Sometimes, Jasper is bored.

When it comes to classical ballet and choreography, it goes without saying that while Jasper has respect for the old favorites, it’s the new choreography that gives him the tingly shivers. (Jasper loves it when his dancers dabble in experimental stuff.) So, of course, he was a bit disappointed when his two biggest local ballet companies announced that their upcoming seasons consist primarily of the tried and true. Romeo, angry swans, assorted other fairytales and the like.

“What about new choreography?” he was heard to bellow.

Jasper just wishes that his beloved ballet ADs would believe in their audiences enough to know that they want to be challenged – they’re getting tired of the same old, same old. Yes, they love their sleeping beauties and their enamored pirates, but when an audience already knows the score to a show by heart then, honey, it’s time to change the show.

Fact is that the Columbia dance arts community has no shortage of outstanding choreographers in its midst – people like Terrance Henderson, Dale Lam, Caroline Lewis Jones, and Thaddeus Davis. So here’s the question, which one of our distinguished artistic directors from the big two companies is going to be the bigger man and ask one of these highly talented choreographers into his studio to choreograph on his company?

Jasper is hoping for soon.

In the meantime, check out their new seasons at and