Giving Thanks: The Jasper Project Board of Directors Share What They Are Thankful for in the Midlands Arts Community

“Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: It must be produced and discharged and used up in order to exist at all.”

- William Faulkner

We asked the Jasper Project Board of Directors and Jasper Magazine Editorial Staff to share what they are most thankful for from the Midlands Area Arts community and here’s what some of them said.

I will be forever grateful to Anastasia Chernoff for encouraging me when I thought "I'm not good enough" and for Bohumila Augustinova's continued encouragement and inclusion in all things art. Columbia has a wonderful arts community with amazing talent and I am happy to know so many of them.

-          Diane Hare, Jasper Board Secretary


I am thankful for the USC art department annual holiday art sell - I always get something really cool from the art students and staff. 

I am thankful for the restaurants and businesses that let Jasper Galleries show artwork in their spaces.  Shout out to:  Motor Supply, Harbison Theatre, Sounds Bites, Bourbon, and the Meridian building.  

I am thankful for Cindi and Bob who are very generous all year with their time, talents, and donations to keep Jasper Project going for the Midlands.

-          Bert Easter, Jasper Galleries and Projects


This is such an easy question that it’s difficult.  I am thankful first and foremost for having so many gifted friends who are so easy to admire.  Sometimes I forget that not all lives are filled with rich conversations and deep laughter, so I must take this moment to heartily congratulate myself on the quality of my associations.  But if I have to be specific, and I feel I do, I must thank Trustus Theatre for opening their arms and hearts and doors to me—doors to opportunity, to a life in the theater, to a wider arts community, to moments of great joy.  I’m thankful for Trustus Theatre who continually strives to bring lively and poignant shows to Columbia. I’m grateful for both the ridiculously talented actors who bring these performances to life and to the passionate staff & crew who make Trustus so perpetually welcoming and warm. Without Trustus my life would have been very different and much, much, much smaller.  But now, in my second act, it’s Jasper and Muddy Ford Press who have given me a sense of validation and Things To Do that I find worth doing.   If you’re reading this—and you cannot deny that you are—you are very likely one of the people who has made my life a good one, and I’m thankful for you. 

-          Jon Tuttle, Jasper Play Right Series Manager


I am thankful for First Thursdays. Being able to go to a free monthly art and music event is really special. 

-          Bekah Rice, Jasper Digital Manager, Sundays with Jasper, Projects


I am truly thankful for the vibrant arts scene in Columbia SC which ranges from classical to cutting edge!  For a city of this size, the breadth, depth, and quality of our arts and entertainment industry is truly amazing. I am grateful to Jasper Magazine for the way it covers all of what’s going on in this space.  And of course, I am grateful that The Palmetto Opera can be part of it all!

-          Paul Leo. PRS Community Producer and Opera Liaison


I’m thankful for Trustus Theatre who continually strives to bring lively and poignant shows to Columbia. I’m grateful for both the ridiculously talented actors who bring these performances to life and to the passionate staff & crew who make Trustus so perpetually welcoming and warm. 

-          Christina Xan, Jasper Board Treasurer, Galleries and Projects


I’m thankful for this job at Harbison Theatre at Midlands Technical College, a place that allows me to be a creative programmer as well as to support the local arts community. What a gift when your work brings you so much joy. 

I’m thankful for Jasper Magazine.  Jasper has introduced me to so many new friends and artists.  People who I now consider my chosen family.  What a gift to have this beautiful publication to showcase the myriad of artists and arts opportunities in the area. 

I’m thankful for my latest theatrical opportunity and the NiA Company for taking a chance on me with their production of Riff Raff.  What a gift to perform and to challenge yourself as an actor. 

-          Kristin Cobb. Jasper Board VP, Harbison Theatre ED 

I'm thankful for the vibrant and active venues in our local music scene; from the locals-friendly mainstay Art Bar to the seemingly endless supply of touring acts (with local support, yay) that Carlin Thompson has been booking into New Brookland Tavern, the opportunity to see even bigger acts at The Senate and even smaller ones at Uncle Festers, Foxfield, Curiosity Coffee, and more. In my 30 years of being involved in the local scene, I think this may be the most active period I've ever seen. 

