This Weeks's Poetry of the People with Al Black features Charles Watts

This week's Poet of the People is Charles Watts. I know Charles from his work with the Poetry Society of South Carolina when he sends me emails asking if I paid my dues this year and from hearing him read his work at various events. He uplifts any room he is in and is an asset to Carolina poets. —Al

Early in his career, Watts had an underground play (“Visigoths”) produced in Los Angeles, which led to scriptwriting contracts for several TV series, including “Kojack” and “Here Come the Brides.” He fled Hollywood, got an MFA in poetry, and went to Iran to teach literature at several Universities. For five years, he edited Seizure, a magazine of poetry and fiction. He has also been a cab driver, social worker, refugee worker in camps in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Costa Rica, and owner of a tour company. His poems and stories have been anthologized in Road Poets, Adirondack Epiphanies, Schroon River Anthology, Northern Oracle, and Karma in the High Peaks, which received the “People’s Choice Award” for best book of 2010 from the Adirondack Center for Writing. His poems won the Patricia and Emmett Robinson Prize (2015 - Poetry Society of South Carolina) and first place at the North Country Writers Festival twice. His books include Cure Cottage (five one-act plays), Raptures (short stories), Waking Up in a Beautiful Room (poems), and The Road to Swat (a chapbook of travel tales). He splits his time between Charleston, SC and Lake Placid, NY.

Of That Which We cannot Speak

“Of that which we cannot speak, thereof we must be silent.”

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

-Ludwig Wittgenstein

God does not manifest in the world

Because s/he does not exist in it

The mystical fact is that creation abides

Beyond the realm of words, beyond saying

Theology is an impotent attempt

To blur our vision with bones

Sans flesh, odes to the ineffable

That can only lead to misinterpretation

The ethical, the metaphysical, the aesthetic

The existence of the real and indescribable

Truths that my words can only compromise

Or misrepresent or falsify the meaning of

Darwin my beagle inhales squirrel musk

Spots the beast on a branch and howls, leaps

Against the tree truck and snorts like a pig

And I can describe it but not what he feels

Not the truth within his experience

Which is equally real to him as his dream

Of a forest filled with rabbit deer coyote fox

And all the joys that force his tail to wag

Oh, do not ask me to be silent

I must write my words until they approach

The edge of truth, not the truth itself

For that is where God dwells

Cancer Redux

A year and a half

Clean and clear

Is all that was granted

Through the chemo and

Immuno and who doth know

What else became involved

There was not a single symptom

No nausea, palpitation, fever

Fear, regret, or why the hell me

Took up swimming and made a mile

Took up walking the dog as we

Both forest bathed in the mountains

In fact, did all that was asked

And yet here we are

With new scans and new cancer

Send no damned affirmations

No prayers or it will be alrights

No links to peace and serenity sites

I am not happy nor am I pissed

Nor have I given up nor

Accepted what I cannot change

The recycling truck just passed my window

My view of the pond is clean and clear

If Nothing Lasts

If nothing lasts

Everything matters

The lizard on the palmetto palm

The glass hummingbird feeder

Its contents and patrons

The mouse I emptied into the trash

After the trap I set committed murder

The monk who condemns me for it

The sparrow that broke its neck

Trying to fly through the window

Into my room, the fly I swatted

Fireworks over the palace of ice

A week before the rain

Begins its melting

The mushrooms I picked and ate

Even though I could hear their screams

In the silence of the forest

The snow leopard that stalks me

In my dreams, the poison frog

I lick to fall asleep

My coonhound, who ambled with me

Out of the car into the vet's office

For his final shot at life

Everything matters

If nothing lasts

The Emptiness of Time

In a world with no sense

Of time, no word for past

Or present or future, where

All is the eternal moment

With no separation of then

From when or when

From now, there is

No need for watches

Watch only the moon

Test your emotions

As they change from

Night to night

At the new moon

You will be open

To new ideas

Write a poem

As the moon moves

Toward fullness

You will get more done

Edit the poem

As the moon begins

Its fading you will

Get no thing done

Time to dance

And in the moon’s

Fourth week

Organize yourself

Coldly calculate

The subject of your

Next poem