missed part two, you can find it here.

And there's more to come. Stay tuned to What Jasper Said as we examine Columbia's New Year's Resolutions for the Arts.

Until then, happy holidays from all of us at Jasper, and please check out our ever-evolving website at www.jaspercolumbia.net.





Jasper is looking for a few good poets, writers, spoken word artists to be part of Jasper's literary salon at the What's Love evening of arts and performance in Columbia, to be held 7-12p.m., Feb 14, at 701 Whaley.  Jasper is hosting an upstairs salon, which will include poetry and spoken word, and film.
THEME - The 2012 theme for What's Love is technology and how it affects our relationships, sex, and love lives.  What's Love - Input/Out.  Along with the use of technology by artists, attendees will participate in exhibits through social media and by using their cell phones at the event.
HISTORY - What started as an alternative for singles and couples who didn’t want the traditional Valentine’s night out has become a major annual event that merges visual and performing arts, with themes that challenge ideas about sex, romance, intimacy and love.  What’s Love attracts one thousand attendees and receives extensive media coverage.   With over 20 participating artists, including visual, performance, literary, media, and music, What's Love has become one of the city’s most talked about parties, but foremost, a major exhibition opportunity for South Carolina artists.
WHAT JASPER IS LOOKING FOR - Jasper wants to host two short sets of poetry—erotic, romantic, straight, gay, good writing, words that can move us, words that make us laugh or make us think (or make us hot).  Jasper is also planning to produce a small, limited-edition, chapbook of poems, to be sold/distributed that evening.  (You do not have to be a reader to be in the chapbook; you do not have to be in the chapbook to be one of our performers.)  We need:
•                4-10 writers to read/perform
•                poems (or short short flash fiction) for a small Jasper chapbook of good writing (approx 12-20 pages)
•                writing should address the themes of the show
Send your writing and a short (2-3 sentence) bio to:  emadden@jaspercolumbia.com.