Jam Room Music Festival Check-in with Dear Blanca

To make up for the missed time and excitement these past few years, the Jam Room Music Festival is chock full of great acts from across the country this year. Of course, the festival would not be complete without talented sound from our own back yard. Dear Blanca, a Columbia based band made up of members Dylan Dickerson (vocalist, guitarist), Cam Powell (bassist), and Richie Harper (drummer) will be featured in the lineup alongside regional and national acts including headliners Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and Titus Andronicus.

If you are unfamiliar with Dear Blanca’s work, Dickerson said that the best way to describe their sound is “power-pop with a mild proto-punk obsession”-think The Who mixed with a bit of the Raspberries-and will mesh easily with the indie punk headliners. The band has been around for quite some time and has worked with some of the other acts from Jam Room before; “We’ve played with Titus Andronicus once,” Dickerson said. “I think it was around a decade ago. They are a great band.” Dear Blanca has been expanding their reach from outside Columbia and into the rest of the United States as they return from a joint tour with The Sloppy Boys out on the West Coast.

It’s been several years since Dear Blanca was a part of the Jam Room Music Festival, but they’re more excited than ever to get back to performing in something both local and massive. “The last time we played Jam Room was 9 years ago, so we’re excited to do it again. We’re also very excited to share a bill with Sun Ra Arkestra!” said Dickerson. There’s something magical and different about the energy of Jam Room that sets this festival apart from others for the acts involved; “Festival culture isn’t always my favorite, but Jam Room and other fests like this one are definitely a great time.”

Dear Blanca is one of the notable Columbia bands at Jam Room Festival alongside Bailey Road Band. The other involved acts are The Explorers Club, The Shaniqua Brown, Titan to Tachyons, Shiner, Mourning [A] BLKStar, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Titus Andronicus, and the Sun Ra Arkestra.

Jam Room Music Festival lasts all day on October 1st and the Jasper Project will be there, too, with a chance for you to win a Jasper Prize Packet full of all kinds of goodies!

A Short Chat with Stagbriar

“We’re looking forward to getting this pizza into your ears.”

Photo by Kati Baldwin, from left to right, Cam Powell, Alex McCollum, Brendan Bull, Emily McCollum, and Roger Caughman

Siblings Alex and Emily McCollum started Stagbriar over 10 years ago on a back porch. All though the band has since grown from a duo to a full band, and their sound has evolved as a result, their perfectly synchronized harmonies and poignant lyrics remain. Read on to find out what they have been up to and what’s next.

JASPER: What are you guys most excited about right now?

STAGBRIAR: We finished a new record in August. We’re pretty excited about how different this one sounds compared to our first two, and it’ll be fun to begin sharing bits and pieces of that in the next few months. 


JASPER: What is your favorite song off your last album? 

STAGBRIAR: We’ve really leaned into Bought the Rights when we play live—amped it up a bit and used it for sound check pretty often. It’s a good mid-tempo bop and it always feels good when we get to it in the set. 

JASPER: What does your writing process look like? How has it changed or evolved over the years? Do you each write something and bring it to the other for input or is it more collaborative? 

STAGBRIAR: The writing process has generally been centered around the songs we siblings bring to the band, but that’s changed a lot on the record we just finished in July. The band really put this one together as a team, and our new guitarist Roger Caughman had a heavy hand in a lot of the heavier guitar stuff you’ll hear throughout. A much more collaborative effort from the beginning through the end. 


JASPER: Do you have any tips or tricks for finding inspiration or getting over writer's block?

STAGBRIAR: Write a lot of bad songs. There’s probably another record’s worth of incomplete stuff that was thrown away for this latest session. We like to record everything twice—once at our house, and then a second time in the studio, hopefully giving us a chance to hear things from beginning to end. This can spark ideas that are more album focused instead of sitting down and trying to write from scratch — you can ask yourself “okay now what does the *record* need” instead of “what song am I going to write today.” 

JASPER: How do you know when something is done? 

STAGBRIAR: We don’t. We put it down and come back to it and repeat the pattern until one of us says stop or the money runs out. 

JASPER: If each of your albums were a meal, what would they consist of and why?

STAGBRIAR: Quasi-Hymns is like a really good hot dog and fries you made at home. It hits the spot cause it’s the best you could muster up at the time. It’s familiar and you can watch Wheel of Fortune while you eat it.  

Suppose You Grow is like a rustic bistro dish that took some time to get right but is still rough enough around the edges to appeal to the mentor that taught you how to fish. Served on a steel plate.  

The newest unreleased record is like a surprise pizza party in elementary school. You didn’t order pizza but it’s really tasty and you don’t know why but you suddenly feel like a ninja turtle.  

We’re looking forward to getting this pizza into your ears.


You can see Stagbriar September 24th at New Brookland Tavern with Alan Charmer, Cor De Lux, and Twin Toasters. Tickets and details on New Brookland’s website.

-Bekah Rice


Concert in the Gardens, September 22nd at Seibels House & Garden

One of the few good things to come out of COVID was the collaboration between the South Carolina Philharmonic and the Historic Columbia Foundation. Unable to perform indoors at the Koger Center, the Phil teamed up with Historic Columbia to present concerts outside in such beautiful settings as The Hampton Preston gardens and the Seibels House & Gardens. My friends and I attended the “inaugural” event and haven’t missed a concert since.

Thursday’s program features a string quartet, presenting a concert of light classics.  Columbia Repertory Dance Company will also be performing. 

You can arrive at 1601 Richland St. any time after 6:00 p.m. The concert starts at 7:00.  We always bring folding chairs and/or blankets, a picnic basket chock full of goodies, and bubbles. (What’s a picnic without bubbles?). Wine is available at the event for $5/glass, and you can become a member of the Historic Columbia Foundation at a discounted rate.

Tickets are $20.00 and may be purchased online.

See you there!

- Libby Campbell

COLAughs Comedy at NoMA Warehouse this Saturday

This weekend, on Saturday the 24th, catch COLAughs Comedy at NoMa Warehouse. The show starts at 8:03 p.m. and features headliner Jas Gill, as well as comedians Melanie Goldey and Shaine Laine. The event will be hosted by COLAughs founder Allie Johns and emcee Topher Riddle. There will be beverages available for purchase, air-conditioning (people ask every time!), and plenty of adult content — consider a babysitter!  

Host and founder of COLAughs, Allie Johns, has been doing her own stand-up comedy since 2018. But like many of us, the pandemic halted her plans. However, in January of this year, Johns was excited to get back to work. She noticed that Columbia was overflowing with comedic talent, yet there weren’t many spaces putting on comedy shows or supporting comedians. She decided to start COLAughs in order to bring Columbia’s comedy scene “out of the dark basements and into unique venues.”


Allie Johns

The first COLAughs show was in January of 2022, and the show this weekend at NoMa Warehouse will be the ninth. Johns says that partnering with venues who share her vision is key to helping the Columbia comedy scene come alive again. COLAughs now has regular shows at NoMa Warehouse, the Gardener’s Outpost, and the Warmouth. Johns is proud to say that they even have recurring guests in attendance, and that most of these shows have sold out. 

In addition, Johns assembles comedians for COLAughs shows from her own personal connections, and she likes to return favors. She frequently books comedians who have hosted her in the past. Her goal is to give exposure to both regional and out of town comics. Johns met the headliner Jas Gill doing comedy in Greenville. “Jas has a bubbly but sarcastic personality that everyone can relate to,” Johns says. 