-          Kevin Oliver, Jasper Magazine Music Editor


I’m incredibly thankful for this cohesive community of artists and arts patrons. I especially appreciate three sets of people including the restaurant owners and managers who allow Jasper to hang the art of Columbia-based artists on their walls, which supports both artists and the Jasper mission. Thank you Motor Supply Bistro, Sound Bites, and Bourbon Columbia.

I’m also very thankful for the advertisers in Jasper Magazine who are, in fact, more sponsors than clients. They recognize that advertising in Jasper is less a business decision and more a decision to support our entire community of artists via the work of Jasper. Believe me, we know who our friends are, and we support them as much as we can, too. Thank you, Columbia Museum of Art, Harbison Theatre, Trustus Theatre, Workshop Theatre, Palmetto Opera, and University of SC Department of Theatre and Dance.

Finally, I’m thankful for the friends and colleagues who have gone to the trouble of joining the Jasper Guild. From the Artist Peer level at $25 all the way up to the Hero level at $1000, your support is a vote of confidence for those of us on the Jasper Project Board and the Jasper Magazine Editorial Staff. The money helps us fulfill our mission, yes, but the gesture continues to us keep going and moving forward for the past 11 years.  


-          Cindi Boiter, Jasper Project ED

A message from Cindi

Look at these amazing Jasper supporters! Every year for Mardi Gras the Krewe de Jasper Arts gathers to celebrate the arts. Like most of our Jasper projects, it costs very little — mostly just time and energy — but it delivers an incredible sense of purpose, community, and joy. Please plan to march with us in 2023.

Hi Friends!

I’m coming to you once again to ask for your help in bringing to fruition a project that I’ve devoted almost twelve years to–the publication of Jasper Magazine.

As you probably know, Jasper is a grass roots non-profit with no paid employees—including me! Every penny that comes into the Jasper Project goes back out to artists either in the form of promotion, sharing their work via events, or actually as remittance for their work. Other than insurance and a few cyber fees, we have no overhead that would suck up any money you might give. No office, no desks, no benefits.

But we do have an amazing working board of directors and helpers and a volunteer staff, made up of your friends and colleagues, all of whom have invested their energy and talent into the Jasper mission.

Mission Statement

The Jasper Project is a project-oriented, multidisciplinary arts facilitator serving the greater Columbia and South Carolina communities by providing collaborative arts engineering and community-wide arts communication.


The Jasper Project Priorities

The Jasper Project is committed to four integrated priorities:

  • Process – illuminating the unique processes endemic to all art forms in order to provide a greater level of understanding and respect for that discipline.

  • Community/Collaboration – nurturing community both within and between arts disciplines.

  • Narrative – creating a more positive and progressive understanding of SC culture.

  • Economy – being efficient stewards of arts funding committed to creating more with less.

But to be honest, because we’re small and facing greater and greater costs of publishing Jasper, we’re finding it harder and harder to keep Jasper free. Call us naïve, but we really hope we can continue to put Jasper into the hands of everyone, no matter what their ability to pay, for as long as we can.

So, I’m coming to you once again, our readers, supporters, colleagues, and friends, to ask for your help in continuing the work of the Jasper Project and publishing Jasper Magazine. The fall 2022 magazine is written and ready to go to the printer. We have stories about the Midlands beloved Jazz scene, artists Jim Arendt, Wilma King, Elizabeth Catlett, Jamie Blackburn, stories about three local films—two of which made it to the Tribeca film festival this year, poetry, book reviews, album reviews, and so much more!

Publishing this issue of Jasper will cost well over $10K. Please donate whatever you can at our website , on Facebook, or by joining the Jasper Guild.

I can’t thank you enough for your generous support over the past 11+ years. It’s because of donors and helpers and good-hearted people who believe in arts at the grass-roots level that the Jasper Project has grown to be the force that it is, impacting thousands of Midlands artists and arts lovers each year with our events, publications, and more than 20 active projects.

Thank you. And remember there is always a place for you at Jasper.

Take care,


This is me at the launch of Jasper Magazine in 2011. I’m holding the first ever Jasper featuring one of my favorite artists, David Yaghjian, on the cover. Next month, Jasper will install David’s art in one of our captured galleries at MTC’s Harbison Theatre lobby. We’ve grown a lot in the 11 years since we started, but we’re still here for the arts and the artists we value so highly. Thank you for your continued support of the Jasper Project and Jasper Magazine.

