Belly Dancer and Silversmith Ashley Bennett Creates Stories Through Jewelry in Her August Tiny Gallery Show

On August 1st, Jasper unveiled the newest Tiny Gallery featuring Ashley Bennett, the first solo jewelry show in the gallery’s history. Bennett, a dancer and silversmith who runs dance group Tiny Coven and smithing studio Covenite Silver, created 16 pieces throughout July for the show. The show has one week and two pieces left, so take a peek at them and Bennett’s life below. 

Bennett is not a stranger to beautiful art, seeing as she was raised by a “natural singer”—her mother—who was in turn raised by a pianist. A young woman raising a child on her own meant the pair moved quite often, living in Georgia, Ohio, and Michigan. Throughout times of change, though, one thing remained certain.

 “My mom wanted me to have more art in my life, and I always had a wild imagination,” Bennett recalls. “In the 6th grade, my English teacher recommended that I be placed in a magnet school for fine arts, based on my creative writing. I ended up being accepted for music, drama, and dance.”  

While Bennett enjoyed her courses, she found herself struggling to organize her work, time, and thoughts. Unfortunately, due to time and circumstance, she would not have an answer to understanding this part of her identity for years. 

“Thanks to social media and the fact that people understand a lot more about learning and neurodivergence, I'm currently working on getting a diagnosis for adult ADHD and dyslexia,” Bennett divulges, “It's not that I'm excited to have a learning disability—I'm just excited to know that I don't have to feel ashamed of myself for failing at some things.”  

Towards the beginning of this journey of self-understanding, Bennett took a couple of different dance classes, including Appalachian style clogging and belly dancing, the latter of which would become a defining part of her identity. While she did not immediately dedicate herself to belly dancing, Bennett did fall in love with yoga, and serendipitously, with a yoga class taught by belly dancer, Rachel Brice

“My yoga practice was never the same after that,” Bennett shares. “It's now been 16 years since I took my first intensive with Rachel…and only 6 months since we spoke on Zoom about a final project that I completed for her during quarantine.” 

This seeking of the self and interweaving of aspects of life continues to leak through Bennett’s art. Belly dancing and jewelry making are her two passions, and as she has explored each, she has found they speak to one another. Belly dancers, for instance, often partake in their own costume and jewelry design. 


“One time, when I was brand new and had made my very first ‘bra’ style top, a woman walked up and exclaimed that she owned the exact same embroidered trim that I had used (from JoAnn Fabrics),” Bennett remembers, “After that, I would only buy costume components from vintage and ethnic shops online. I want my audience to be transported to another world, not to the craft store. Keeping everything thing one-of-a-kind, handmade, and rugged is what drew me to smithing.” 

Even today, Bennett emphasizes that any jewelry she creates she would also wear as a costume piece. A balance of dedication and spontaneity are present in both smithing and performing. Individually, they function like a yin and yang with dance focusing on community and smithing focusing on solidarity, coming together to inform one another’s storytelling. 

“Both disciplines involve a hardy dose of improvisation, which I find deeply gratifying,” Bennett says. “And they both bring me so much joy.” 

Whether dance or jewelry, past work or present, Bennett is inspired by the less tangible aspects of the world around her, claiming that she never stopped believing that magic exists naturally within all of us. She hopes to offer a tangible version of that to others, often with pendants inspired by mythical creatures. 

“My approach to costuming is that I want the audience to believe we may have been born wearing our costumes. While I am still mastering the basics of silversmithing, my aim is to create pieces that look like the wearer came into this world wearing them,” Bennett says. “It would hang naturally, and the closures would be difficult to spot. I love when you can look at a piece close-up and still not really be able to tell how it was made.”  

When it comes to this specific Tiny Gallery show, Bennett was motivated by a desire to make one piece of jewelry every day through the month of July and present a fresh, inspired collection. While 2020 provided much free time to smith, 2021 sucked much that time away, and whatever time remained typically went to custom designs. 

“I wanted to challenge myself not to overthink every piece, to just make something from start to finish in one day, and then build the collection one day at a time and see what happens,” Bennett reveals, “July is also my birthday month, so I saw it as an indulgent treat for myself. No customs—just a few hours of improvisation a day and a fistful of pendants made from my favorite stone.”  

Unfortunately, at the end of June, Bennett’s mother fell ill, and she found out she had to vacate her home in 30 days, moving not only her studio but her family and life. July brought not only these shifts but a hernia and broken tooth. Despite these curveballs directly thrown her way, Bennett still made 16 pieces of jewelry throughout the month of July.  

“I hope that those who see my work get a sense of dauntless optimism. Things will work out, and if they don't, something else will happen,” Bennett says. “I am not a Buddhist, but I am comfortably detached from outcomes—and I think that is the secret to happiness.”

Attached to an outcome or not, the results of her show so far are nothing short of wonderful, though not surprising. 14 of 16 pendants have sold, pendants proving that a handmade piece of jewelry holds just as much soul and story as a painting or photograph. The varied tones of the center stones on each piece, shining in emerald and cerulean, hold and project individual tales. 

As a storyteller and artist, Bennett has two opportunities she considers distinctly special. One is interacting with her dance students—who she calls her closest friends and support system—and the other is being a working artist and a mom: “It is a huge privilege to me that I get to raise my daughter in a community of diverse and talented people, like those from our years at Tapp's Arts Center and presently at Sage Studios.”

 If you’d like to support Bennett as an artist, teacher, mother, and human, visit her gallery by the end of the month. Currently, only two of her effervescent pendants remain with only a week left to bring their stories home with you. The gallery is available 24/7 at the Jasper website:  

After the show, Bennett’s dance company, Tiny Coven, will be working towards ensemble performances this coming fall and spring. She hopes to schedule more collection releases with Covenite Silver in the coming months as well, which you can follow on her Instagram @covenitesilver. Finally, she’d love the chance to show old and new friends alike around her new space at Sage Studios.

-Christina Xan

2021 2nd Act Film Project Postponed Until Spring 2022

Columbia Filmmakers and Friends, 

The Jasper Project has decided to postpone the 2021 2nd Act Film Project until the spring of 2022. As an organization, we feel the risk to the health of our filmmaking community and those they would come in contact with during this year’s project are our top priority as our country continues through these times. 

Much discussion was had with previous participants in the 2nd Act Film Project about having an event this year. The overwhelmingly positive response to moving forward with a 2021 2nd Act Film Project gave us affirmation in the event and about the community that it has helped grow. However, this was during a time when the statistics seemed to say our country’s health was on the mend. Unfortunately, the situation has changed within the past few weeks. 

So, stay tuned for more information as we will have news on a new 2022 2nd Act Film Project calendar shortly. 

Wade Sellers

Producer/Director, Coal Powered Filmworks

President, Jasper Project Board of Directors

7 Questions with Columbia Summer Rep Dance Company's Abby McDowell

Jasper is catching up with some of the members of the Columbia Summer Repertory Theatre in advance of their upcoming summer concerts this Friday and Saturday nights. Today we’re talking with Abby McDowell.

JASPER: Abby, catch us up on you, please. Where are you from and where did you train or work prior to coming to Columbia? 