The other two comedians, Melanie Goldey from Savannah, and Shaine Laine from Charlotte are sure to get some giggles as well. Goldey gives comedy ghost tours and hosts Totally Awesome Bar comedy in Savannah. Laine, on the other hand, works on the Funny Bus in Charlotte. He’s even toured internationally and is just getting back from a show in Canada. Topher Riddle, Johns’ trusted emcee, is in charge of the music and the lights, but he has his own comedy shows in Columbia too, including Movie Mockery and Tomorrowquest. 

This experienced group of comics is sure to cause a ruckus. Don’t miss this hilarious show, or the opportunity to help the comedic Columbia community keep on growing! Tickets are available for purchase online.

Written by Meg Carroll

Jasper Announces Call for Scripts for Play Right Series 2023

Still reveling in the success of Colby Quick’s Moon Swallower, The Jasper Project is pleased to announce the next cycle of the Play Right Series, a collaboration between South Carolina theatre artists and Community Producers, culminating in 2023 with the staged reading of another brand new South Carolina play.

The play submission window is now open; it will close on December  31, 2022 at which time the Play Right Series committee will select a play for the next round of development. 

“Development,” in this case, means round-table readings and discussions with paid professional director, cast, and crew, and attended by Community Producers and other professionals, followed by rehearsals, and a public presentation of a fully realized staged reading.

Read about the 2022 staged reading of Colby Quick’s Moon Swallower, directed by Chad Henderson..

The development process will be facilitated by Community Producers—audience members invested in the development process and supportive of the state’s theatrical and literary talent who exchange a modest financial contribution for the experience.*

A final version of the winning play will be published and filed with the Library of Congress, with copies distributed to the winning playwright as well as industry leaders in the area and beyond.

Professor Jon Tuttle will serve as the Project Manager for the Jasper Project’s Play Right Series again in 2023..

  • Playwrights must be natives or residents of South Carolina.  

  • Plays may be on any topic, using language appropriate to the subject matter, though please: no musicals or children’s plays, and only one submission per playwright.

  • Submissions must be one-act plays, 45-75 minutes in length, typed according to industry-standard format. 

  • Collections of shorter revue sketches on a common theme will be considered.

  • Please include, as a cover sheet, a short (one-page) biography of the playwright and description of the play, and include cast size and any unusual technical demands, bearing in mind that smaller and fewer are usually preferable.  

  • Please submit your play to playrightseries@jasperproject.org


*In 2022 CPs each invested $250 tax deductible

Janet Kozachek and the Power of Ekphrasis Within Art and Poetry

“Port in Sicily, World War II”

Janet Kozachek knows a thing or two about the universal connection between all forms of fine art. Not only is she an experienced writer, but Kozachek utilizes the power of written and spoken word to influence her visual art. This body of work, entitled A Rendering of Soliloquies – Figures Painted in Spots of Time, has been frequently displayed in galleries within South Carolina and across the nation; now, it’s coming to Stormwater Studios.  

The Jasper Project highly values fostering connections within the realm of artists to writers, writers to performers, and everything in between. Kozachek’s multidisciplinary work fits perfectly within this circle, and A Rendering of Soliloquies is a connection throughout her own personal, extensive portfolio.  

“I frequently, but not always, use visual art to illustrate specific texts. Although I write about my other work, like my musical instruments, mosaics, and paintings, the writing does not constitute a body of published work,” Kozachek shares. “This exhibition features visual art that accompanies a collection of my poetry from a full-length book, A Rendering of Soliloquies – Figures Painted in Spots of Time.”  

Audience response is crucial for this particular set of paintings. Kozachek describes the relationship of visual image to the written and spoken word in this exhibition as both “ekphrastic and emblematic.” Audiences may be familiar with the concept of ekphrasis through poetry, and Kozachek hopes for audiences to take away that the written word and visual art reinforce each other, explaining the other form in a different manner. This is in part due to both art and writing both existing within her own work, rather than a second party writing a poem about her art. The poems and pieces, however, still leave plenty of room for audience members to respond in their own ways.  

“The truly ekphrastic part of this exhibition/event will be how the guest poets respond to the work,” she says. “There will therefore be two interpretations of the visual art; the original juxtaposition of artist’s word and image, then a reinterpretation based upon outside observations and responses.”  

Her work is extremely ambitious and showcases just how talented Kozachek is within multiple artistic disciplines. If there’s one key takeaway for audiences to know, it’s that “an artist’s intent, while historically significant, does not restrict the art from growing beyond that original intent, and becoming something more universal. Visual art, in this way, becomes a public intellectual property, there being essentially no one ‘correct’ way to understand it.”  

And, of course, Jasper is always eager to hear what artists think the most important thing they took away from their years of creating and exhibiting is, especially when they’re unapologetically in love with what they do. Upon asking Kozachek what the one piece of advice she would tell herself back when she first started getting into art would be, she aptly said, “I suppose it would be to advise having a marketable back-up or skill trade. But I probably would not listen.”

Those interested can see Kozachek’s work at Stormwater (413 Pendleton St.) from September 21st through the 25th. The poetry collection A Rendering of Soliloquies – Figures Painted in Spots of Time is also available for purchase on Finishing Line Press’s website.

The Return of the Jam Room Music Festival - A Q & A with Trey Lofton

The Jasper Project is extremely excited for the return of Columbia’s premier free music festival, Jam Room Music Festival on Saturday, October 1st. The Jam Room Music Festival has been a tremendous hit with the city for almost a decade, and this year’s will be the first festival hosted since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. We talked to Trey Lofton about the behind-the-scenes action of Jam Room, expectations for the year, and a little bit in between.


Jasper: How did you go about choosing which bands would participate?

Lofton: This is my first year being involved with the Jam Room Music Festival. I thought it was important to have input from the whole board. I reviewed all the previous lineups and generated a list of roughly 75 bands that I thought would fit the template that had been established. I met with several members of the board to go over that list to see if my ideas matched their expectations. They seemed highly enthusiastic about the names I had produced, so I began the process of contacting artists and agents. There is only so much money to go around so you must reach out to bands at different price levels. 

Bailey Road Band

We were fortunate to have several of the first bands we reached out to express interest. Once a few of the pieces were in place the next challenge was to make sure that we were being diverse in our lineup. That narrows down the next wave of inquiries. We also thought in terms of local, regional, and national acts. I think we did particularly well in this regard. We have two acts from here in Columbia (Bailey Road Band, Dear Blanca). We have two local / regional acts in The Explorers Club and The Shaniqua Brown. Both bands originated in Charleston and have played Columbia many times. The Shaniqua Brown is performing after a 10-year hiatus. I saw they were doing a reunion show in Charleston and thought they would be a great addition. The Explorers Club also originated in Charleston but have relocated to Nashville and are primarily a studio project of lead singer Jason Brewer these days.

Titan to Tachyons

Then we have a half dozen national acts. Mourning [A] BLKStar are a collective from Cleveland. I first heard them after their last album was named one of the best of 2020 by The Wire magazine. Shiner is from Kansas City, Missouri. They had some big albums in the college radio world in 90s. They had been on hiatus but put out a new album and planned to tour in 2020. Titan To Tachyons are from NYC. To people familiar with the Avant Garde jazz scene in NYC, the band is something of a super group: most notable is bassist Trevor Dunn who is a member of Mr. Bungle amongst many other groups. But the other members play in dozens of projects that involve luminaries like John Zorn and John Medeski. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and Titus Andronicus are two big names to emerge from the indie, punk, college radio scenes of the 2000s. The Sun Ra Arkestra are part of a legacy spanning near 70 years. 