Celebrating the Jasper Guild!

At the Jasper Project, we celebrate the community members who join us in our mission of promoting, supporting, and shining a bright and loving light on the members of the greater SC Midlands Arts community by joining the Jasper Guild.

Thank you to the newest members of the Jasper Guild and Welcome to the Jasper Family!

April 2022

Al Black                                               ALLY

Clark Ellefson                                      ALLY

Kimber Carpenter                               ARTIST PEER

John Casey                                          ADVOCATE

Pat Gillam                                           ARTIST PEER

Phillip Bush                                         FRIEND


March 2022

Bekah Rice                                          FRIEND

Jane Zenger                                         CHAMPION


Feb 2022

Gail Anastasion                                   ARTIST PEER

Terri McLaughlin                                FRIEND

Randy Spencer                                    ADVOCATE


Jan 2022

Susan Craig                                         ALLY

Richard Laymon                                  CHAMPION

Arthur Turfa                                        FRIEND

If YOU would like to join the Jasper Guild — or join the Jasper Family in some other role — please visit

the Jasper Project website

by the end of this week so YOUR NAME will be in the next issue of Jasper Magazine. releasing May 2022!

CORONA TIMES - Bonnie Goldberg Shares her Thoughts on Painting, the Pandemic, and Virtual Art Friends with Jasper

Photo by Anastasia Chernoff

Photo by Anastasia Chernoff

I was born in Columbia so I have definitely been here a long time!  I received my degree in sociology from the University of South Carolina and got married shortly after graduation.  I definitely thought that I would be someone who would save the world! 

Being a part of the art world affords me the opportunity to meet and engage with so many people…and art is so healing and powerful…I do believe that artists have an impact on the world in a very positive manner.  The arts show us who we are…where we come from…where we want to go.  I have been drawing and painting for 30 years and feel that the journey is one that has enriched my life in so many ways.  I am so fortunate to have had this in my life and I know that art is something that I can always do and make and create and share.

I started painting when my children were teenagers. I knew that I didn’t want to be an empty nester with no direction and I had always wanted to start painting, so I took some courses at Columbia College. From there, I went on to study with some wonderful artists at workshops out of town. Art became an important part of my life and I have never looked back.  

I have always drawn and painted from life. I worked from a live model several times a week for 20 plus years, and although I also paint pure non-objective abstracts as well, figurative work remains my main focus. 

bonnie G 5.jpg

I now work from reference materials of my own work…reworking an old painting, repainting an old drawing, reimagining an old image…Alex Powers used to tell me to do 5 or 6 interpretations of the same  piece and this is how I work now. Different versions of the same subject yield new interpretations…more abstract, more color, more experimentation. This has allowed me a greater freedom in my work and has allowed me to continue working and growing during the pandemic. 

I have sold over 900 pieces of art over the last 30 years…drawings and paintings…and I have photographed them all.  So now I am able to take the work that I previously did and use the photo references to do new versions. Although the originals are long gone, the artist always retains ownership of the images, so I have lots of reference material to work from.  

I do occasionally hire a model (not during the last year since the pandemic) and I will do commissions from photographs of people who want to be the subject of my work so I have that as well. The pandemic has actually offered me the opportunity to work more…grow more…and reach more people. I use social media to promote my work and because people are home and on social media more than ever, I find that I am reaching a larger audience than ever.

My conversations with my artist friends still happen…we still share our work and talk about art…just not in person.   I look forward to the in person again…I really miss it…but it has not kept us from sharing and loving what we do.

I am also represented by galleries and interior designers, and they too, have found that the audiences for art have grown with the increasing use of social media. Art has sold really well this past year…the galleries and designers have sold my work as well.  I think the focus of being at home gave the art buying public more time to look and reach out to artists for work. I have had several commissions as well and I think my connections to people who love art have grown.

So, for me, the art has not suffered during this time.  I am so grateful for this and for the opportunity and the time to focus on this part of my life that I love so much.  

Bonnie G 1.jpg

One of the great pleasures of my art is the friends that I make…both with artists and patrons. I often have repeat sales to people who collect my art and these people often become my treasured friends; but in the meantime, we have email and text, Instagram and Facebook.

And I find that I can deliver the art easily…by shipping or meeting at an outdoor space and delivering the art from the trunk of my car. Curbside art deliveries!

