Giving Thanks: The Jasper Project Board of Directors Share What They Are Thankful for in the Midlands Arts Community

“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”

- William Faulkner

We asked the Jasper Project Board of Directors and Jasper Magazine Editorial Staff to share what they are most thankful for from the Midlands Area Arts community and here’s what some of them said.

I will be forever grateful to Anastasia Chernoff for encouraging me when I thought "I'm not good enough" and for Bohumila Augustinova's continued encouragement and inclusion in all things art. Columbia has a wonderful arts community with amazing talent and I am happy to know so many of them.

-          Diane Hare, Jasper Board Secretary


I am thankful for the USC art department annual holiday art sell - I always get something really cool from the art students and staff. 

I am thankful for the restaurants and businesses that let Jasper Galleries show artwork in their spaces.  Shout out to:  Motor Supply, Harbison Theatre, Sounds Bites, Bourbon, and the Meridian building.  

I am thankful for Cindi and Bob who are very generous all year with their time, talents, and donations to keep Jasper Project going for the Midlands.

-          Bert Easter, Jasper Galleries and Projects


This is such an easy question that it’s difficult.  I am thankful first and foremost for having so many gifted friends who are so easy to admire.  Sometimes I forget that not all lives are filled with rich conversations and deep laughter, so I must take this moment to heartily congratulate myself on the quality of my associations.  But if I have to be specific, and I feel I do, I must thank Trustus Theatre for opening their arms and hearts and doors to me—doors to opportunity, to a life in the theater, to a wider arts community, to moments of great joy.  I’m thankful for Trustus Theatre who continually strives to bring lively and poignant shows to Columbia. I’m grateful for both the ridiculously talented actors who bring these performances to life and to the passionate staff & crew who make Trustus so perpetually welcoming and warm. Without Trustus my life would have been very different and much, much, much smaller.  But now, in my second act, it’s Jasper and Muddy Ford Press who have given me a sense of validation and Things To Do that I find worth doing.   If you’re reading this—and you cannot deny that you are—you are very likely one of the people who has made my life a good one, and I’m thankful for you. 

-          Jon Tuttle, Jasper Play Right Series Manager


I am thankful for First Thursdays. Being able to go to a free monthly art and music event is really special. 

-          Bekah Rice, Jasper Digital Manager, Sundays with Jasper, Projects


I am truly thankful for the vibrant arts scene in Columbia SC which ranges from classical to cutting edge!  For a city of this size, the breadth, depth, and quality of our arts and entertainment industry is truly amazing. I am grateful to Jasper Magazine for the way it covers all of what’s going on in this space.  And of course, I am grateful that The Palmetto Opera can be part of it all!

-          Paul Leo. PRS Community Producer and Opera Liaison


I’m thankful for Trustus Theatre who continually strives to bring lively and poignant shows to Columbia. I’m grateful for both the ridiculously talented actors who bring these performances to life and to the passionate staff & crew who make Trustus so perpetually welcoming and warm. 

-          Christina Xan, Jasper Board Treasurer, Galleries and Projects


I’m thankful for this job at Harbison Theatre at Midlands Technical College, a place that allows me to be a creative programmer as well as to support the local arts community. What a gift when your work brings you so much joy. 

I’m thankful for Jasper Magazine.  Jasper has introduced me to so many new friends and artists.  People who I now consider my chosen family.  What a gift to have this beautiful publication to showcase the myriad of artists and arts opportunities in the area. 

I’m thankful for my latest theatrical opportunity and the NiA Company for taking a chance on me with their production of Riff Raff.  What a gift to perform and to challenge yourself as an actor. 

-          Kristin Cobb. Jasper Board VP, Harbison Theatre ED 

I'm thankful for the vibrant and active venues in our local music scene; from the locals-friendly mainstay Art Bar to the seemingly endless supply of touring acts (with local support, yay) that Carlin Thompson has been booking into New Brookland Tavern, the opportunity to see even bigger acts at The Senate and even smaller ones at Uncle Festers, Foxfield, Curiosity Coffee, and more. In my 30 years of being involved in the local scene, I think this may be the most active period I've ever seen. 

-          Kevin Oliver, Jasper Magazine Music Editor


I’m incredibly thankful for this cohesive community of artists and arts patrons. I especially appreciate three sets of people including the restaurant owners and managers who allow Jasper to hang the art of Columbia-based artists on their walls, which supports both artists and the Jasper mission. Thank you Motor Supply Bistro, Sound Bites, and Bourbon Columbia.