Jasper: How did COVID impact the organizational aspects of the festival? Did you decide to do anything differently or did COVID open any unexpected creative avenues for everyone to explore?

Lofton: I’m new to the board so it is hard for me to compare; I know that there are a few new members. Whenever that happens on a small board like our you lose some institutional memory. Covid has certainly had a major effect on the concert industry in general. Supply is high but demand is through the roof. Most bands and venues were shuttered for two years. While there are a lot of bands looking for an opportunity to perform there are way more venues trying to get back to putting on shows. A lot of bands are booking further out than I have previously dealt with, and I think prices are higher than they have been, along with touring costs. But now that we have a lineup in place, I don’t think we have any current COVID related obstacles to overcome.


Jasper: What would you like newcomers to Jam Room to know about the festival? Anything they should know about or do to prepare for the day?

Lofton: We would like people to know that the Jam Room Music Festival is a free community event that is meant for everyone. We are primarily funded by the generous support of the City of Columbia and Richland County through their h-tax programs. A music scene is an essential part of any community. The Jam Room Music Festival is an opportunity to celebrate that scene but also appreciate varied styles and artists from around the country. This year we feature rock, pop, soul, and jazz with variations of each. Wear comfortable shoes, pack sunscreen, and stay hydrated!


Stay tuned for more about Jam Room through Jasper!

JASPER'S TINY GALLERY: Amber Machado Explores Beauty and Pain in Nature and Her Own Body

“Painting is my outlet to unapologetically show my pain”

— Amber Machado

Amber Machado grew up in Lexington, South Carolina, surrounded by art and a love for it, with parents and siblings who made art and music. As the youngest, Machado grew up observing this love for creation regularly.  

“Truthfully, the thing that led me to art initially was wanting to be exactly like them,” Machado recalls. “My relationship with art has since evolved and become much more personal, but initially, art to me was like breathing air. I loved it, but it was so readily available that I took it for granted.”  

What finally made Machado appreciate what art meant to her was a 2018 Lupus diagnosis, which brought life to “a screeching halt.” Among days of confusion and pain, painting became a centering force and method of control. 

“This is when I fell in love with art. And I fell hard. Painting became my primary language, my center of gravity,” Machado intimates, “It’s ironic, because I associate the onset of my illness with so much loss, but at the same time it was a rebirth of sorts. I was born to be an artist. I know I wouldn’t have come to that realization without the onset of my disease.” 

The medium she gravitated to, and still utilizes today, is watercolor. Completely self-taught, she is a master of imitation, inspired once again by her dad and sister, and her creative journey now is indebted to “hours, and I mean HOURS of practice.”  

Machado also emphasizes that watercolor is a particularly convenient medium, especially for those easily discouraged and who desire something portable. The unique texture of watercolor and the way it bleeds and blends with the colors around it, makes it perfect for expressing the “dramatic mood” in her work. 


“Moody, expressive landscapes and seascapes have always been my main focus. I’m greatly inspired by nature, and watercolor is the perfect medium to capture nature’s subtleties, drama, and unpredictability,” Machado explains, “I gravitate towards vibrant colors and add expressive markings to evoke an unpredictable, yet familiar atmosphere within each painting.” 

Machado has three main types of creating in which she produces these expressive scenes: she works from imagination, where she can transport herself anywhere; she works outdoors/on-site/en plein air where she can “paint what she sees and feels at that moment in time,” and she works around a particular theme, often inspired by travels upon finally returning home.  

Regardless, she does often move in one particular direction. 

“I tend to gravitate toward dark themes. Pain, loss, death, the things in life that you have absolutely no control over. I like to explore themes that make the average person a little uncomfortable. Landscapes serve as a great visual translation of this because nature is completely uncontrollable. It’s lethal,” Machado emphasizes, “On the other side of that, though, is a silent relentlessness. Nature takes beating after beating and constantly evolves. Trees are whipped by the wind and their physical forms change, but they don’t necessarily die. When I made this connection, I was able to make peace with my disease. Painting is my outlet to unapologetically show my pain.” 

When it came to Tiny Gallery, it seemed a natural fit as the 2.5 x 3.5-inch trading card paper her father gave her was Machado’s first canvas for her landscapes. These tiny new landscapes were all made for the show, and all have female names, which Machado asserts “just felt right.” All of the pieces encapsulate this balance of ethereal, untouchable beauty and the darkness and fear that vibrates around us, and Machado’s favorites in the show are Ruth, Seraphina, and Darling.


Before this gallery, Machado had shown her work at three Cottontown Art Crawls, which have been invaluable experiences for her. 

“In 2020, I participated in the Cottontown Art Crawl for the first time. Almost immediately after setting up, a total stranger came up and purchased a painting,” Machado reminisces, “She picked up a painting that I had actually considered not bringing, because I questioned if it was good enough. I felt like I was going to faint! Watching someone who doesn’t even know me willingly give me money for a painting was and still is one of the most wonderful moments of my entire life.” 

Machado will be bringing this energy into the new, unannounced series she has underway and the upcoming holiday markets at Curiosity Coffee Bar. To follow along, follow Machado’s Instagram @artistamachado, and check out her website

To view and purchase her Tiny Gallery pieces, go to Jasper’s virtual gallery space at any time:.


Meet Jasper Intern Kaitlyn Smith and Read her Review of a Favorite Film - Legend (1985)

Directed by: Ridley Scott

Written by: William Hjortsberg

Produced by: Arnon Milchan

Soundtrack: Tangerine Dream

Sophomore at UofSC Columbia Campus, English Major, looking forward to meeting awesome people, getting involved in Columbia’s arts community as much as possible, and learning from the amazing staff at Jasper.

Synopsis: Jack (Tom Cruise) and Lili (Mia Sara) are lovers in an epic fantasy world in which light and love are threatened by the presence of a dark lord (Tim Curry) who’s mission is to rid of the world of innocence and send it into an eternal night. The film begins with Lili, a princess who despite being born into a life of lavishness, spends most of her time with the forest-child Jack, deep in the woods that he calls his home. One day, Jack decides, against his better judgement, to show Lili the unicorns. In the meantime, Darkness has sent his minions to kill the Unicorns and steal their horns, as the Unicorns existence on Earth threatens his power. When Jack and Lili witness the Unicorns appearance, Lili is immediately awestricken and wishes to touch them. Jack begs her to leave them be, but Lili goes against his wishes and approaches the Unicorns. Darkness’ minions use this as a distraction and fire poison, striking one of the Unicorns and triggering an early winter. Jack then teams up with a group of forest-swelling elves and a fairy and sets off on an epic adventure to save the world from Darkness’ influence. 

Legend is a fantasy film about love, lost innocence, and the coexistence of good and evil, written by William Hjortsberg and directed by Ridley Scott. The film’s dark fairytale aesthetic has been compared to The Lord of the Rings. Keeping in mind the types of characters encountered (elves, goblins, and fairies), sets, and costume choices, I can see how fans of Tolkien’s trilogy would have an appreciation for Scott’s directorial approach (I would know because I am the target audience). 