My conversations with my artist friends still happen…we still share our work and talk about art…just not in person.   I look forward to the in person again…I really miss it…but it has not kept us from sharing and loving what we do.

bonnie G 4.jpg

There is definitely a “magic” to painting someone in person…. “magic” to interact as artist and model…and “magic” to interact as artist to artist in a room full of working artists. But we have all had to adjust and I do believe that artists know how to adapt and grow in many different circumstances.

I see brilliant work on Instagram from artists all over the world. And they reach out and communicate with each other…I have artist connections all over the world now….someone in South America will like something that I post and reach out via private message and we share what we do.  I think it is an amazing thing that is happening right now in the art world.  I have always studied art and artists…people like Schiele and Modigliani and Picasso and Hoffman, Richter and Diebenkorn….I love their work…but the current artists are fantastic and creative and wonderful…and everyone shares their art on Instagram. So, we all learn and grow from each other.

Bonnie G 2.jpg

I don’t have any shows coming up but I do show my work on Facebook, Instagram, and on my website plus I am represented by the Anne Neilson Fine Art Gallery in Charlotte and Meredith Christenberry  Designs in Columbia. I retain the right to represent myself and sell my own work in Columbia so people are free to call me and come by my studio in the Arcade on Main…1332 Main Street…Suite 221 upstairs. I am back working in the studio again after a year of working mostly at home. And I do insist on people wearing a mask in the studio until we are free of this virus, but I do have a lot of work on the walls in the studio and it is always visible whether I am there or not.

I would end by saying that this year has truly been a nightmare for all of us. We have not been able to spend time with the people we love most…children, grandchildren, friends, parents. My Dad died in June and my Mom and my family and I have had to navigate his loss in the midst of a pandemic, but we survived the struggle and for that, we are grateful.

So many people have lost so much…and the world has suffered so much…but hopefully, we have all grown and learned something about ourselves and our lives; and as we return to normality, perhaps we will take some good from the experience and move forward into our lives stronger, healthier, more knowledgeable, and perhaps, happier….knowing  that we did survive and now have more opportunities to live and laugh and love.

And of course, create.




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Win Passes to World Premiere of Cinema Purgatorio

cinema purg Yes, summer is finally making its way to Columbia after a spring that teased far more than delivered and, before you know it, events will thin out, you might not have to wait to get a table at Cellar on Greene, and you may even find a booth at The Whig. Those who know Columbia know that part of our culture is to sort of go underground during the summer months. We’re not sure whether it’s because we’re a college town or whether we’re so perfectly positioned between the mountains and the shore that it’s hard to stay put during summer days – or whether it’s just so damn hot here in July that we just can’t stand it. But we are what we are, and you have to love us.

That said, don’t put away your opera glasses and pearls quite yet. (Pfft! Who has opera glasses or wears pearls to most of Columbia’s events? Show off!) Jasper has several important arts events on our upcoming radar, so don’t pack your bags just yet.

Chris White & Emily Reach White


Sunday, June 1st – Cinema Purgatorio World Premiere

We’re delighted that SC filmmaking team Emily Reach & Chris White of Paris Mountain Scout productions chose Columbia to premiere their latest film, Cinema Purgatorio. You might remember the Whites from their previous feature films Taken In (2011) and Get Better (2012). Not only do the husband-and-wife team of Chris and Emily have strong ties to Columbia, but two of the actors in the film walked right off of Main Street.

While local filmmaker/actor Jeff Driggers plays the pushy documentarian Clark Wiggins, Alex Smith, whose work ranges from the stage to the studio to the screen, plays a pretentious filmmaker named Dos Midler. (Alex is also a staff writer for Jasper, and Jeff won the Jasper Award at Hub City’s Expecting Goodness Film Festival last June. Both were chosen to participate in Jasper’s Second Act Film Festival last October.) In addition, Columbia photographer Sean Rayford will be shooting red carpet photos at the first screening and the reception at Bourbon.

Jeff Driggers


Alex Smith


What’s more, the after party at The Art Bar will feature live music by  Shallow Palace and Mel Washington. Tickets to either screening include admission to the after-party.

As a sponsor of Cinema Purgatorio, Jasper invites everyone to come out and support independent filmmaking for the premiere showing on June 1st at IT-ology.  By purchasing your tickets at this special Jasper site, you’ll also be supporting Jasper Magazine.