ABBY: I’m originally from Charlotte and grew up in the school of Charlotte Ballet, where I trained with Patty McBride, Jean-Pierre Bonnefoux, Mark Diamond, and Cathy Moriarty. At 18 I got a position as an apprentice with Charlotte Ballet, and then a position in The Professional Division of Pacific Northwest Ballet School.  I worked as a fellowship with Atlanta Ballet, and then spent 7 years dancing for The Georgia Ballet.  


JASPER: When did you come to CCB and what is your position there now? 

ABBY: I joined CCB 7 years ago and was appointed to soloist after my 3rd season with the company.


JASPER: What’s the most satisfying role you’ve ever danced? 

ABBY: The role of “Rhythm Girl”  in Balanchine’s Who cares?.  It was originally choreographed on my beloved teacher and mentor Patty McBride who was a muse of George Balanchine.  She was an extremely enigmatic performer, and it was created at a special time in the history of ballet in America, so I feel really honored to have had the opportunity to step into those shoes for a moment!


JASPER: What role have you not danced that you really want to? 

ABBY: There are so many! Full length classical would have to be Aurora in Sleeping Beauty because the score is so dreamy, and as a character she really gets to come full circle.  In the neoclassical/contemporary realm I would love to dance in the corps de ballet of Balanchine’s Rubies, anything by Wheeldon or Forsythe, Paul Taylor’s Company B, or Nacho Duato’s Jardi Tancat.


abby McDowell 2.png

JASPER: What made you want to dance in the Summer Rep Company? 

ABBY: I think that as a dancer it’s important to not only maintain your body as your tool, but to never stop learning and growing as an artist.  This gives me the opportunity to try new things while keeping me moving in the off-season.

JASPER: Do you think dancing in Summer Rep will help you as you go back to your season at CCB this fall? 

ABBY: Of Course!  It’s helped me stay in shape, made me think, and given me the opportunity to move my body in new and different ways. These are all things I’ll take with me into CCB’s upcoming season.


JASPER: What piece or pieces are you most excited about sharing with audiences in this week’s show and why? 

ABBY: I really love the Sam Cook Suite we’re doing because it’s light and happy, and I think there’s a lot of people out there who could probably use some of that energy right now!  It’s also a treat to get to dance to live music and Claire plays so beautifully, so Seven is exciting

CSRDC’s Limitless will premiere two consecutive nights:

Friday, August 13th and Saturday, August 14th, both at 8:00pm at Trustus Theatre.

You can purchase tickets at

Chad Henderson Moves to SC Philharmonic



Chad Henderson

Chad Henderson


COLUMBIA, S.C. – The South Carolina Philharmonic welcomes Chad Henderson as the new Marketing and Communications Director. The position, recently held by Kristin Morris, will be filled by the recent Executive Director of Trustus Theatre who resigned from Trustus on July 29, 2021. SC Philharmonic Executive Director Rhonda Hunsinger announced the hiring of Henderson on August 9, 2021, and Henderson’s first day with the SC Philharmonic will be August 16, 2021. 

Henderson, a native of Spartanburg, SC, came to Columbia in 2003 as a student of the South Carolina Honors College. He started his studies at the university as an aspiring professional percussionist at the school of music with a minor in advertising. He later transitioned to a major in advertising and a minor in theatre. Henderson served as Trustus Theatre’s Marketing Director for eight years starting in 2007, was Artistic Director for 5 years, and the organization’s Executive Director throughout the past year - which included the theatre’s closure due to the pandemic and its return to live performance. With 14 years of experience promoting nonprofit arts programming in Columbia, Henderson is excited to join the SC Philharmonic team as they launch their 2021/2022 concert season with live and virtual performances.  

South Carolina Philharmonic Executive Director Rhonda Hunsinger expressed her excitement to welcome Henderson to the team after receiving his application for the position earlier in July 2021. “I have known Chad since his early days at Trustus and have always admired his creative drive and commitment to the arts in Columbia,” said Hunsinger. “As colleagues we have often turned to each other for guidance, and I am delighted that we can now work together to advance the mission of the South Carolina Philharmonic!” 

Henderson’s passion for music, experience in promoting events in Columbia, and his desire to work for an established team of professionals makes him a winning fit for the Marketing and Communications Director position at the South Carolina Philharmonic. “I am a longtime fan of the South Carolina Philharmonic and its programming, and am thrilled to have the opportunity to join their team,” said Henderson. “The leadership at the South Carolina Philharmonic has an amazing track record and tenure, and the Board of Directors has been exemplary in it support of the staff and moving the organization forward. I had the pleasure of talking with various members of the Philharmonic’s artistic family over the past few weeks, and I am so delighted to be able to work for this amazing arts organization.” Henderson intimated that he considered applying for the position when it became available in 2018, but is so grateful to have the Opportunity in 2021.

 SC Philharmonic Mission: The South Carolina Philharmonic is committed to performing live symphonic music and providing dynamic educational opportunities in the Midlands. We carry forward a legacy of passion for the music and embrace our responsibility to be a vibrant part of the cultural fabric of our diverse community.

Columbia Representing at the Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame with Capital City Playboys, Hot Lava Monster & Students of the Columbia Arts Academy

When Marty Fort does something, he does it big and he does it right., as evidenced by the more than 1700 families who have enrolled their students in the Columbia Arts Academy, Fort’s multi-instrument arts education facility founded in 2003.

This weekend, Fort is doing what seems to come naturally to the artist/entrepreneur. He, his school, and a couple of his favorite SC bands are taking over the Foster Theatre at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio. And while the most obvious audience of fans, friends, and family may not all be able to be there to cheer them on, (it should be noted that Jasper Project board president Wade Sellers will be on site, in a working capacity, of course), the rest of us can still watch the performance via a live stream either at home or a one of Fort’s three music schools in Columbia, Irmo, or Lexington where live stream parties will be held.

Shane Manning

Shane Manning

Fort is super proud of his students, including one young man, 17-year-old guitarist Shane Manning, son of Shannon and Shawn Manning, who Fort identifies as “an amazing player” who is “on his way to great things if he keeps it up.” There are a total of eight kids taking this once-in-a-lifetime adventure with Fort and they will be performing with their instructors as well as each other.

Hot Lava Monster

Hot Lava Monster

In addition to the kids, Fort is taking along favorite local bands Hot Lava Monster—Patrick Baxley, Wes Pellerin, Jon Hawkins, Mike Schaming—and Capital City Playboys, with whom he plays himself, and they will also be performing

Capital City Playboys -

Capital City Playboys -

Capital City Playboys, whose membership also includes Kevin Brewer and Jay Matheson, recently opened for Cowboy Mouth at the Main Course on Main Street in Columbia and will be performing at the Art Bar on Saturday August 14th along with Greenville’s Silver Tongue Devils and Deaf Web’s Blues Intrusion.

Saturday August 7th

11am - 4pm

Columbia Operatic Lab is Everything 2021 Needs from a Badass Opera Company

“This is not your Mee-Maw’s opera …”

Columbia Operatic Laboratory is delighted to be back at Art Bar at 8:00 PM on Friday, August 20 to present a “Notoriously Hot *and Bothered*” concert and the original opera “Four Singers Walk into A Bar.”

The concert will feature music from opera and musicals that will take you from the heat of passionate love to the flames of anger, to the pits of Hell, and back to the sweltering heat of our fair city. Who knows what you will hear or what special guest stars may appear?

