Jasper is pleased to meet you

One of the most exciting things about getting Jasper underway has been assembling the team of writers, designers, business people, and marketing experts who will be bringing the magazine and its associated technological endeavors to you. Many of these folks have either worked together before, or worked on similar projects. But we hadn’t all been in the same room before, brainstorming and bonding and feeding off of one another’s creative energy, until this week when we gathered at Muddy Ford, (where Jasper will be living temporarily as he searches for an office space with just the right feng shui for his needs.)

It was, to put it mildly, exciting.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be using what JASPER said to introduce you, Jasper’s readers, to the creative team that is working tirelessly to bring you your first print issue of the magazine. Look for informative bios about our staff mixed in among blog postings about what’s going on in the arts in Columbia. (We’re all really excited about the upcoming season, so you’ll likely be hearing lots about that, too.)

For now, please allow us to introduce the staff behind Jasper – The Word on Columbia Arts. Send us your comments and suggestions; say hello to us on the street. We’re here for Jasper and you.

Kristine Hartvigsen – associate editor, managing editor

            — reach Kristine at khartvigsen@jaspercolumbia.com

 Michael Miller – associate editor, copy editor

            — reach Mike at MMiller@jaspercolumbia.com

 W. Heyward Sims – design editor

            — reach Heyward at whsims@jaspercolumbia.com

 Kyle Petersen – music editor

            — reach Kyle at kpetersen@jaspercolumbia.com

 Ed Madden – poetry editor

            — reach Ed at emadden@jaspercolumbia.com

 Lenza Jolley – technology maven

            — reach Lenza at ljolley@jaspercolumbia.com

 Karina Salehi – sales director

            — reach Karina at ksalehi@jaspercolumbia.com

 Margey Bolen – public relations savant

            — reach Margey at mbolen@jaspercolumbia.com

 Cindi Boiter – editor and beer runner-in-chief

            — reach Cindi at editor@jaspercolumbia.com

Muddy Ford Press – publisher


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