But there’s more. Everyone who joins the Jasper Guild this week – at any level – will be entered to win two Gold Pass tickets to the premiere, including passes to the Producer’s Reception.  (Those who join at the $25 level will be entered once; those at the $50 level - twice, those at the $100 level - four times, at the $250 - 10 times.) Drawing will take place on Saturday afternoon, May 31st and the winner will be notified by email and announced on Facebook and Twitter. For more on the Jasper Guild -- see Below.


Isn’t it time for YOU to join the Jasper Guild?

The Jasper Guild is a group of supporting artists and arts lovers who appreciate not only the vital Columbia, SC arts scene, but the magazine devoted to promoting it. Members of the Jasper Guild recognize the labor-of-love that is Jasper and work to do their parts to ensure that Jasper continues to publish a 100% LOCAL & artist-produced magazine. You’re invited to join us in our mission to make Columbia, SC the Southeast arts capitol by becoming a member of the Jasper Guild. And the next time you open a copy of Jasper you’ll be able to say,

“I helped make this happen and here’s my name to prove it!”

  • Apprentice – 1 year delivery of Jasper & your name listed in Jasper for 1 year $50
  • Journeyman – above + your name in print in LARGE LETTERS $100
  • Master – above + a non-transferable Econobar PASS for 1 year $250
  • Centerfold Sponsorship above + your name/dedication printed on the centerfold $500
  • Publisher above + your choice of 3 books from the Muddy Ford Press catalogue $1000

 “But I’m just a starving artist myself,” you say?

  • Artist Peer - Practicing artists in dance, theatre, music, film, visual & literary arts are invited to join The Jasper Guild at a reduced rate & see your name in Jasper for 1 year $25

Join NOW!





Win tickets to see Chris Mann + other goodies by joining the Jasper Guild TODAY!

chris mann

Jasper is having a Guild Drive and everybody wins!

Join the Jasper Guild by noon on Saturday, October 19th -- at any level -- and be entered to win the following:


  • TWO TICKETS to see The Voice star Chris Mann in concert at the Newberry Opera House on Sunday, Oct. 20th at 3 PM

chris mann 2


  • TWO TICKETS to Columbia City Ballet's presentation of Dracula  (with new music & choreography starring TV's Grant Show as Dracula)


Grant Show


  • A 2013 2nd Act Film Festival DVD film collection & new MFP publication Jasper presents The 2nd Act Film Festival Screenplays, edited by Wade Sellers and Cindi Boiter

2nd act single cam


  • A copy of The Limelight:  A Compendium of Contemporary Columbia Artists, volume 1 (MFP, 2013)


And since


all new guild members will receive one of Jasper's limited edition backpacks and two Jasper coozies, all sporting Jasper's brand new banner & logo, designed by Jasper art director, W. Heyward Sims.

Here's all you do:

Copy and paste the form below, complete it,* and send it to Jasper's friendly operations manager Annie at

Drawing will be held on Saturday, October 19th at noon and winners will be notified no later than 3 pm on Saturday.

And remember -- EVERYBODY WINS!


Jasper Guild Membership Form    

One of the best bits about working on Jasper Magazine is the support we get from our community. You’ve been gracious and generous with your words of encouragement — and it means the world to us. We’d like to offer you the opportunity to become even more involved — the chance to open up the next issue of Jasper and be able to say out loud, 

“I helped make this happen and here’s my name to prove it!”

You’re invited to become a member of


Apprentice – 1 year delivery of Jasper Magazine to your home & your name listed in Jasper Magazine for 1 year $50


Journeyman –the above + your name in print in LARGE LETTERS $100


Master – all the above + a non-transferable laminated Econobar PASS good for 1 year



 “But I’m just a starving artist myself,” you say?

Artist Peer - Practicing artists in dance, theatre, music, visual arts, film, & literary arts are invited to join The Jasper Guild at a reduced rate & see your name in Jasper Magazine for 1 year $25


Jasper Guild Application

Please complete all of the info requested below.