Four Singers Walk into a Bar tells the story of four singers who walk into a bar to sing and try to pick up dates. While they sing in foreign languages, there is a handy-dandy live translator to provide an English translation and a bit of color commentary. Columbia Operatic Laboratory founding member Maria Beery wrote the show as a way to make a recital of arias and scenes more interesting by weaving a plot through them. While the music is hundreds of years old, the stories are current and relatable.

This is not your Mee-Maw’s opera, and you do not need a music degree to enjoy a special evening of live entertainment.

columbia operatic lab group.jpg

Performers for the evening include singers Maria Beery, Michael Brown, Evelyn Clary, Jennifer Mitchell, and Craig Price, translator Andrew Skaggs, and collaborative pianist Bradley Fuller.

Art Bar is located at 1211 Park Street in Columbia.  There will be a $5 cover, and donations will be gratefully accepted.

Columbia Operatic Laboratory, Inc. is a 501-c3 nonprofit aimed at providing arts educating in the field of opera. For more information, follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Photo Credits – Michael Brown and Jerryana Williams-Bibiloni

EDITORIAL: Thoughts on Trustus Theatre as Chad Henderson Takes His Leave

By Cindi Boiter - Editor, Jasper Magazine

Chad accepting the SC Theatre Association’s Founders Award in 2018

Chad accepting the SC Theatre Association’s Founders Award in 2018

By now, many if not most of the area’s artists and arts lovers have learned that Chad Henderson has left his post as executive director of Trustus Theatre for new stage sets and designs and new characters to coax into life. (Full disclosure: Chad is my son-in-law. That said, I have been a massive fan and supporter of Trustus Theatre for decades and have served on the board of directors under two artistic directors, including co-founder Jim Thigpen. It is from the perspective of someone who prizes Trustus and the role it plays in the greater arts community that I write this piece.)

Like pretty much everyone, I am sad to see Chad go though I firmly believe it is a smart thing for him to do.

It can be argued that Chad has more talent and potential for creative possibility than could continue to healthily grow in that small but fertile space on Lady Street.

I get that.

In the current structure of most non-profit arts organizations one can only grow as great as one’s board of directors is comfortable with.  It doesn’t matter if you’re an artist or an ED, in the non-profit world we all labor under a collection of thumbs that could fall at any time. It’s easy to imagine a creative spirit straining against the well-meaning confines of a rotating organization of seat-fillers to fully realize that spirit’s potential to break some windows and rattle some doors.

Kudos to Chad for leaving Trustus before this became the case.

As a theatre autodidact and someone who has been lucky to travel a bit and see my share of theatre throughout the US and Europe, I can honestly say that some of the best performances I have ever seen have been on the stage at Trustus Theatre.

I’m reminded of Tarell Alvin McCraney’s Brother/Sister plays, specifically In the Red and Brown Water, which Chad directed in 2015 featuring Avery Bateman and a cast-iron solid cast that included actors like Katrina Blanding and Annette Dees Grievous whose voices I couldn’t get out of my head for weeks after seeing it.

The next year, Chad directed part two of McCraney’s trilogy, The Brothers Size, with Jabar Hankins, Bakari Lebby, and Leven Jackson. I remember walking into the Side Door Theatre and being welcomed by the sounds of cicadas and seeing twinkling lights—lightening bugs—throughout the air. I saw that show three times just so I could watch Jabar’s face and hear his voice crack with love and pain.

I am also reminded of seeing Paul Kaufmann in the one-man play, I Am My Own Wife, directed by Ellen Schlaefer in the Side Door in 2012, after having seen Jefferson Mays in the role at the Lyceum on Broadway. I liked Paul better.

Spring Awakening, Next to Normal, Avenue Q – the list goes on. All of these plays left me, time and again, in awe that you could see this caliber of performance in a  grubby little theatre down the street from wherever you are in town.

No, Chad didn’t direct all the paradigm shifting plays we’ve seen at Trustus. Though it’s no coincidence that many of the plays he scheduled or directed were in keeping with the kind of avant-garde theatrical art that Jim and Kay Thigpen envisioned producing when they started the theatre.

So, as pleased as I am to see Chad move on to the next stage, wherever he finds it, I worry about Trustus.

Don’t get me wrong, I have immense faith in Dewey Scott-Wiley as she steps in as interim director. Dewey is smart, sophisticated, talented, and responsible. There is no one else in town who could do the job she will be doing as well as she will do it.

And that’s the problem. It’s doubtful that Dewey would take the helm of running Trustus permanently. Dewey already has a job and a life.

And make no mistake, whoever takes over running Trustus will not just be taking on a job. They will also be taking on a life. There’s not enough support staff in the world, and there are certainly not enough numbers before the decimal point in the ED’s salary to entice most people who are good enough to do the job to actually do it long-term.

Because running a theatre like Trustus is  a lot like raising a child. For Jim and Kay, Trustus was their child. For Chad, the theatre was a family member he was both emotionally, intellectually, and creatively connected to in that they grew alongside each other for over 14 years. Trustus made Chad the man he is today, and Chad certainly did his part in making Trustus the theatre it is.

I worry that kind of relationship was what kept Trustus going even after Jim and Kay left. And I worry about what will happen in the absence of that kind of relationship.

Trustus has built an enviable reputation among its organizational peers in South Carolina, sharing equity actors, directors, and innovations with other top theatrical minds. Will those relationships be maintained and nurtured? Will they be respected for how they elevate the art form throughout the state? Or will we just worry about our small circles of friends and supporters because that’s the easiest thing to do?

When the board puts pressure on the permanent replacement staff to pay the bills will whoever is behind the wheel resort to producing hokey Southern schlep just to fill the seats? Will they simply recycle previously successful productions and, if so, how many times will theatre audiences pay to see the same show again, and again, and again? God knows you cannot grow audiences that way!

Or worse, will they slump to the lowest of lows and cast local celebrities, moneyed patrons, or God-forbid, CHILDREN in roles just so the “actors’” doting fans and relatives will buy tickets and put butts in seats?

I mean, I have nothing against community theatre. In fact, I love community theatre. But Columbia and its bedroom communities have community theatre out the wazoo, and that's fabulous. Everybody needs a stage at some point, but the stage doesn't need every body. (I’m reminded of a local production of Cats I once saw …)

Trustus has set the standard for professional theatre in the area and believe me, there is as much a difference between professional theatre and community theatre as there is between professional dance and dance school recitals.

I worry.

As proud and happy for Chad as I am, I sincerely hope Trustus Theatre will continue to be the touchstone for avant-garde artistic experiences in the region that it has been since 1985. As a literary artist and an arts afficionado myself, I need this.

To the powers that be, a few requests:

Please respect the culture of the theatre that Jim, Kay, Dewey, Larry, Chad, and the whole Trustus Family has put so much of themselves into creating. It may not be perfect, but it is fertile, it is forgiving, and it accepts people for who they are and what they bring to the table, recognizing that genius is seldom faultless.

Please be careful filling this position, but don’t be too safe.

Please remember there are many ways to interpret integrity and dedication and the best person for the job may not be as sweet-talking or as clean behind their ears as you might like. It takes a lot of bodily fluids to maintain and grow an artistic brand like Trustus.

