Alexander Wilds and Colin Dodd Show New Works at Vista Studios / Gallery 80808

New paintings by Colin Dodd and sculpture by Alexander Wilds are featured at a new exhibition opening Thursday, March 14 at Vista Studios/Gallery 80808 (located in the heart of the Vista at 808 Lady Street.)  There will be an opening reception Thursday night from 6 to 9 PM, and the show will run through Tuesday, March 19; the gallery will be open every day from 1 to 7 PM. Wilds and Dodd are both educators, the former at Benedict College, the latter at Midlands Technical College.  If those names sound familiar, both have shown work at Vista Studios previously.   Wilds was featured as the cover artist in the November issue of Jasper -The Word on Columbia Arts, while Dodd may be best known as the artist who created the huge, striking portrait of Kafka in Goatfeathers. Jasper also wrote about the show Wilds did with his wife, Yukiko Oka, last year here.

You can learn more about Dodd's career  here and here, and more about Wilds here  and here.  Both gentlemen are not only talented, but outgoing, and fascinating to talk with.  Jasper looks forward to this exhibition, and hoes to see everyone out at the reception tomorrow night at Vista Studios!