Name ________________________________

Address ______________________________

City & zip _____________________________

Email ________________________________

Phone _______________________________

Level of commitment ____________________

How would you like your name to appear in Jasper? (Please Print)


Do you want Jasper mailed to your home? 

yes, please           or           no, thank you 



Credit card # ______________________________

Expiration date _________Security code ________________

Zip code _________________


Please print and send the above form to:

*don't forget your cc #

On behalf of all of us at Jasper --Thank You!


Line-up for Jasper Volume 002, Number 001 Release Event this Thursday

If you've been hearing about the big shindig Jasper is planning to celebrate the release of the first magazine in VOLUME TWO of our little publication, then you know how excited all of us on the Jasper staff and in the Jasper Family* are. The event is this Thursday night at the Arcade Studios on Main and Washington Streets in downtown Columbia -- we'll start about 7 and proceed through the night with food, fun, adult beverages, and all kinds of art.

Here is a rundown of what to expect and when to expect it.**

7:00 -- Doors Open -- Open house in Jasper Studios #75 upstairs

7:30 -- World Premiere Film, THE CRICKET TRIAL, starring Scott Stepp and Trey King, directed by Jeff Driggers; Drew Baron, producer (Jasper Studios #75)

8:00 -- Don McCallister will be reading from his new novel, Fellow Traveler, coming in October from Muddy Ford Press   (Jasper Studios #75)

8:00 -- Countertenor Danny Jenkins will perform in the Arcade Atrium (Washington Street side)

8:30 -- Centerfold signing by surprise artist (Jasper Studios #75)

8:30 -- Marshall Brown performs (Arcade Atrium, Washington Street Side)

9:00 -- Don McAllister second reading (Jasper Studios #75)

9:30 -- THE CRICKET TRIAL second showing with repeat showings throughout the remainder of the evening (Jasper Studios #75)

9:30 -- Devils in Disguise band performs (Arcade Atrium, Washington Street Side)

Throughout the Arcade, please visit the following Arcade Studio Artists who will have their studios open at times of their own discretion during the evening:

Blue Sky     Bonnie Goldberg     Tish Lowe     Eileen Blyth     Beth West

Mike Spotts     Payton Frawley     Leah Avery     Walton Selig

Martha Thomas     Suzi Shealy     Page Morris

Bryce Dixon     Whitney LeJeune     Veronica Jeffcoat

Guest Artists from the September issue of Jasper will also be on hand showing samples of their work.

Chef Joe Turkaly will be serving up the results of the fine art of BBQ ($).

The Jasper EconoBar will be in full swing with cheap beer $3, decent wine $4, and big spender craft brew $4***

Paradise Ice will have their cart of cold sweet yumminess ($).

Artisanal jewelry and candles will be available via LA Ti Da and Southern Baked Candles.

Learn about upcoming arts events from Trenholm Artists Guild and the Rosewood Arts Festival, Columbia City Ballet, and more.

And here's one more thing --

Against the likely good advice of our friends and family, Jasper has decided to continue to put together these lovely celebrations free of charge. It's important to us that everyone be able to get in the door and experience this fascinating amalgam of performing and visual arts that we get to write about and photograph for Jasper Magazine on a daily basis.

At the end of our first year, we are delighted that issue No. 001, Volume 002 is the first issue that has paid for itself (before paying out commissions and honoraria to our talented staff of writers, photographers, and our heart-of-gold designer). We've come a long way in a year and we're very proud of the work we do.

That said, it's a labor of love.

If you love our labor and would like to pitch 10 cents or 10 bucks into the pot to help Jasper continue to grow healthy and strong, we'd like to help you do that -- and we'd like to publicly give you credit for having done so!

Please visit the Jasper Studios in the Arcade upstairs in suite #75 Thursday night and see one of our staff members about publicly supporting the arts magazine that supports your city's arts. We won't be able to put your name in lights, but we can put it in print. 

We're calling it the Jasper Guild and you can learn more about it Thursday night.

See you then!


*We're an affectionate bunch. And sometimes when we meet another arts organization, or even an advertising client, that shares our mission of nurturing Columbia as the Southeastern arts destination it was born to be, we get all chummy with them. They become "Family."

**Please keep in mind that these times are represented (rather than in EST or DST) in CAT (Columbia Artists' Time). Our artists keep a chronograph all of their own making -- and Jasper loves this about them.

***The Jasper EconoBar is a fundraising arm of Jasper Magazine -- all prices are suggested donations. Please be prepared to show ID to partake of adult beverages.