Trustus had Chad’s heart and he was as devoted to its legacy as a best big brother could be.  I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of the people who have to try to replace him.

But good luck. 

Chad Henderson and Trustus Co-Founder Kay Thigpen

Chad Henderson and Trustus Co-Founder Kay Thigpen

Announcing the Accepted Contributions to 2021 Fall Lines - a literary convergence & Winners of the Broad River Prize for Prose and Saluda River Prize for Poetry

Fall Lines image.png

The Jasper Project, in conjunction with Richland Library, One Columbia for Arts and Culture and Richland Library Friends & Family , is proud to announce the authors whose work has been accepted for publication in part II of the combined seventh and eighth edition of Fall Lines – a literary convergence, as well as the recipients of the 2021 Fall Lines Awards for the Saluda River Prize for Poetry and the Broad River Prize for Prose.

Congratulations to

Kasie Whitener whose short fiction, The Shower,

was selected from more than one hundred prose submissions as the winner of the Broad River Prize for Prose, and to

Angelo Geter, whose poem, Black Girl Fly,

was selected from more than 400 submissions as the winner of the Saluda River Prize for Poetry.

All additional contributors are listed below!

Judges for this year’s awards were

Randall David Cook for fiction and Nathalie Anderson for poetry. 

jasper logo.jpg

Mark your calendar for Sunday October 17th at 3 pm for the 2020-2021 Fall Lines Release and Reading at the Main Branch of the Richland Library. All contributors are invited to read ONE piece from the combined issues. The event is free and open to the public!

All accepted contributors should send a 75-word bio to be included in the journal to


Aida Rogers – From Proust to Gibbs

Hannah Pearson – Where the Fox and Hare Say Goodnight

Liesel Hamilton - Drifting

Susanne Kamata -  The Lump

Loli Molina Munoz - Distance(s)

Carla Damron - Breaking the Surface

Arthur McMaster - Connecting Flights

Kasie Whitener - The Shower

Tim Conroy - Pendleton Street

Debra Daniel - How to Make Peach Jam


Angelo Geter -  Black Girl Fly

Lisa Hase Jackson – Dead Birds of the Great Leap Forward

Ray McManus – When You Can’t Tell the Vine from the Branches

Landon Chapman – Odysseus

Ken McLaurin – Procrastination

Terri McCord – Sense Making

May O’Keefe Brady – Pandemic’s Box

Adam Corbett – The Keys and Gertrude Stein

Patricia Starek -  Glass Travels

Jenny Maxwell – My Father on Tap Dancing

Nicola Waldron – Peach Harvest

Ken Denk – Propitiating the Pulmonic Plague and After the Fight

Ruth Nicholson – At Congaree Swamp

Glenis Redmond – She Makes Me Think of Houses and For Dark-Skinned Black Women You Know it’s Not Just About the Red Lipstick

Judith Cumming Reese – Twilight Song

Eileen Scharenbroch – Sisters

Worthy Branson Evans – Blues For Want of a Blues Song

Kristine Hartvigsen – Journey

Roy Seeger – Alluvial Patterns

Randy Spencer – Invitation to the Plague and When it is Over

Betsy Thorne – Quarantined

Amanda Rachelle Warren – How Many Reasons for this Up and Gone

Jo Angela Edwins – The Lichtenberg Figure

Susan Craig – Tell Me it is Enough

Danielle Ann Verwers – When the Lights Go Out

Ann-Chadwell Humphries – Golden Boy

Austin Hehir – Human

Libby Bernardin – Dear October

Horace Mungin – Flip of the Two-Headed Coin

Melanie McClellan Hartnett – untitled

Al Black – Prayers in the Spectrum

John Lane – Two Rifts on Montale

Gil Allen – The Chosen

Jane Zenger – What I Will Do For You

Lisa Johnson-McVety – Sad Feet


7 Questions for Columbia Summer Rep Dance Co. Director & Co-Founder Stephanie Wilkins

 I think if COVID has taught us anything, it's life can be short, and it can be hard, and you better get out there and experience things you've never done before.

Stephanie Wilkins - phot by Kevin Kyzer

Stephanie Wilkins - phot by Kevin Kyzer

The Columbia Summer Repertory Dance Company (CSRDC) was founded in 2019 as an opportunity for Columbia-based dancers to work and practice in their off-season while staying in the city they love and to bring unique performances to Columbia patrons. After a sold-out opening performance in 2019, CSRDC is back with their second annual performance, Limitless.

Jasper, CSDRC’s fiscal agent, sat down with CSDRC’s co-founder and Artistic Director, Stephanie Wilkins, to hear her thoughts about the upcoming performances.

JASPER: How did you feel after your first performance in 2019?

WILKINS: I was just overwhelmed with joy at how well it went and at the support that the Jasper Project and the local community gave us. We only did one night the first time, and we completely sold out and had to turn people away at the door. I’m still so incredibly overwhelmed by that generosity and, of course, so happy that dancers and artists were able to get paid for what they love. I was so excited for the next season, and then COVID happened. But we continued to work through the summer last year with safety precautions. It was actually a good choreographic challenge for me to choreograph with everyone wearing a mask and, of course, no partnering. Both of the dances we made during COVID last summer will actually be featured in this show.


Stephanie with sister chorographer Angela Gallo after 2019 show

Stephanie with sister chorographer Angela Gallo after 2019 show

JASPER: Who is performing in the show this time around?  

WILKINS: Excluding me, there are eight dancers—four women and four men: Bonnie Boiter-Jolley [who also serves as CSDRC’s co-founder and Managing Director], Abby McDowell, Nicole Carrion, Jennifer Becker Lee, Joshua Van Dyke, Sam Huberty, Nicholas White, and Josh Alexander, who just danced in the most recent Superbowl Halftime with The Weekend. I’m choreographing several dances, and there are three guest choreographers: Dale Lam, who is the Artistic Director of the Columbia City Jazz Conservatory; Angela Gallo, who is the Dean of the School of Visual and Performing Arts at Coker University; and Terrance Henderson, who was the Artistic Director of Columbia’s Vibrations Dance Company’s for over a decade. We also have a couple of musical acts that will function as interludes in between the dances and as part of two of the dances as well: Katie Leitner, who is a local singer-songwriter, and Claire Bryant, who is a cello professor at the University of South Carolina and is currently in the band of Moulin Rouge on Broadway.  

The Columbia Summer Rep Dance Company 2021

The Columbia Summer Rep Dance Company 2021

JASPER: You didn’t dance last show—what made you dance this time?

WILKINS: Good question. I am seriously terrified. I mean, I'm not so terrified of the group piece, the Carolina Shag, which is just so much fun and serves as a tribute to my dad. But the solo dance is what scares me. You know, I'm a lot older than these dancers—I could be their mother—but I'm not done yet. I'm in good shape, and even though my dancing career is different than it used to be, I can dance. I had two major knee surgeries in the past four years, so maybe I can't do the crazy stuff I could do when I was their age or younger, but I'm more seasoned and more expressive. It's been a very long time since I performed, so I'm really scared but excited too. But you know, you face fear. You're scared as hell, but you do it anyway. That’s why I’m dancing.

Stephanie on Gyrotonic equipment 2019

Stephanie on Gyrotonic equipment 2019

JASPER: What should the audience expect if they attend a performance? 