Right off the bat, I find the use of costume and makeup to be one of the film’s most impressive elements. The special effects makeup, courtesy of Rob Bottin, used to create the character Darkness stands out to me. The bright red skin, giant horns, terrifying fangs, and the edition of prosthetics to change facial and ear shape, make Darkness the scariest thing to come out of Hell.  

Another thing that stood out to me was the use of costume to highlight Lili’s journey throughout the film. She’s introduced in an elegant, almost medieval, white gown with tiny flowers on the bodice and golden accents throughout. The light and modest gown, perfect hair, and use of subtle glitter on her cheeks are true to Lili’s character, representing the innocence she possesses. As the film goes on and Lili finds herself running from goblins and becoming entrapped in Darkness’ lair, her dress becomes torn up to a point of unrecognition. Obviously, this would happen to anyone running for their life in the forest and being abducted by a gang of goblins. However, I’d like to point out the way that it’s reflective of her emotional journey. That innocence she possesses at the beginning of the film was slowly vanishing after she touched the unicorn and sent the world into an Armageddon like state. Another example is the dark fantasy dress that Darkness uses to woo her into marrying him. This is the final stage of her innocence being stripped away as the gown she dons during the last half of the film is a stark contrast to her normal attire; midnight black with a plunging neckline that ends past her belly button.

The cinematography is brilliant! Every shot is cohesive to the narrative and drew me in, allowing me to feel the presence of magic in my home. I should bring up that the special effects aren’t comparable to new-age film and the evolution of CGI. 

The film’s narrative, while right up my alley, was often confusing at times. For example, in the beginning of the film Lili seems to get a glimpse of the future, however, it is never touched on. There are no other scenes that seem to foreshadow the state of the world post unicorn touching, and no implication that Lili may have a second sight. There is also a scene in which Jack encounters a goblin like creature dwelling in the waters on the way to Darkness’ lair. It was the only creature encountered on the way and was on screen for about one minute. I’d also add that some dialogue between characters seemed rushed and bland. 

If you’re into experimental 80’s synth, the score is for you! The use of shakuhachi, an ancient Japanese flute, was a popular instrument to sample in the 1980s and is used a lot throughout the score. The closing song “Loved by the Sun” was perfect to wrap up the events of the film and struck me with lyrics like “Legends can be now and forever, teaching us to love for goodness’ sake.” I have no complaints about the use of sound in the film, and only wish to praise Tangerine Dream for creating music that ties together the film’s aesthetic to a T. 

Overall, the writing and attention to narrative are the only critiques I have. Otherwise, I believe Legend to be one of the most beautiful films to come out of 1985 and I encourage everyone to give it a watch!


Meet Jasper Intern Meg Carroll and Read her Review of a Favorite Film - Frances Ha

“I Make Love”: A Film Review of Frances Ha

by Meg Carroll

Shot in dimensional black and white, Frances Ha is the portrait of a jilted young woman, Frances (Greta Gerwig), and her precarious adventures in New York City after her best friend and roommate, Sophie (Mickey Sumner), breaks their lease and emotionally fractures their relationship. Left to find housing in the ever-tumultuous New York housing landscape alone, Frances reveals herself as a woman who is gently brash, undyingly witty, slightly codependent, and yet, ardently loving.  

Frances is 27 and is coming to terms with her age — “You look older [than Sophie]… like, a lot older” — and the fact that life seems to have left her behind — “… but less grown up.” Her new roommate Benji (Michael Zegen), who frequently quips that Frances is “undateable” because of her penchant for quoting literature and her man walk, tells her in a casually transparent moment, “You don’t have your shit together.” Frances’ character speaks to the parts of ourselves, in us young women particularly, that feel lost, undecided, and prone to imposter syndrome:  

“What do you do?”

“Well, it’s kind of hard to explain.”

“Because what you do is complicated?”

“Uh, because I don’t really do it.”


But in witnessing Frances’ many career pitfalls and social blunders — “Should I text him back, ‘Starboard anal sex?’” — the compassion for her character mounts, and we discover in her messy persona an enviable expressiveness. Her awkward and sometimes childish behaviors are juxtaposed with moments of mature references that even escape those around her: “You know what Virginia Woolf book this reminds me of?” But the most alluring aspect of Frances’ character is that she is unashamed of who she is, and she continues to be herself amidst all of the funny looks. Her confidence is often unfounded, but Frances always seems to find a way to live comfortably in chaos, and in her perpetually messy apartment: “I’m not messy, I’m busy!”  

While Frances Ha is a coming-of-age story about a woman getting her life together, it is most centrally a story about a woman vying for authentic love. Frances looks for love in many places after Sophie “breaks up” with her: “I kind of have a crush on this boy, but his name is Georgie… so I don’t really know how far its gonna go.” She seems to find new platonic love, however comparatively fleeting it is, with her new roommates Benji and Lev (Adam Driver), two men who embody the stereotype of edgy New York City artist languishing on family money. But if there is anything that Frances Ha is not, it is a movie about men. The men in the movie float around the periphery as Frances grapples with her career and tries to find a place to live.

Greta Gerwig in Frances Ha

She’s also busy trying to make new friends. At a dinner party with people her same age, yet who seem far more mature than she, Frances unabashedly — or maybe drunkenly — launches into the monologue that is the climax of the film. She proclaims truly what she wants “out of a relationship… out of life really, love.” However, the emotional fulfillment of the movie doesn’t come until the very end, when we discover who Frances is meant to love all along. It’s likely that the epiphany at the end of this film will leave you questioning your own relationships and the places you look for the most genuine love.  

If you don’t stay for the millennial humor, or the witty dialogue between Sophie and Frances, or the aesthetic scenes of New York City corner stores in black and white, or even the soundtrack — queue “Every1’s a Winner” by Hot Chocolate — stay for Frances herself. She would want you to. Her character reaches down into the throat of every young woman who has ever felt side swept by life and starts her heart beating again. Frances has flaws, yes, but they are overshadowed by the understanding that all Frances really wants is the same thing we all do: true love. And a steady job, too. 

Whether you see the movie or not, perhaps we should all strive to be more like Frances. We should run through the streets to Bowie’s “Modern Love,” we should read Proust in Paris because it’s nice “to do the things that we’re supposed to do when we’re supposed to do them.” We should tell our friends we love them and not expect to hear it back, and we should comfort random people we find crying in hallways. We should watch documentaries and live our lives in contradiction to them anyway, if only because it makes us happy, and we should make love, not fuck. Perhaps if we live in this way — openly and honestly and lovingly — everything will turn out all right, just as it does in the delightful and charming Frances Ha


Quotes taken from Frances Ha (2012) directed by Noah Baumbach and written by Noah Baumbach and Greta Gerwig.


Koger Center Brings Squonk to the New Outside Stage

If you’ve never heard of Squonk, then you’re in for an absolute treat! 

On September 25th and 26th , the Koger Center for the Arts will officially open their brand-new outdoor Plaza Stage with three performances of Hand to Hand. The performances are free to the public, with two performances on Sunday at 2:00 PM and 6:00 PM, and one at 6:00 PM on Monday.  

With a booming sound that has traveled across the United States since the ‘90s, Squonk is a performing arts group based out of Pittsburgh and are known for their extravagant stage presence. 

