Josh Beard & Strange Tiny Creatures

strange tiny creatures Kids are cute. They’re also snotty, loud, and obnoxious, but so was Sid Vicious.


It’s also easy to forget that they are humans. They are tiny people whose brains are burning 24/7, trying to figure out all of these strange new things put before them. They have their own ideas, concerns, and plans for all these new things, but when we adults seek to help them understand this world through education, we tend to tell them how everything must be, instead of what can be.


This is where the Strange Tiny People Project comes in. The STP project recognizes these small humans’ abilities and hungers, and empowers them through creative exercising. The project aims to promote creative, self-sustaining lifestyles in both artistic and non-artistic industries worldwide.

Completely original stories, written by the children themselves, are compiled into a book, with the children as the heroes, set to be released early 2015. Each child retains the copyright to their stories, each of which is photographically illustrated with equally creative portraits of the children. The book provides an opportunity for their first published work and all proceeds will be donated to the organizations that participate in the classes. To find out more about the project, go to and .

But the project is currently in danger of being cancelled unless funds can be raised. Those who wish to support the project can go to their fundraiser campaign at


For additional information or to be a part of the project, Joshua can be reached at .