CORONA TIMES - Jasper Talks with Robb Kershaw #BLACK ARTISTS MATTER

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JASPER: Let’s start with getting some demographics out of the way. How old are you, where did you grow up and, if you’re not from Columbia, what brought you here?                                                                                     

KERSHAW:  I’m 29 years old, born and raised in Columbia to be more specific Hopkins, SC.

JASPER: Describe, please, yourself as an artist. What medium(s) do you use? Are you self-taught or formally trained? If the latter, where did you get your training? If the former, how did you get into this line of art?

KERSHAW: This question always stumps me because at most I don’t see myself as an artist. Yes I create things but I think everyone in some medium creates things. I just tend to conceptually piece things together in an abstract nature that is easy for mass consumption. I view myself as the creator, I have an eye so I deem it worthy in my universe and I welcome those who would like free space to enter my realm. I’m a musician at times, then I write, I may sketch some stuff, but none of that accurately details an answer. I’m self taught I learn from my interaction from others, I tend to latch on and study. I view the studying of others peaceful and I learn a lot from it.

JASPER: Are you a full-time artist or do you have a day job?

KERSHAW: As much as I would love to commit to my art in the fullness I do have a day job. I never let anything art wise fall short I tend to keep a level balance on both to help me stay afloat and not sink any ship I have docked. 

JASPER: Who have been your greatest inspirations as an artist?

KERSHAW: For me I love Prince, I have the nickname Baby Prince because I truly idolize everything that energy was. It’s one of the reasons I took on a one name moniker as ROBBIEBADBOI. Though I should say this as well I don’t like tossing names out as inspiration. I do rather toss certain works that inspired me by said artist rather than glorifying the artist themselves. It takes a very special energy for me to just stop the press and praise namesakes.

JASPER: You answered that you see yourself as a creator more than an artist. Can you tell us about 2 or 3 of your most recent art projects?

KERSHAW:  I feel as if the word artist limits us as creators into a hub that labels us within only a certain spectrum. I feel The world creator is infinite and can’t really be defined as just one set thing. I want to be able to do it all if not try.

So far I was able to release two projects this year I was able to drop a short web comic that is now being reimagined in a serious manga drop. The project is called Binkie Babes which centers around 3 magical girls and their fight to stop the dark universe. Fun fact I started this series back in middle school with a similar concept in mind ha.

And I can’t forget the music, I currently released my first project as a solo artist “MISSING: HAVE YOU SEEN BADBOI, THE LOST TAPE VOL1” which was crazy scary especially after being within a group dynamic for so long you kinda lose a sense of self so I’m regaining a lot of that back with the BADBOI project. 

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JASPER: How has the pandemic impacted your ability to create?

KERSHAW: This pandemic has presented a lot of negatives but I have to examine the positives from it and I must say that it has given me the time to hone in. I don’t believe I would be as focused as I am to write the projects I’m currently in the middle of without this happening. I was so busy traveling and running around that I never got the true time to sit and just create. So I’m truly proud of the things that are coming.

Coming from an alternative rock project (NEPOTISM) I thrived from live interactions but since our indefinite hiatus I locked myself away from most public interactions only popping out so often because I wanted to find myself. So yeah I’m grateful for the calm (though it’s anything but)

JASPER: What's next up for you creatively? Where and when can we experience your upcoming work?

KERSHAW: So currently I’m working on a few animation projects. Animation has my entire heart ha. I have a manga (comic) project coming later this year called Binkie Babes and will be releasing another project next year called KOLUH (COLA) it’s a series pretty much about a Supernatural Columbia but I want to explore and reimagine the history of South Carolina as a whole.