Artist Profile: Noelle Brault Makes A Statement with Light

JASPER: When did you first begin to pursue visual art? Where and when did you train, or are you self-taught?

BRAULT: I first began to pursue visual art in 2008 when I started taking lessons from Michel McNinch. I was always interested in art but never did anything about it until then. I took 5 years from Michel and then took several workshops from other artists.


JASPER: What mediums in visual arts do you typically use and why?

BRAULT: I paint in oil. I like the rich colors and how you can mix them. They feel natural to me.


JASPER: Where do you work now and where do you show your work?

BRAULT: I work as a Manager of Software Development at Southeastern Freight Lines. I show my work currently at Over The Mantel gallery. 


JASPER: Who have been your greatest influences as an artist?

BRAULT: Other contemporary artists have influenced my greatly including my teacher, Michel. Also, Shannon Smith Hughes of Charleston, Jason Sacran and Randall Sexton influence me just to name a few.


JASPER: What do you feel makes your art unique?

BRAULT: What makes my art unique is the way I manage light.


JASPER:  Who is your favorite SC-based visual artist and why?

BRAULT: I suppose my favorite SC based artist is Shannon Smith Hughes of Charleston. I love the energy and excitement in her pairings and also the way her paintings glow.


JASPER:  What are you working on now, will we get to see it, and if so, where, and when?

BRAULT: I am always working on a new painting. Right now, I'm working on a nocturne of the Jekyll Island Hotel and also an old truck at Price's tree farm. They will be available at the Cottontown Art Crawl on March 13th.