The group has competed on America’s Got Talent, performed on both Broadway and off- Broadway, and has even opened for prestigious performing arts festivals abroad and in South Korea. Their performances have been met only with critical acclaim, and the colossal interactive elements that always appear within their shows ensure that audiences never forget the first time they ever see Squonk perform. 

The iconic giant purple hands that Squonk brings, along with the rest of the performers in the troupe, are what make this show so distinguishable. The hands constantly move with the musicians on stage and can be manipulated by audience members invited up to the stage.  

Squonk’s performances are a part of a new Koger Presents series that focuses on the incorporation of the Plaza Stage into the already numerous performance spaces the organization has to offer. Audience members will be able to enjoy the stage performance while relaxing on the lawn surrounding the stage, located right in front of the lobby doors and near the University of South Carolina’s School of Music building.  

For those who want a more personalized experience with the members of Squonk, the troupe will offer a free hands-on session from 12-2 PM on September 26 near Russell House at the heart of UofSC’s campus. This will allow students and other attendees to interact with the props and performers before their last performance of the weekend. 

More information about the show can be found at KogerCenterForTheArts.com.

Socially Engaged Ceramics Reckons with the Immensity of the Everyday

“Clay/ceramics is not a single story—and neither are women” — Lydia Thompson

In the newest show at McMaster Gallery, University of South Carolina professor Virginia Scotchie has curated an exhibit rooted in femininity and race, in movement and stillness. Motivated to “highlight two women in ceramic sculpture whose work exemplifies that social engagement of the present and past in America,” Scotchie brought together Julie Schnell-Madden and Lydia Thompson to create Socially Engaged Ceramics.

“I curated the exhibition and defined the title because I believe these artists create work that is socially engaged,” she shares. “The work allows the viewer to look at the work created and see the importance and significance of today's issues through art.”

The women’s work appears vastly different at first glance. Schnell-Madden’s Rosettes are individually sculpted roses and rose-shaped objects of various colors and sizes, while Thompson’s Relic series features ceramic houses with individual features filled with figurine shards inherited from her grandmother.

In a closer look, however, these works are distinctly political and cultural, reckoning with the individual and collective histories surrounding each woman’s identity.

Schnell-Madden recalls when the pandemic first hit and what it felt like to have to reevaluate our everyday, basic needs. This “fear, frustration, and loss” started a spiral that she had no choice but to physically manifest.

“I started making spiral disks that expressed my level of fear and frustration and loss. I used a luscious dark brown clay that resembled chocolate (a comfort food?),” she recalls,” It was only after I made several that I saw the resemblance to a rose. The strips became petals. There was no doubt that these contained feminine imagery.”

Though the strips in Rose, the first part of the series which features pink petals with clear reference to the female anatomy, would loosen over time as we all leaned into our new normal, they also began to take on fear and rage. What began as a general observation of the feminine in relation to the ever-changing everyday became resilience in light of the overturning of Roe v. Wade in the second part of the series, Resistance: Under Attack.

“Having lived at a time where this was an option for all those years, the idea of going back, letting men make decisions regarding my body is simply beyond,” Schnell-Madden says. “These pieces manifest the back-alley abortions some of our grandmothers had to endure.”

This resilience, this rumination on what stays and what moves, is where her and Thompson’s work converges. While Schnell-Madden thinks about how people’s every day is forced to change, Thompson thinks about how past change has now become our everyday. When traveling shortly after starting graduate school, Thompson began noticing the abandoned structures that stood out even as urban, suburban, and rural communities shifted in the landscape.

These structures made Thompson think about what remains when people leave, who has the freedom to move, and what happens when this movement is not desired, is rife with tension.

“The pieces on wheels symbolize the decision to move often for a better environment and opportunities (to migrate). There is also the notion of unpredictability or uncertainty of one’s future,” Thompson says. “The structures on pallets may have represented a stable life, but it is not promised, by generations of unemployment, discrimination, and multi-generational usage.” 

The inner shards, the pieces of her grandmother’s found relics from the Salvation Army, exist as the remnants of what proof of existence is left behind after people are forced to leave their homes. As Thompson says, “Relics usually have associations with objects, or heirlooms, or parts of a body. I see a direct relationship with the rubble/shards of objects with what once held value and/or importance to a group of people”

And there is an importance, a hope, and yet still a trepidation in these pieces. Schnell-Madden created her third set in the series, Renewal to emphasize a hopeful “resurgence,” with the pieces being “more tentative but regardless are solid and express my fervent hope that one day the reversal of the court decision will take place.”

Thompson has to balance how much personal she can explicitly share within her own desire and experience. “I’ve faced racism and gender discrimination in many of the institutions in my career. Some of those experiences are blatant and others are microaggressions,” she shares. “Unfortunately, history has repeated itself, and I feel several of the works serve as metaphors of what I’m feeling and experiencing as well as others in our daily lives.”

These women blur the boundaries between individual and collective, making art with their personal fears and hopes (and even heirlooms) that are shaped by events changing the everyday landscape of our country. They are putting their hands directly into these moments in time and using them to tell a story about what it means to be alive, to migrate, to resist.

If you’d like to see these pieces, the show will be up until September 29th and will conclude that day with a Closing Reception, from 5:00 – 7:00pm, featuring light refreshments and a gallery talk with both artists.


Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus: The Musical from Columbia Children’s Theater Opening this Weekend

by Meg Carroll

Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus: The Musical — based on the children’s book by Mo Willems, the author of the #1 New York Times bestselling children’s Pigeon picture book series — is a hilarious and inspiring tale about a pigeon finding his purpose in life. The young Pigeon doesn’t get to do ANYTHING! But when an emergency situation threatens to delay the bus, Pigeon is determined to find a way to help. Willems’ penchant for humor coupled with Deborah Wicks La Puma’s catchy song writing means this musical is sure to get everyone’s wings flapping.

Mo Willems is an author, playwright, and artist. He is most known for his children's books, four of which he has since converted into musicals. Some of his most popular book series are the Pigeon series and the Knuffle Bunny series, and there have been musicals produced from both. Currently, he is the most produced playwright for Theater for Young Audiences in America. However, his career really began on PBS’ Sesame Street, where he won six Emmy Awards for his writing.

Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus: The Musical is performed with a combination of live actors and puppets. Jerry Stevenson, artistic director for Columbia Children’s Theater, said that one of the most important decisions that he had to make for this production was choosing which characters would be live people and which would be puppets. Director Chad Henderson commends actor and puppeteer Paul Lindley, who plays Pigeon, on his ability to transfer tangible energy into that little felt bird.

And that energy is often hilarious! To this, Henderson credits Mo Willems’ natural comedic genius. The play garners giggles from children and adults alike as it is “packed” with humor. When Stevenson approached Henderson about directing Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus: The Musical, he was happy to come on board because he saw it as “an opportunity to have fun!” Henderson says that his return to CCT as a director of a Mo Willems play felt like “going over to a good friends’ house that you hadn’t visited in a while.”

Similarly, Stevenson found his calling as an artistic director when he realized that he just liked to make children laugh. He performed in many children’s theaters around the country before deciding to run his own, Columbia Children’s Theater. For this musical, Stevenson had the most fun designing puppets with puppet designer Donna Harvey.

Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus: The Musical is sure to delight audiences young and old. It is a part of CCT’s Mainstage series, where professional actors perform for young audiences. However, there are also a few talented teenage members from CCT’s YouTheater.

