Poetry of the People with Evelyn Berry

This week's Poet of the People is Evelyn Berry. Over a decade ago, led by Evelyn Berry, an inspired group of Aiken High School students would pile in a car and journey to Columbia to attend Mind Gravy Poetry. I am fortunate to still know several of them through the wonder of Facebook—and Evelyn continues to lead and soar above us all. Some day, we will say we knew and were energized by Evelyn Berry on her way up and be grateful for the experience.

-Al Black

Evelyn Berry is a trans, Southern writer, editor, and educator. She's the author of Grief Slut (Sundress Publications, 2024). She's a recipient of a 2023 National Endowment for the Arts Poetry Fellowship and lives in Columbia, South Carolina.

Self-Portrait at Nineteen 

All summer, I worked shifts at Old Navy

& snorted molly from an iPhone screen

in the backseat of a car parked nowhere,

a happy heathen not yet grief-plundered.


Once, I was a boy unafraid to die.

I would swallow almost anything meant

to kill me if, at first, it got me high:

pills left over from surgery pilfered


from my parents’ medicine cabinet,

coffee cups of dark liquor, gas station

feasts, bounty of grease, sugar, cigarettes.

How else to parachute from the body?


Aliveness, this useless extravagance

I have wasted once before, but no more.

prodigal daughter 

what I know of sin, i learned in the sty

amid the swine, slurped mud and called it wine.

femme-fouled boy, faggot-spoiled sacrifice

offered at the altar and abandoned.


forgive my reckless want, lord, to belong

as more than soiled sacrament, fat sow

knife-split to gorge the prophets of gendered

violence. prayer, in their hands, a blade.


what do i know of penitence, patience,

except once the lord sent frenzied demons

into a drove of blameless pigs to drown?

how did we decide which beast to slaughter?


lord, i too am an impure animal.

i left home a son, return a daughter.



After Mary Evelyn Pickering De Morgan


Once, the goddess of dawn cried out, forlorn,

her son cast into dirt beyond the walls of Troy,

Achilles’ sword drawn through his chest,

his soul gone, replaced with a feathered flock.


Her tears poured graceless as swans,

like a vase overflowing with morning dew

until grief bloomed new gardens.

Describe to me the weight of this.


Mourning replenishes the earth, ushers

Soil into rebirth, new river traced

from the boy’s doomed blue veins.

What is a song worth without its wound?


Let me, for once, taste paradise without the tinge of blood.

Let me glimpse the cusp of dawn without the flood of night.


The Decoy

            After John Collier


To be painted femme fatale, condemned fatal:

a woman’s beauty is a dangerous deception

in the hands of a man who demands

to own her like a plucked rose.


Let me be the decoy instead,

damsel in undress, glinting

luminescent like a knife

bound to my ankle.

Join Us Under the Jasper Literary Arts Tent at Rosewood Art & Music Festival – October 7th

You’re invited to join the Jasper Project and some of your favorite local writers of poetry and prose under the Jasper Literary Arts Tent at the 2023 Rosewood Art & Music Festival on Saturday, October 7th from noon – 5 pm.*

You’ll get to hear some of your favorite Columbia-based writers read from a selection of their works, purchase their books, and then meet the authors and have your books signed.

*Authors will read during the first half of each hour and then sign and greet friends during the second half of each hour.

901 S Holly St, Columbia, SC 29205


Noon – 1 pm

Carla Damron

Jane Zenger

Sandra Johnson


1 – 2 pm

Evelyn Berry

Debbie Daniel

Susan Craig


2 - 3 pm

Terri McCord

Ann Chadwell Humphries

Robert (Bo) Petersen


3 – 4 pm

Jo Angela Edwins

Randy Spencer

Kristine Hartvigsen


4 – 5 pm

Al Black

Ed Madden

Cassie Premo Steele

For more information about the performing and visual artists you’ll see at the Rosewood Art & Music Festival, check out the festival website!

Evelyn Berry, South Carolina Poet and Author 2023 National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellow

“At our time when the lives and future of queer people seem to be precariously endangered, I want to share stories of how we have survived, how we will continue to survive.”

Evelyn Berry


Congratulations to Evelyn Berry (she/her) for being awarded a 2023 National Endowment for the Arts Creative Writing Fellow. A trans author from Aiken, South Carolina, she is best known for her poetry. She published the chapbook Buggery (Bateau Press, 2020) which received the 2019/2020 BOOM Chapbook Prize from Bateau Press and has the upcoming poetry collection GRIEF SLUT due to be released in 2024 (Sundress Publications). In 2022 she received the Dr. Linda Veldheer Memorial Prize and was awarded the 2019 Broad River Prize for Prose in the Jasper Project’s Fall Lines literary journal, and the 2018 Emrys Poetry Prize, among other honors.

Other pieces of her work can be viewed in GASHER, Beloit Poetry Journal, Raleigh Review, Gigantic Sequins, Anti-Heroin Chic, petrichor, beestung, Taco Bell Quarterly, Underblong, and elsewhere.

Thirty-six fellows, including Berry, were selected through an anonymous review process, and judged on artistic excellence for the award. NEA’s Director of Literacy Arts Amy Stolls explains, “their poetry explodes with originality in form and content, offering powerful reflections of the pain and joy of our modern times.” (www.arts.gov, January 12, 2023). They received funding through this award to advance their literary careers. Berry describes this award as “a life-changing achievement

Berry’s desire, through this award, is to continue to “write poetry and prose that make visual the lives of transgender people in the American South, an often-hostile place I call home.” She states that receiving the $25,000 award allows “for the purchase a working automobile, to better afford healthcare, and to afford rent in a time of escalating inflation” which gives her more time to write. (www.arts.gov, January 12, 2023)

Berry wants to access archives and research to better understand the “legacies of queer communities in South Carolina.” In her personal statement to the National Endowment for Arts, Berry says, “At our time when the lives and future of queer people seem to be precariously endangered, I want to share stories of how we have survived, how we will continue to survive.” She continues to describe the importance and life changing effects of writing for herself and others, “Queer stories and poems have helped reflect myself back to me, have helped me imagine a future in which I was still alive. Trans people have always belonged in the South, and we will always belong here.” (www.arts.gov, January 12, 2023)

Visit www.evelynberrywriter.com to read about her literary work and accomplishments, and about her work as museum educational specialist and freelance editor in Columbia.

To view the complete Evelyn Berry release from the National Endowment of the Arts visit www.arts.gov/impact/literary-arts/creative-writing-fellows/evelyn-berry

To view bios and artist statements from all the 2023 recipients and past Creative Writing Fellows visit www.arts.gov.

— Ginny Merett