WILKINS:Well, right now we’re looking at having at least nine dances, and we may have one or two more. There will be the two musical acts, and altogether the show will probably be about an hour and a half with one intermission. We have a little something for everybody. There’s a lot of contemporary dance and dances that cover the range of the human emotional spectrum. You know, people always joke with me, ‘Stephanie, can’t you choregraph something happy?’ but this is my art and my way of communicating and expressing my own emotions, which of course the dancers make their own and express in their own unique ways. We have a couple lighter pieces, like the shag, which might be the lightest moment of the show. Some pieces are mournful, some are lonely, some are angry.It’s a group of people using their bodies to show the depth of human emotion and how it wears on more than our faces and inner bodies. 

JASPER: Do you have a favorite number or moment in the show? 

WILKINS: We’re still doing tweaks, but I think it's turning out to be a piece called “Seven,” which will be the piece where Claire performs with her cello. It was written by her friend, Andrea Casarrubios, who is a Spanish cellist living in New York, and she wrote it in honor of the 7:00pm hour during COVID in NYC where people would hang out of their windows, come out onto the street, and bang pots and pans and make noise in honor of the heroes, the frontline workers. I mean, I'm dreaming about that piece. I still haven't finished it, you know, I don't want to screw it up. It's such a beautiful composition, and it’s so beautifully played by Claire, and the dancers are exquisite. I'm ending the show with it because even though it's a mournful piece about the pandemic, it's hopeful too because it's about a moment in time where every night people were together—even though they couldn't come together and touch each other, they were celebrating, being alive, and making noise.


JASPER: What made you call the show Limitless

WILKINS: I keep a journal where I jot down words that inspire me or might inspire or be relevant to a dance. I sent three choices from these to Bonnie for the title, and we both tended to lean toward limitless. I think all of us can say that we've limited ourselves in our lives in some way, shape, or form. I personally can say that in a lot of different aspects of my life, but specifically the dance world, I feel like I really pigeonholed myself. I was so sure of being a contemporary dancer, and one time my dad said to me, ‘Stephanie, dancers dance. That's what they do. And if you're dancing, you're doing what you love, regardless of if it's your favorite type.’ And I was just so stubborn, but I finally have opened myself up so much to anything and everything that is in the realm of the dance world,challenging myself as a choreographer and dancer. I’ve learned, even though it took so long, that I don't want to limit myself anymore. I don’t think anyone should. And that's where limitless stemmed from.


Stephanie with CSRDC co-founder Bonnie Boiter-Jolley post performance

Stephanie with CSRDC co-founder Bonnie Boiter-Jolley post performance

JASPER: Why do you believe people should experience Limitless?  

WILKINS: Often when I come across people in Columbia, whether clients, friends, or family, they either have a never been to a dance performance or their only exposure to dance has been maybe the Nutcracker as a child. So, this is an experience where if people are the least a bit interested in artistic presentations—whether they like dance or music or art or drama or theater—this has something for everyone. And it’s pretty phenomenal to watch the absolute artistry and athleticism of these dancers. Beyond that, it'll challenge your thinking—it'll make you feel something that maybe you didn't think about before. It'll make you laugh, and it'll make you cry. I think if COVID has taught us anything, it's life can be short, and it can be hard, and you better get out there and experience things you've never done before.This is a good chance to do that in our little, special town—a chance to be limitless, right here in Columbia.


CSRDC’s Limitless will premiere two consecutive nights:

Friday, August 13th and Saturday, August 14th, both at 8:00pm at Trustus Theatre.

You can purchase tickets at


(Editor’s note: The Jasper Project is serving as the fiscal agent for the Summer Rep Dance Company, and we are encouraging this amazingly hard-working group of artists to start their own 501c3. We believe in them this much! But since this may be the last time we try to raise funds for them under the auspices of the Jasper Project, I wanted to say a little something.

THIS is what art is all about! These dance artists love what they do so much that they are changing the rules and upping the game. Their spirits and their artistic instruments — their bodies — miss dance so much during their off-season that they CREATED THEIR OWN OPPORTUNITY to dance. For themselves and for us.

Right now, we are about $3000 short of our fund raising goal of $12,000. All of the money we raise goes directly into putting on this performance — paying a modest amount to the dancers, choreographers, costumer, and crew with just a little bit toward advertising. Nothing goes to overhead or administration. Nothing to the Jasper Project. No frills.

This is art in its purest form.

So, here’s the humble ask.

If you can, please pat these artists on the back by offering your financial support either by buying tickets ($25 in advance with 3 different donor opportunities through BROWN PAPER TICKETS @ OR visiting their page on this website and clicking on DONATE NOW.

Thank you for doing your part to promote artists creating grass roots opportunities to bring art to the city in its purest form.

Thanks & Take Care,


Jasper Galleries Welcomes Nikolai Oskolkov to Motor Supply Company

Nikolai Oskolkov (NikO) is a painter and musician based in Columbia, SC. He graduated from University of South Carolina in 2006 and has been active in the local art scene for the past 15 years.

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A seasoned traveler, NikO chooses subjects that are reflections of personal experiences ranging from Southern landscape and dreamy scenes of Venice to portrait figures and surrealism.


Rich, natural colors in oil invite the viewer to familiar and distant places.

Lately NikO has been exploring the concept of commission artwork and is most eager to engage in a wide range of projects

The show will run until mid-October.

PROCESS: Theatre Artist Elena Martinez-Vidal Writes about Auditioning for the Role of Maria Callas in Terrence McNally's MASTER CLASS

Elena Martinez-Vidal as Maria Callas

Elena Martinez-Vidal as Maria Callas

An important part of the Jasper Project’s mission is to bring the process of creating art to life for our readers. It’s fascinating learning how many hours of work go into creating a ballet or releasing an album. When we look at the various processes of creating art, no matter the discipline, we come to understand and appreciate the final product much more thoroughly.

To that end, we are always excited when artists share their methodology in a way that we can share it with our readers.

Today, theatre artist Elena Martinez-Vidal shares with us her experience of auditioning for the role of Maria Callas in Terrance McNally’s 1995 play, MASTER CLASS.

The premise of MASTER CLASS is that the larger-than-life soprano, Maria Callas, is teaching a masterclass to vocalists in the last years of her life while she also reminisces about her life and career. Callas was born in 1923 and died of a heart attack in 1977 at the age of 53.

Playwright Terrance McNally, often referenced as the Bard of American Theatre, died of COVID-19 in March of 2020. The author of such critically successful plays as Kiss of the Spider Woman, The Full Monty, and Ragtime, was the recipient of five Tony Awards and enjoyed a career that spanned six decades.


Master Class 

The Audition

By Elena Martinez-Vidal

"Art is domination. It's making people think that for that precise moment in time there is only one way, one voice. Yours." ~ Terrence McNally, Master Class

Every actor either loves or hates auditioning.

au·di·tion: /ôˈdiSH(ə)n-an interview for a particular role or job as a singer, actor, dancer, or musician, consisting of a practical demonstration of the candidate's suitability and skill. ~ Oxford Languages

I am one of those who tends to be terrified most of the time. Or at least, I used to be. But as the years have gone by, I don't really fear them as much anymore. And sometimes I don’t have to audition, I just get the part!