Henderson says that it is incredibly valuable for young actors to work alongside professional ones, and he only has glowing remarks about the CCT community: the environment “truly creates a sense of belonging.” This is a non-profit organization openly making a difference in the Midlands.

The musical has offers performances this Saturday, September 17th, and Sunday, September 18th at the Richland Library Auditorium in Sandhills. Tickets can be purchased here, from the Columbia Children’s Theater website, by clicking the “Buy Tickets” button.

Saul Seibert invites Columbia’s artists to trade in their cool kid membership.

Don't let the bastards get you down. Imposter syndrome is real. Keep healing, growing, and fighting regardless.” 


Saul Seibert, frontman of former band Boo Hag, and creator of the four-part artistic experience, Zion, has become a surprisingly positive and encouraging force in Columbia art’s scene. His newest band, King Saul and The Heretics, released their first single “Grow”, on September 2nd along with a video that features a number of well-known Columbia faces. Read what Saul had to say about his new band, playing music sober and the Columbia arts scene. 

JASPER: What spurred King Saul and The Heretics? How did the band come together? 

SEIBERT: King Saul and The Heretics is basically a catch all for anything I have written to date, or I am currently writing… outside of Zion. I asked players I've worked with in the past and a few I have respected and wanted to work with to help fill out the songs and contribute their creativity to the arrangements.

I am cataloging notebooks of songs and writing new material a little here and there.


JASPER: Who all is in the band and how do y'all work together?

SEIBERT: Sean Thomson is on keys and is a multi-instrumentalist. He is producing and recording the music. Andrew Collins is on guitar, Hot Tub John is on bass, Kevin Brewer is on drums, and Adam Colbert is on sax and a contributing visual artist. I sing and play guitar. 

Everyone is given freedom to build structure around the songs and write their own parts. I'm very fortunate to be welcomed into such a talented group of creators.


JASPER: How would you describe your sound?

SEIBERT: It's a mess. I honestly don't know.


JASPER: What inspired your single "Grow"? 

SEIBERT: Grow was written about two years ago. It was directed at my brother. I had recently gotten clean from cocaine and heroin and was looking at kicking booze. I went out into the woods for a few weeks alone and wrote the song. It sat in a notebook until recently. Its meaning is on the surface and remains the same: 

Don't let the bastards get you down. Imposter syndrome is real. Keep healing, growing, and fighting regardless. 

Zach and Darren Woodlief sat with me and brought me back to life. I owe them everything.


JASPER: What about the video for “Grow”?

SEIBERT: The video is an invitation to the broader community to leave the scene and cool kid culture, turn in your membership and start building real relationships that are healthy mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Don't posture. Produce growth.


JASPER: What do you want most for Columbia, and what changes would you like to see?

SEIBERT: I want Columbia to be known for its artistic infrastructure. Columbia has some of the best bands and performing artists in the south… period. Let's throw some light on them and let them shine! I use the term Cola Centric when talking about the city because we are unique.

You have more diversity than a lot of cities in SC. We could always do a better job at highlighting our cultural diversity and celebrating the variations of this.

My personal take is simple. The NY and LA art and music "scene" didn't just happen. It was built very intentionally …and not with a lot of the advantages of technology that we have today. Seattle in the 90s didn't just accidentally happen. We build the art culture we want and in turn get the art culture we deserve.


JASPER: What does your writing process look like? 

SEIBERT: It looks and feels like fucking hell.


JASPER: How has your sobriety impacted your music and creative process?

SEIBERT: I don't remember much about the previous decade. I don't know how it's impacted my process. I think it's possible I'm a better player and more honest of a writer. I would assume I'm easier to work with. Sobriety has only improved my production.


JASPER: When do you know something is done?

SEIBERT: I have never experienced this feeling. I imagine it must feel good.


JASPER: What advice would you like to give other creatives?

SEIBERT: Fuck pride. You are not famous or special. When you truly don't care what people think, you become a dangerous creator. It's my hope they are blessed enough to be truly cursed so that something absolutely beautiful can be brought into existence and speak and maybe even benefit the larger community. Fuck pride. Break rules.


JASPER: If each project you've been a part of was a living thing what would they be and why?

SEIBERT: They would all be buffalo.

You can see King Saul and the Heretics play their first show, Thursday, September 15th from 8-11pm at Uncle Festers with The Water Kickers, and Free Weed. See the Facebook event for more details.

Jasper Talks with femme x About Story Slam -- in the Flesh -- September 14th

Looking for something in Columbia to itch that performing arts scratch, but with more of an edge and authenticity to it? femme x, a notable social gathering and coworking space in Columbia will be bringing back in person Story Slams, with the support and collaboration of the #whatshesaidproject. We talked to Nell Fuller, co-founder and managing partner of femme x, about the story slam and what audiences can expect from attending one of these recurring nights. 


Jasper: Have you partnered with the #whatshesaidproject before?

Fuller: Although we hadn’t partnered before, I have long admired the #whatshesaidproject and remember Shannon Ivey (founder of the #whatshesaidproject) winning a giveaway when we first opened. When Shannon and her business partner, Katie Zenger, pitched their Inspired Speaking Curriculum, it was a natural fit for our growing community of women, many growing their own companies and refining their storytelling skill sets. We saw an exciting need for a storytelling platform, particularly in a space that centers women. This story slam is a mix of seasoned and new storytellers, some of whom are in our Fall Inspired Speaking cohort. I am over the moon to collaborate with Ivey!


Jasper: What should audience members expect from the Story Slam? Does everyone in the audience have to participate, or can you attend to listen and offer love/support?

Fuller: Audience members can expect around 10 local storytellers to tell a 5–8-minute personal story connecting to the theme “In the Flesh.” Unless there’s rain, we will have it outside in the courtyard and all are welcome to attend and enjoy the community. The bar at femme will be open for drinks and snacks. 


Jasper: How does the Story Slam align with the aims and goals of femme x?

Fuller: Story Slams (and Shannon Ivey’s work in personal storytelling) aim to give women the opportunity and experience of crafting a personal story and then sharing it with a warm audience. These opportunities are rare, and femme x is a community that is aware of this and how it negatively impacts women and their quality of life. 


Jasper: Do you plan to have reoccurring Story Slams, or other live events with #whatshesaidproject?

Fuller: Yes! We will continue Story Slams on the second Wednesday of each month. The bar will open at 6 PM and the stories will start at 7 PM.


Jasper: Are there any other collectives like femme x in Columbia?

Fuller: Columbia has so much to offer, including a growing network of cowork spaces for entrepreneurs and creatives! NoMa Warehouse and SOCO both offer incredibly innovative, community-centered spaces. It’s been so energizing to come out of COVID and see the entrepreneurial community growing and thriving as we make space for one another to contribute to the larger ecosystem.


Fuller described femme x as a “social club and cowork space dedicated to changing the traditional systems of capital distribution.” The collective aims to nurture and create a safe, accessible, and empowering space for entrepreneurial women through “social events, peer engagement and programming tailored to their unique needs.” If you are interested in checking out their membership options, visit their website

The Story Slam is $5 for femme members and $15 for non members. You can register for the event online.


Small Artists, Big Creativity: Lillian Hauck and NoMa Flea Jr.

