Journey to Japan--Part II in a Series of Guest Blogs by Columbia Filmmaker Wade Sellers

(editor's note:  Jasper loves it when the work of local artists takes them away from Columbia–as long as they come back home and are generous enough to share their adventures with us while we’re waiting on them. Local filmmaker Wade Sellers’ newest project has taken him to Japan where he’ll be working for the next ten days. Lucky for us, Wade has agreed to post a series of blogs detailing his journey and his work while away. This is the second post in that series.)

This is the third time I have traveled overseas for the Man and Moment project. At the beginning I always have a feeling of anxiousness. There is the usual mix of feeling out of place in another country and hoping to capture the footage that is needed for the project. It is all unknown at this point. Much planning, in the short time allotted, has gone into the next four days but at this point it is still an unknown.


We landed in Okinawa last night. Our contact with the Army met us with a van and took Jeff and me to our hotel. As we took the 45 minute drive through Naha to the Air Force base, Ted was in wonder at how the island has changed. When he fought here it was barren. It is now a vibrant city. It could be assumed  over the seventy years since Ted left this island that industry and modernity would show itself. But to turn my head and look at him staring out the window of the van in wonder at all that has grown here since he left is overwhelming. The last images he had of Okinawa were of war.


Ted Bell and his son are staying at the distinguished guest quarters at the Air Force base. Today is a planned day off, mainly to acclimate, meet everyone that we have only been corresponding with through email, and also try this curry place on the bottom level of the hotel. From my end the responsibilities are to make sure that I'm prepared to capture whatever happens in front of the camera- and remember to have the batteries charged. MW