Hilary Swank is quoted as saying: “All you have to remember is 'audition' is synonymous with 'opportunity. I mean, if you absolutely hate auditioning, do you also hate opportunities? That wouldn't make much sense.”

She didn’t make sense to me. Auditioning is usually torture.

I liked what Robert De Niro said: “Auditions are like a gamble. Most likely you won't get the part, but if you don't go, you'll never know if you could've got it.”

That’s why you have to do them even if they are torture. If you don’t try, you can’t win!

There is a theory that auditioning is your way of doing a mini play. You show yourself off and try to earn a role.

"Think of every audition as a chance to perform and you will have fun doing it."

~ Erica Schroeder

As a speed-reader, I have to slow myself way down or I get tangled up in the words. And I am always terrified that I am doing it wrong.

I could write an entire piece just on auditions I have done. Some have been hilarious since I never even read the play, so my intentions were all wrong. Sometimes I even got the part.

And every once in a while, there is a magical audition! Where it all comes together, and you feel it. Where all the planets and stars align, and it just works! I have only had that happen twice. And this is a short story about one of those times.

When I read about auditions for Master Class by Terrance McNally at Workshop Theatre in Columbia, SC in 2001, I did what all good actors do, I skimmed the play. And I wanted to do it!

What a glorious piece of writing; what a fabulous part!

After announcing my intentions, I was told not to bother because every opera singer in town was going to audition.

But here's the thing - she doesn't sing in the play, except for one small line from Verdi's Lady Macbeth. The stage direction is: "What comes out is a cracked and broken thing".  I figured I could do that. My singing tends to be cracked and broken unless I really am working on it.

I knew I was a little heavy and definitely too short. But I can lose weight and I can act taller! (I do that all the time.) So, I read up on Maria Callas. And I read the play, not just skimmed it. It’s daunting since most of the play is Maria onstage speaking to the audience all alone.

I knew the director and she directed opera also. I was a bit bummed because of being told not to even go for it. BUT I knew I could act it. Oh, and I so wanted to act it! So. after prepping, off to the audition I went.

The room was long, and I seem to remember light coming in from the windows, but that could be a false memory.  I just remember being alone in that room with Ellen, the director.

I don’t remember what I read, not a single line. I know I didn’t try any kind of dialect just heightened American.

What I do remember is that it was magical! All the lines, all the emotion behind and underneath the lines, everything was working! I felt her, I was her! I was transported!

And then I left.

I don’t remember when she called me and offered me the role. I do remember being elated! I do remember that I had to lose weight.


The Rehearsals


Learning Lines

Learning lines is the most horrifying part of acting for me. I don’t have an eidetic memory. I don’t have the ability to learn them instantly. Everyone has some sort of process. Some people write them down. Some people record them. I just recite them over and over and over and over.

I once read about Anthony Hopkins and how he learns lines. Here is an excerpt:

When it comes to preparing for a role, Hopkins delves deeply into the words of the script. He is known to go over his lines sometimes over 200 times until they’re absorbed into his psyche. “I learn the text so deeply that I think it has some chemical effect in my brain,” he says. “I believe in learning the text which is there. Once you know it so well that you can improvise and make it real, it’s easy. 

I recognize this. This is what I do. Go over the lines so much that somehow, they stick with me. At least that is what I want! But unfortunately, I never quite get them. There is usually a phrase or a word that escapes me. I hate it because I want to say the lines like the author wrote them. An actor is not to adapt the lines to themselves, but instead adapt themselves to the lines. Within the lines, over and underneath, is where the character is found. The rhythm, the pace is all-important. Alas…

I began by learning lines. Nevertheless, at the same time I was researching. 

The Research

I read every single book I could find on Maria Callas. Some I borrowed from the library and some I bought.  I still have them.  I wrote notes about the information I gleaned; two notebooks full. I watched interviews. I even bought her music and the EMI Callas La Divina Complete Limited Edition Box set.

To be clear, the Maria Callas of the play is merely a representation of the real Maria Callas. So why did I do all that research? Because I wanted to understand the real Maria so I might apply some of it to the character. I have to understand the inner life.

It is important to create the inner life in order to “live” the character, so all references in the play needed to make sense. To do that I had to learn about her life: where she lived, what she did, how she did.  That is part of the connection to the role.

While I still do not enjoy opera (much to Ellen Schlaefer’s chagrin!) I do love Maria Callas’ voice while singing opera. I still listen to her.

Maria Callas

Maria Callas

Elena Martinez-Vidal as Maria Callas in Terrence McNally’s play Master Class

Elena Martinez-Vidal as Maria Callas in Terrence McNally’s play Master Class

Losing Weight

 Step one: Stop drinking beer

Step two: Workout

Yes, that was it. I lost about 20 pounds as I recall.

What workouts did I do? Denise Austin was one. I don’t remember which specific video, but I remember lying on my tummy with my arms, head, and feet up in swimming position. (“Little fishies” or “little swimmies”)

The other was, believe it or not, Body Flex by Greer Childers. Yes, it is cheesy as hell, but it did seem to work.


Working with Ellen Schlaefer 

Because much of the play is just Maria standing on stage talking to the audience, Ellen and I worked one on one a lot. I remember leaving work and going to Workshop. We went through the script word by word, page by page, dissecting everything. Then we would go outside to have a cigarette break. I would then relate it all to something in my life. This is my version of emotional recall. Once I can relate emotionally, I can make decisions about subtext.

Subtext is especially important to the way I act. If I don’t know what is underneath the words, then I can’t play the actions and reactions. Then it’s just surface and not real for me. Again, part of it comes back to the research and part of it is relating to me as I relate to the character.

We really excavated her life! 



Ellen brought in a real opera singer to teach me the correct posture for Maria. Very straight, very taut in the stomach. This posture, to this day, can put me right back into Maria!

In the play, Maria says: “It’s important to have a look…Get one.”

Therefore, I did. Aided by David Swicegood.

My hair length was fine but needed to be lifted up on top and backcombing wasn’t going to do it! David created a little wiglet to blend into my own hair to give me that lift on top! Hard to see in this picture but you might be able to tell. I let my bangs grow out to go up over the wiglet.


More Rehearsals 

Closer to opening it was full on rehearsals with everyone else at Workshop Theatre. I was full on terrified at this point. Still memorizing lines and praying I would remember them. I think some of the others who were real musicians and singers thought I was a dud. I had to prove them wrong.

Now to her interviews. Maria Callas, the real one, spoke with a combination of Greek, Italian, and Brooklyn. She had a wacky dialect. I was trying to duplicate it. So difficult.

Greg Leevy (Bougie!) came to a rehearsal and afterwards there was a conversation about the dialect. We all agreed that I sounded like I was trying to do a dialect badly. So, I settled on a British/Italian sounding dialect. Whew, that was much, much easier!


Opening the Show 


Going over the script every single day!

Praying I could do this and not lose it!

Opening night, I remember every single line except one phrase!

The second I left the stage, Ellen said “you forgot ‘big Greek dick’ my favorite line!”

Yep, that’s the one I forgot.

While doing the show, it was like a marathon! And sometimes I lost my way!

One night I got completely boggled up and realized that I was talking but I had no idea what came next.

