Midlands Light Opera Presents Gilbert and Sullivan's Iolanthe!

Midlands Light Opera Society is pleased to present Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta Iolanthe September 27 - 29. Performances will be at 7:30 on the 27th and 28th and at 3:00 on the 29th. All performances will be in Bennett Hall at First Christian Church (2062 N Beltline Blvd, Columbia - enter through the double doors under the driveway). 

The Queen of the Fairies (Felicia Torres) has just pardoned Iolanthe (Evelyn Clary), whom she had exiled for 25 years for having married a mortal. Iolanthe spent her banishment at the bottom of a pond, so she could be near her half-fairy and half-mortal son, Strephon (Terry Artis), who is engaged to Phyllis (Christi Pirkle). Phyllis is a ward of the court, so the Lord Chancellor (Roddey Smith) must give his consent for her to marry, but he wants to marry her. So do Lord Tolloller (Nikki Anderson) and Lord Montararat (Ben Palmer). Leila (Stephanie Villamizar), Celia (Shelby Sessler), and Fleta (Amy Thomasson) lead the fairies in helping Strephon win Phyllis’s hand. Private Willis (Andrew Skaggs) attempts to keep order once deep seated family secrets come to light and the fairies start meddling in politics. The cast is rounded out by an all ages chorus of fairies and peers (Sophia Almeida, Lilith Clary, Mark Foil, Kim Foil, Harmony Hayslette, Julie Lumpkin, Alex Mabrey, Janice Boan Mabrey, Maria Martinez, Sara Martinez, Ashley Mize, and William Thomasson).

The production is directed by Roddey Smith, accompanied on piano by Ashleigh Morse,  musically directed by Ronnie Wise, costumed by Susan Scaccia, stage managed by Hollie Smith, choreographed by Leighton Mount and produced by Evelyn Clary.

“Even though this work premiered in 1882, the show is still captivating audiences. The tunes are catchy, people love fairies, and everyone likes to make fun of politicians,” says Roddey Smith. “This is a true community production,” says Clary. “It is a delight to see the diversity of talent. We have some cast members who have performed professionally, some who are back onstage after taking a break, and some just starting out. It is fun to watch everyone work together. The camaraderie of the cast and crew is beautiful.”

Tickets for seniors (over 65) and students are $10, all others are $15, and may be purchased with cash or check at the door, or online. There will be a $1 processing fee added to each ticket purchased by card at the door. Online tickets may be purchased here.

Midlands Light Opera Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. For more information, and behind the scenes sneak peaks, visit our website!