“Don't throw the canvas away; change with the mistakes and make it something new”


For those who haven’t already heard, NoMa Flea is going to be a bit different this Friday— all the vendors at this weekly funky and fun evening artisan market will be under 18! Noma Flea Jr. is September 9th, and Jasper got to sit down with one of the featured artists, Lillian Hauck (11), and her mother, Marnnie Hauck, about Lillian’s art, entrepreneurial spirit, and what inspires her. 

Lillian started painting regularly at 8 years old, but it was last year when her identity as an artist really began to blossom. “Lillian’s first public debut was March 2021 and she made content for weeks beforehand, was involved in every detail that day, and has had the bug ever since,” Marnnie says, “This event at NoMa Warehouse will be her 4th.”

Beyond the fun and pizazz of making art for events, Lillian’s mother says that the process calms her, and painting colorful pieces brings her joy: “I like making things I see as colorful as possible,” Lillian shares.

Mother and daughter say that the girl’s paternal grandfathers, all the artists who come to Noma, to the Soda City Market, and their neighbors are Lillian’s greatest inspiration, with a particular emphasis on their community.

“I would honestly say one of the biggest influences for Lillian is the neighborhood that we live in. We moved here in 2017. The overall sense of community that is created here I think, combined with how the kids are intentionally being raised, has been a game changer. Kitty corner to where we live is Flavia Lovatelli, a sustainable materials artist, and she is like our adopted fairy godmother. For years now she would make little trinkets for them, and in turn the kids would make art for her,” Marnnie details, “and then the Art Crawl started here in our neighborhood in 2019. Lily was so blown away. It made a huge impression on her. Then NOMA Warehouse opened in 2021, and even more community and art came into her life.”

As her mother, Marnnie is dedicated to supporting Lillian in her endeavors, emphasizing the hard work her daughter puts into her art: “This, in every way, is all Lillian, a quiet human, though not a wallflower, who doesn't generally like to draw attention to herself, putting herself out there for the world!!!”

Even when Lillian isn’t painting, her activities and hobbies are still rooted in creativity and making. Marnnie shares that, “Outside of painting Lily is at all times crafting fashion wear for everyone, and thing, in the house; her room always looks like confetti fabric land and no one can EVER find scissors.” 

When reflecting on her role, Marnnie thinks about her own childhood and the future ahead. “My influence here is that I believe it is super important to teach kids that they don't have to follow a traditional path to support themselves and be happy in their adulthood,” she intimates, “My generation was rarely taught that we had options. I'm a huge fan of entrepreneurs and self-sourcing in general and the kids getting exposure to that in all forms is invaluable to me.”  

And what advice could a young, creative entrepreneur give to young and old artists alike?

Don't throw the canvas away; change with the mistakes and make it something new,” Lillian effuses, “And don't worry about what other people might want—paint what you want!”  

You can see more of, and purchase, Lillian’s work at NoMa Flea Jr. this Friday, September 9th at 6pm.

Phil Garrett Brings New Mexico Variations to Stormwater Studios

Phil Garrett’s work is informed by nature, a kind of mythical nature. The power of storms, the spiritual quality of the elements, the beauty, grace and ferocity of plants and animals…. Something greater than the artist, something he can’t comprehend. Painting and making monotypes are Garrett’s search for the mystery within the subject, within himself.

About the Artist:

Phil Garrett, a graduate of The San Francisco Art Institute, has completed numerous artist residencies including The Sam and Adele Golden Foundation residency in New Berlin, NY; and taught painting and printmaking nationally and internationally. He joined the Golden Artist Colors Working Artist Program in 1998, and the Williamsburg Oil Independent Artist Program in 2016. Garrett is the founder of King Snake Press, and his prints and paintings are in public and private collections in the USA, Europe and Japan. In 2005, 2006 and 2007 he lectured and taught workshops on Acrylic Painting Methods in Art Schools in the cities of Osaka, Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto and Fukuoka, Japan sponsored by Golden Acrylic and Turner company of Osaka. Garrett is the author of the book INSIDE ACRYLICS published by North Light Books in August of 2013.


Friday, September 9


Join us as we celebrate the opening of Phil Garrett’s Solo Exhibition New Mexico Variations!

DOGON KRIGGA presents OMPHALOS - The Converging of Antique Futures with Jeremy Brooks at Sumter County Gallery of Art

So much of Black history is the chronicling of suffering. I'm trying to get back to a place where Blackness isn't under attack but is thriving.”

— Dogon Krigga

The Sumter County Gallery of Art is excited to present two challenging, contemporary artists with unique practices, Dogon Krigga and Jeremy Brooks, September 1st – October 28th. Opening reception September 1st, 5:30-7:30. Both artists will be in attendance.

According to the Sumter County Gallery of Art,

“Dogon Krigga expresses magick with the use of pixel and paper, incorporating divine mysteries, transcribed over time throughout their ancestors’ experiences to connect Black people to the future and the past. Krigga immortalizes modern and ancient traditions, wisdom, and theory into majestic and whimsical digital and mixed media collages that venerate those that came before, those that will come, and those that exist outside of time. Dogon Krigga uses their experiences, techniques, knowledge and training from over a decade as a graphic designer and practitioner of Afrofuturism, along with other African diasporic traditional religions to illuminate the spiritual paths and possibilities for all who receive their creations. Krigga is also a serious practitioner of root (herbal) medicine.

Dogon Krigga currently resides where they grew up, in Columbia, SC. They are primarily a self-taught artist whose visionary aspect is an amalgamation of culture and esoteric references through Afrofuturism. Their creative lineage is connected to legends like Romare Bearden and Tom Feelings. Their background in creative writing, journalism, and music production also lends to their creative perspective. Krigga has exhibited extensively in Columbia, SC including the Columbia Museum of Art, Tapp’s Art venue, Richland County Public Library and the Sumter County Gallery of Art. They have participated as a panelist in several important conversations on Black creativity at the Columbia Museum of Art and Trustus Theatre.

Dogon Krigga artist statement:
The Omphalos is a demarcation of center. In the ancient world, the Omphalos was a stone that represented the navel of the planet. Here, the Omphalos represents the convergence of two points of time, and of perspective. It is here that I share two collections of works that offer my perspectives of the past and the future. My intention is to close the gap between those points and celebrate the timeless beauty of Black thought and Black form in this ever-present now. We see so many images of Black people under duress, especially in art. So much of Black history is the chronicling of suffering. I'm trying to get back to a place where Blackness isn't under attack but is thriving. Our gifts and abilities and how we interact with each other are acts of rebellion and revolution. We are masters of this domain but living in a reality where that can be forgotten, so we address this with Afrofuturism to remind us. I'm attempting to liberate people mentally by reminding them who they are outside of what society tells them they are. Life can be serious but we have to step back, laugh and marvel at how intricate yet how simple the universe can be.