I turned around and there was Andy Zalkin, who walked on once he realized what was happening! Thank you, Andy, for getting me back on track!

One night I walked off the stage and the whole cast was there. They parted like the Red Sea, and there was my father!

My father, who never quite got why I wanted to do theatre, and who loved opera, came down from Pennsylvania to see me in Master Class. And he finally got it! He was so proud! And I was astonished, surprised, and thrilled!



 We taped the show five times. Not for public use. Just for us. I have watched a bit of one of them. I still have them.

I am amazed! I am so removed in time from the show, that I impress myself!

I am grateful to everyone who worked on the show but most of all to Ellen who had faith in me.

“No applause. We’re here to work. This is not a theatre. This is a classroom!”




Elena Martínez-Vidal is an actor, director, and teacher. Recently she was in Montgomery, in 2019. The last show she directed was Marjorie Prime in 2019. Trustus Theatre is her theatrical home since appearing in a show in 1989 when the theatre was on Assembly street. She was a Company member from 1993 to 2019, then transitioned to Company Emeritus. Elena has a BA in French and Theatre Arts from Dickinson College, PA, and an MFA in Theatre: Acting from USC. She also has 30 hours of courses in Communication and a Certificate of Leadership in Higher Education from USC. By day, Elena works at Midlands Technical College.

Elena Martínez-Vidal is an actor, director, and teacher. Recently she was in Montgomery, in 2019. The last show she directed was Marjorie Prime in 2019. Trustus Theatre is her theatrical home since appearing in a show in 1989 when the theatre was on Assembly street. She was a Company member from 1993 to 2019, then transitioned to Company Emeritus. Elena has a BA in French and Theatre Arts from Dickinson College, PA, and an MFA in Theatre: Acting from USC. She also has 30 hours of courses in Communication and a Certificate of Leadership in Higher Education from USC. By day, Elena works at Midlands Technical College.

Ron Hagell Weaves Personal and Collective Pasts into a Common Future with “Acrylidemic”

“As artists, it's our duty to do things like this—to use our voices to point out mistreatment and wrongdoing.”

— Ron Hagell

As we turn the corner on July and its sweltering days, consider exploring Ron Hagell’s Tiny Gallery show, “Acrylidemic,” from the cool four walls of your home. To learn more about the show, which runs until the end of this month, and about Hagell’s life, keep reading! 

Hagell’s father and grandfather were both artistic creators who inspired him, and the stories of his grandfather’s work linger still today. Hagell’s grandfather was a Canadian cowboy and artist, born in Alberta in the late 19th century, who painted adventures inspired by the natural landscape of the West.  

While Hagell always loved art, drawing throughout his childhood and school-age years, he didn’t go to school for it. The first official art classes he took were electives in college after he joined the army who sent him to school in the late 60s. 

After the army, and with a family to support, Hagell sought a career in film and television. His creative work bloomed in this realm of digital media, directing and creating films and taking and editing photographs. Hagell was a producer and director with PBS for several years before moving onto more hands-on work, making art for films and his own short films.  

“I did a lot of different kinds of artwork in this period, mainly making short films, various kind of experimental films related to time,” Hagell imparts, “I did a lot related to how you tell a story that is constantly jumping around in time.”  

Moving away from the administrative work at PBS, Hagell taught in universities in London before returning to South Carolina where he pursued an MFA in Film at the University of South Carolina. Being in the digital industry for so long means Hagell has grown along the timeline of film, from developing in darkrooms to digital manipulations, all while reveling in the expansion of creative limitations.  

This desire to push the boundaries of creativity was what led Hagell back to painting, exploring watercolor, oil, and acrylic–the latter being what he sits within the most these days. He also pursued many interests, inspirations, and subject matters, seeing the ways his hands could create stories refracted within and away from the films he spent years on.  

Some of Hagell’s art stems directly from his film adventures. His Dancer on Glass Series, specifically, was inspired by short films he made involving choreography and dance design in tandem with the female body. This tension between how fluid the body’s movements are and how individual movements appear when frozen in one moment is featured in several pieces in “Acrylidemic.”


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In addition to 7 of these dancers, Hagell’s show features a mix of portraits, still lifes, and socially perceptive creations, altogether presenting a culmination of Hagell’s past experience and present experimentation.  

Portraiture is not an unfamiliar genre to Hagell, but he has been exploring new avenues of it in the past year, especially since he started as a non-degree seeking graduate student in the art department at the University of South Carolina. Specifically, these portraits use tones and colors that are “unnatural” like the blue skin in his MLK portrait.  

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“I had that photograph of him stuck on my bulletin board and, and when George Floyd happened, I decided to paint it,” he shares, “I've changed it a bit, of course—he’s on high looking down, and he’s blue, which I feel is a representative wash of today.” 

Along the same lines, some of the still lifes emerge as a photographer’s take on capturing a moment no longer present yet still relevant. His pieces “Carolina 1950” and “Colored” are inspired by the era of Jim Crow and segregation that he lived through. While a photograph of this exchange can no longer be taken today, its effects are still felt, and images like this collapse past and present.  

Hagell is not a stranger to including sociopolitical messages in his work. “Bite the Bullet,” his large-scale American flag detailed by bullets, is one of his best-known pieces. For him, pieces with these messages are distinctly important as artists are the only ones who can tell stories with the power of their medium. 

“When I first was living in the South, I was really quite turned off to here, but when I came back, I witnessed change and started commenting on it” he asserts, “As artists, it's our duty to do things like this—to use our voices to point out mistreatment and wrongdoing.” 

While Columbia still has growing to do, Hagell is proud to be here and proud of the ways our city has grown over the years, intimating that “Columbia has come a long way, both in the city’s interest in art and in a social sense—I hope this is just the beginning of things getting better.” 

Hagell’s show can be viewed anytime between now and July 31st via Jasper’s virtual Tiny Gallery site: 

To follow Hagell’s future work, which includes a burgeoning collaborative effort where he is weaving an AR-15 into elements of a church, follow his Facebook @artbyronhagell.


— Christina Xan




In its 2nd Season of Performing Columbia Summer Rep Dance Company Announces Two Shows – August 13th and 14th at Trustus Theatre


After taking 2020 off due to Covid-19 the Columbia Summer Repertory Dance Company has united for its second season and will offer two performances of contemporary ballet on August 13th and 14th at Trustus Theatre. Founded in 2019 by Stephanie Wilkins and Bonnie Boiter-Jolley, the purpose of the Columbia Summer Rep Dance Company is to provide innovative dance experiences for local audiences and professional dancers and choreographers who, due to the abbreviated seasons of Columbia’s professional dance companies, go without performing for half the year.

The 2019 season of the CSRDC was a test season engaging six dancers who, after one month of rehearsals, offered a sold-out performance, turning patrons away at the door. Covid-19 led to the suspension of the project in 2020, but the dancers are back in the studio now working on new choreography to bring to audiences for two nights - August 13th and 14th at Trustus Theatre.

Dancers include classically trained Bonnie Boiter-Jolley who, in addition to being a principal dancer at Columbia City Ballet, also danced with Spectrum Dance in Seattle and, locally, with Wideman-Davis Dance as well as internationally in Prague and Italy.