I’m also very thankful for the advertisers in Jasper Magazine who are, in fact, more sponsors than clients. They recognize that advertising in Jasper is less a business decision and more a decision to support our entire community of artists via the work of Jasper. Believe me, we know who our friends are, and we support them as much as we can, too. Thank you, Columbia Museum of Art, Harbison Theatre, Trustus Theatre, Workshop Theatre, Palmetto Opera, and University of SC Department of Theatre and Dance.

Finally, I’m thankful for the friends and colleagues who have gone to the trouble of joining the Jasper Guild. From the Artist Peer level at $25 all the way up to the Hero level at $1000, your support is a vote of confidence for those of us on the Jasper Project Board and the Jasper Magazine Editorial Staff. The money helps us fulfill our mission, yes, but the gesture continues to us keep going and moving forward for the past 11 years.  


-          Cindi Boiter, Jasper Project ED

Jasper Welcomes Lucas Sams to First Thursday at the Bourbon Courtyard

It’s the Jasper Project’s second First Thursday at the Bourbon Courtyard and, this time, we’re excited to welcome Columbia-based visual artist Lucas Sams.

Sams is a multi-media artist living and working in Columbia, SC; an alumnus of the SC Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities, the University of South Carolina, and Temple University, Tokyo, working in painting, sculpture, film, digital/multimedia, sound and installation art, with works exhibited in major art festivals, galleries and alternative spaces, and featured in Jasper Magazine, the SC State Newspaper, Garnet and Black Magazine, and the Timber Journal of the University of Colorado, Boulder.

Sams is bringing a selection of his work to the Bourbon Courtyard for a one-night-only exhibit on Thursday, October 6th, as part of First Thursdays on Main.

Start your evening as early as 5 pm with a cocktail from Bourbon’s cutting-edge bar offerings while enjoying the art and chatting with the artist, then move on down Main Street to Columbia Museum of Art and one block over to Sumter Street and Sound Bites Eatery where Jasper is also hosting the opening night reception for First Thursday Artist in Residence, Marius Valdes.

It’s just like old times and we can’t wait to see you on and off the streets!

Jasper Announces 2014 JAYS

(L - R) Kathleen Robbins, Greg Stuart, Darien Cavanaugh, Cindi Boiter, Katie Smoak, Rhonda Hunsinger accepting on behalf of her daughter Catherine Hunsinger Jasper Magazine is delighted to announce the winners of the 2014 Jasper Artists of the Year awards. Winners were announced on Friday, November 21st at a fundraiser gala for the magazine at Columbia’s historic Big Apple at Park and Hampton Streets, amongst a crowd of 150 guests.

Winners include Katie Smoak for dance, Darien Cavanaugh for literary arts, Greg Stuart for music, Kathleen Robbins for visual art, and Catherine Hunsinger for theatre.

The evening’s entertainment was provided by swing dance masters Richard Durlach and Breedlove, who are featured in the November/December issue of Jasper Magazine, and who demonstrated and taught attendees how to dance the Big Apple dance, made famous in 1937 at the historic Columbia location. Vicky Saye Henderson and the Apple Jacks, a new period musical ensemble comprised of Greg Apple, Christopher Cockrell, Chase Nelson, and Henderson, entertained with songs from the era, and Terrence Henderson emceed the event. Catering was provided by Scott Hall Catering. Rob Sprankle was the photographer.

Sponsors for the evening included Bourbon Columbia, City Art Gallery, HoFP Gallery, Peter Korper Realty, Coal Powered Filmworks, Burt Pardue, Billy Guess, Jody and Jeff Salter, Pura Wellness Spa, and an anonymous donor. The gala committee was comprised of Lauren Michalski, Bohumila Augustinova, Rosalind Graverson, Margey Bolen, Annie Boiter-Jolley, and Jasper editor Cindi Boiter.

Nominees for Jasper Artist of the Year (JAY) were solicited from the public early this fall based on individual artistic achievement from September 15, 2013 until September 15 2014. Committees of experts in each of the disciplines reviewed the nominations and narrowed the candidates down to three finalists in each field. The public was then invited once again to vote on their choices in each of the five categories. Finalists in dance were Smoak, Thaddeus Davis, and Caroline Lewis Jones; in literary arts, Cavanaugh, Julia Elliott, and Alexis Stratton; in music, Stuart, the Can’t Kids, and the Mobros; in visual arts, Robbins, James Busby, and Eileen Blyth; and, in theatre, Hunsinger, Robert Richmond, and Frank Thompson.

Outgoing JAYS for 2013 include Terrance Henderson for dance, Vicky Saye Henderson for theatre, the Restoration for music, Philip Mullen for visual art, and Janna McMahan for literary art.

For more information on Jasper and the 2014 JAYS visit