Detroit native, Jeremy Brooks’ Looking Back / Being Forward, a retrospective exhibition, brings together a variety of artworks produced over the past 15 years. The work is largely conceptual and craft based. Brooks investigates a wide range of subjects including ceramic decals, traditional, slightly modified figurines, vessels and pottery forms such as knot pots “knitted” with elasticized porcelain - in a multi-faceted way. His work is often characterized by the use and alteration of found materials, many of which become augmented with details of the odd, queer, and/or eccentric. Brooks examines aspects of language, materiality, and sexual identity in his creative practice by questioning: What forms and concepts are particular to the field of ceramics? What nuances are lost and gained in the translation across boundaries of materiality? What makes something queer?

from Rockwellian Homophobia

Jeremy R. Brooks (b. 1979) received a BFA in art and design from Grand Valley State University in 2001, and a MFA in ceramic art from Alfred University in 2007. He has balanced his career between working as an artist and teaching at the university level. Brooks has exhibited work in over 100 exhibitions and is currently an Assistant Professor of Ceramics at Coastal Carolina University. Some of his honors include a residency at The Clay Studio in Philadelphia, PA, receiving the emerging artist award by the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA), and being selected as a guest of honor at the XXI International Biennial of Vallauris, France. Jeremy currently resides in Conway, South Carolina where he surrounds himself with copious amounts of ceramic figurines punctuated between piles upon stacks of ceramic decals. He identifies as an amiable ceramophile who is afflicted with occasional bouts of decalcomania (the process of transferring designs from paper on to glass or porcelain). He is also gay.

Eric Lachance, SCGA curator notes, “In the discipline of ceramic art, Jeremy R. Brooks weaves clay into recognizable items which code-switch everyday, otherwise innocuous items like socks, fine china, and collectible figurines into playful objects loaded with metaphor and humor. Dogon Krigga utilizes the everyday as well, creating Afro-futuristic scenes which merge studio photography, digital collage, and vinyl applique to surround the viewer. Krigga’s work invites the viewer to participate and absorb the worlds they create. Please join us at the Sumter County Gallery of Art for these two immersive exhibitions."

Dogon Krigga will be in conversation with artist Thomas the Younger (who recently exhibited at the Sumter gallery) Thursday, September 15th, 5:30-7:30 pm.

Jeremy Brooks will be in conversation with SCGA curator Eric Lachance Thursday, October 20th, 5:30-7:30.

Karen Watson observes that these thought-provoking exhibitions would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors - Andrea Williams and Clay Goss, The Deane and Roger Ackerman Family Fund and Sumter County Government & Cultural Commission which receives support from the John and Susan /Bennett Memorial Arts Fund of the Coastal Community Foundation of SC, the SC Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts. Flowers courtesy of Poinsett Garden Club & the Council of Garden Clubs of Sumter.

September 1 - October 28, 2022

Location: 200 Hasel St., Sumter, SC 29150 (adjacent to Patriot Hall).
Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Steven White Premieres Original, Stark Pieces Ahead of Purple Xperience Show at Harbison Theatre

Are you looking to get your fill of great art and fantastic music back to back? Mark your calendars for September 2nd, 2022. Preceding the Purple Xperience performance at 7:30pm, The Jasper Project is proud to help present the opening night for Steven White’s new exhibition at Harbison Theatre

When planning out which artist to feature at Harbison, particularly alongside the new season, Jasper’s own Christina Xan knew that White would be a perfect choice. “I’ve been following Steven’s work since sometime during the pandemic when Cindi [Boiter] put him on my radar,” Xan said,. “His stark images that play and imprint in the viewer’s mind I thought would be perfect for this upcoming Harbison show. In fact, when Kristin [Cobb] reached out to me about selecting an artist, Steven was the first to come to mind.” 

White is often inclined to create images of cultural icons and immortalized figures. Considering how the Purple Xperience show is dedicated to celebrating the cultural impact of Prince’s legacy, the juxtaposition of the two shows makes perfect sense. 

White’s latest body of work explores the presence of negative space in a work of art, and how those spaces can be manipulated into something bigger. “What draws me to a piece painted with the use of negative and positive space is the strange possibility that you will be able to see things that aren’t there,” White said, “The space in question, which is the area of shared edges, engages the viewer in an unexpected and fun way. I like the fact that it’s interactive.” 

White emphasizes the mysteries and intrigue that present themselves throughout his artist statement and masterfully captures everything he aims to. White stated, “I hope that many viewers of my work will begin to see that the positive and negative can come together in many ways to bring balance to a composition.” This eye-bending technique of White’s works excellently to keep the viewer engaged with his work, looking from corner to corner for something they may have missed, causing them to want to come back for seconds.  

The amount of conversation between the Prince show and the opening of White’s exhibition is truly up to the viewer themself. This particular body of work did not come to fruition specifically for the Purple Xperience opening; it just so happened that there was plenty of natural conversation to garner between the two. 

“I will let other people decide if my body of work is in conversation. I consider my participation in the Purple Xperience Tribute Show to be a fortuitous event,” White said, “Sometimes a bit of luck comes your way when you put your work out there.” White emphasizes how important viewer reception and opinion are to him, and hopes that everyone who views his art leaves with new thoughts and perceptions of art to take with them. 

There will be an opening ceremony for White’s show prior to the Purple Xperience performance, at 7pm on September 2nd. White’s work will be up for viewing until the end of October. More info can be found on our event page.

Christian Thee, a Columbia Arts Community Legend, Needs Our Help

Sometimes a community has to rise to the needs of its members and, for us, that time is now.

Trompe l’oeil artist Christian Thee needs his community’s help to stay in the home he so lovingly created for himself and his late partner, Bruce. Through a series of events involving a reverse mortgage and more, Chris’s claim to his own home has been severely compromised. His dearest friends find themselves in a situation they had hoped to avoid — reaching out to the community to ask for financial help.

This morning, I spoke to Joey Vazquez, one of Chris’s closest friends and the host of the GoFundMe campaign we’re asking you to support, to get the full story. Joey shared this information with me and agreed that full transparency about the situation is best. This is what Joey wrote,

“Earlier this year Chris was served papers that the bank who now owns his mortgage would be foreclosing on him, and that he would ultimately be evicted. In that time we have been working on solutions to stay the order, trying to find government assistance programing for seniors in their homes, living facilities, etc.

When Christian's partner Bruce passed in 2014 Christian was left with the burden of their expenses, and to now have to be the "bread-winner". Christian had at that point "retired" as Bruce was the financial means for the couple employed as a realtor. Chris faced uncertainty. So, with bills mounting he signed up for a reverse mortgage. Which, later on we find out is a predatory practice focused on seniors in this type of position. The upfront "benefit" is that they can get a quick sum of money from the equity in their home, and live without a mortgage payment. The stipulation is that the "borrower" in a reverse mortgage pays the taxes and insurance yearly. Upon their death or any other transfer the house reverts back to the bank.

The $26k being asked for on the GoFundMe will satisfy the $25,457 in back taxes/insurance that will reinstate the mortgage that will keep Christian in the home.

A close friend of Christian's put us in contact with a lawyer who has been working on aiding us through this process. Chris's case is sitting in Common Pleas Court. Because it’s a foreclosure, it needs to be moved to the Master-In-Equity. There is a Roster Meeting on Monday, September 12 to set cases for trial that week on the Common Pleas docket. Our lawyer and opposing counsel will likely agree to refer the case to Judge Strickland, the Master-In-Equity. Once it arrives in the Master’s office we will wait again to be put on the roster for the final hearing.”

Joey also reminded me that since Christina and Bruce were not married, Christian did not receive any survivor compensation after his death.

Jasper will continue to stay in touch with Chris’s amazing friends and keep readers up-to-date.

But now it’s time for all of us to do our part to get Chris to that $26K mark to improve his chances of staying in his incredible home. If you can’t afford to donate, then thank you for sharing this message and the link to Chris’s GoFundMe Campaign.

Do this for Chris. Do it for Bruce, who so generously gave of himself especially to the Nickelodeon. And Do it for our community.