Returning to Columbia is Josh Alexander who most recently performed this year with the Weeknd at Super Bowl LV Halftime Show, on ABC’s Hairspray Live! and So You Think You Can Dance.

Abby McDowell, who is a soloist with Columbia City Ballet along with Nicole Carrion and Joshua Van Dyke, who are demi-soloists with CCB, are also Summer Rep company members as well as Nicholas White, Sam Huberty, and Jennifer Becker Lee.

Head Choreographer Stephanie Wilkins received her MFA from NYU’s Tisch School and has studied or performed with some of the most acclaimed artists in the industry including Bill T. Jones, with whom she apprenticed, David Parsons, and Bebe Miller. Joining her as choreographers for this performance are international award-winning choreographers Terrance Henderson, Dale Lam, and Angela Gallo

Internationally acclaimed cellist Claire Bryant will also be performing both solo and with the company, and singer-songwriter Katie Leitner will offer a musical interlude.

Tickets are on sale now for $25 in advance ($30 at the door) as is the opportunity to support the company with a champagne toast pre-performance and more at Brown Paper Tickets or via The Jasper Project website where you can donate to and learn more about the Columbia Summer Rep Dance Company.


REVIEW: Queer Love Hits Different on Shameless -- by Lauren Wiggins

After savoring the entire final season, I have criticisms, but the one thing they did right throughout the entirety of the show was tell Ian and Mickey’s story.  

Cameron Monaghan plays Ian Gallagher (left) and Noel Fisher plays Mickey Milkovich (right) on Showtime’s Shameless, which recently completed an 11-season run.

Cameron Monaghan plays Ian Gallagher (left) and Noel Fisher plays Mickey Milkovich (right) on Showtime’s Shameless, which recently completed an 11-season run.

SPOILER ALERT - Shameless, Brokeback Mountain

Ending a mammoth TV series is tedious. They can’t all be Seinfeld. Dexter, a dramatic series with longer episodes, crashed and burned, forcing even the most diehard fans to cringe, curse, and hate-watch their way through its final two seasons. I say this as someone who lovingly dusts off each blood-spattered box of the entire series on my DVD shelf, before selecting and re-watching season four, again. 

Similarly, I’ve heard “jumped the shark” about Showtime’s Shameless more than once, but to me, the whole series built on such outrageous situations, it simply stayed faithful to its chaotic environment and UK source material. This show’s South Side of Chicago operates on a sort of magical realism, where we’re supposed to believe a family of petty criminals and their fictive kin and ne’re-do-well friends get away with it or suffer conveniently mild repercussions for a season.  

The consensus might be that Shameless could have said goodbye with Emmy Rossum’s exit at the end of season 9, but such an abrupt ending would have left too many unresolved Gallagher plots. When you have such a large ensemble of characters, closing all the arcs is even more complicated; it’s certainly not as easy as sending all four of your main characters to the same jail cell. I mean, poor Debbie’s line turned into more of a messy, bad parent, bisexual scribble, and I’m left wanting more for Lip. After savoring the entire final season, I have criticisms, but the one thing they did right throughout the entirety of the show was tell Ian and Mickey’s story.  

Gallavich! Over the course of ten years, we watched two angry, misguided, sexually oppressed South Side boys fall in love and become somewhat well-rounded men, who get married and learn to care for each other. It’s the only piece of the Gallagher story that got less chaotic from start to finish. The finale superficially wraps up many what-ifs with Frank’s death monologue, but I was most taken with the directorial choice to show us what actually becomes of Ian and Mickey. Their love story deserved the visual send off, and I definitely happy cried. 

The first Ian and Mickey interaction we get in season one sets the tone for their individual characters, as well as their main conflict. Mickey, the filthy, neighborhood sadist who operates purely on Id impulses, seeks to pulverize a timid, unsteady Ian for supposedly putting the moves on his sister, Mandy. The bully and the bullied. As a lesbian, I had already aligned myself with Ian being a queer character, so the part where Mickey and his equally deviant brothers chase Ian into a storage closet (literally, a closet) was visceral for me.  

The first season builds on their foil relation with Mickey searching the streets for Ian, suggesting there will be a hate crime crescendo. Instead, Ian comes out to Mandy, hoping she’ll call Mickey off. Though it doesn’t quite work out that way, it’s saying out loud that he’s gay that emboldens Ian to stand up to his bully.  

In a confrontational moment, where we think Mickey is about to bash Ian’s face in with a tire iron, they share an aggressive sexual encounter and begin secretly hooking up. Plus, we find out that big bad Mickey is a power bottom. So much to unpack!

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I think of the entire Gallavich rapport as the Southie version of “Brokeback Mountain” with a much happier ending. In “Brokeback Mountain,” Ennis Del Mar was raised to believe that showing any softness was gay. His father even tells him about a fellow named Earl who was beaten to death with a tire iron for being with men. Mickey grew up with the same guidelines under the watchful eye of his white supremacist, hyper-homophobic, convict father.  

In both worlds, being gay gets you killed. In one of their earlier scenes, Mickey rejects Ian by turning and saying, “kiss me and I’ll cut your fucking tongue out.” There are many times Mickey reduces them immediately after they’ve been intimate together.  

So, the struggle for the tire iron in that heated confrontation between Ian and Mickey begins to show us again that it is a handy tool used by hyper-homophobic men to beat queers to death. However, when the tire iron is thrown aside and Mickey chooses love, all the power is taken out of it as a weapon of hate.

In a particularly terrifying scene from season three, after discovering Mickey and Ian’s more-than-friends relationship, Mickey’s father holds him at gunpoint in front of Ian, while he forces him to have sex with a prostitute that will fuck the gay out of him. For me, none of the other violent scenes in the whole series (and there are plenty), are as disturbing as this one. It’s a type of rape I don’t have a word for.  

The thing that holds Brokeback’s Ennis and Jack back from having a real good life together is Ennis’ fear of being a known homosexual, and the horror of being beaten to death with a tire iron because of it, like Earl and eventually, Jack. So, the struggle for the tire iron in that heated confrontation between Ian and Mickey begins to show us again that it is a handy tool used by hyper-homophobic men to beat queers to death. However, when the tire iron is thrown aside and Mickey chooses love, all the power is taken out of it as a weapon of hate. Ultimately, the season ends in a step back with Mickey going to jail because he would rather do time than admit he’s gay. He isn’t free like Ian. 

Over the course of the next few seasons, we see them love each other in secret. Much like Ennis and Jack, they get their kicks where they can, but there’s a lot more uncomfortable, toxic-masculinity-fueled, aggressive sex. Ian pines for a real relationship with Mickey; he wants a real good life, like the one Jack talks about in “Brokeback Mountain.” Instead, Mickey marries the aforementioned prostitute with the intention of continuing to string Ian along, and we’re all heartbroken, but understanding, when Ian has to cut him off. Ian becomes lost and struggles with his mental health, but never his sexuality. Hello, Gay Jesus! 

Ian stays free and begins being cold to Mickey, even though he can’t quite quit him. In a memorable Alibi scene, Ian tells Mickey he can’t be with him because he’s not free. In true gay cowboy fashion, Mickey whispers to Ian, “what you and I have, makes me free.”  

The hushed statement comes too little, too late and falls short of what Ian truly wants with Mickey. Somewhere along the line, Mickey ends up back in jail. