Robert Kennedy - My Life in the Figure at Stormwater Studios

By Meg Carroll

The opening reception for Robert Kennedy’s exhibition My Life in the Figure is at Stormwater Studios on Thursday, October 13th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. The exhibition will be on view at the studio complex from October 12th to the 15th.

My Life in the Figure is the culmination of the last 30 years of Robert Kennedy’s work. His first experience with figure drawing was at the Academia de’Belle Arte in Florence, Italy where he was enrolled at the age of 23. The Academia de’Belle Arte was founded in 1563 by Cosimo I de’ Medici and is associated with many famous artists such as Michelangelo — obviously a very prestigious academy for art.

Kennedy began his studies as a watercolor painter, and eventually moved on to oils, acrylics, and charcoal. He favors using charcoal and conte crayon on paper or acrylic on canvas for his figure drawings. However, Kennedy works in many mediums, listing on his artist page that he sculpts, as well.

However, since his enrollment some 60 odd years ago, figure drawing has remained Kennedy’s favorite mode of work, and he has worked in many mediums but usually with a live model. He appreciates the diversity of the human face and form, as working with models is never the same. “No two are alike as the movement of the model presents a new image each time,” he says.

This exhibition is collected from a vast amount of work which Kennedy completed both at Gallery 80808 and Stormwater Studios, where he is a resident artist. He has also worked in collaboration with About Face, a studio project which sponsors figure drawing in Columbia.

Stormwater Studios offers space for 10 practicing artists and gallery space for community artists. The space was started through a collaboration between the Columbia Development Corporation and the City of Columbia in order to revitalize InnoVista efforts, the city’s plan to create a diverse and multi-faceted urban landscape.

Stormwater Studios is located at 413 Pendleton Street in Columbia, SC.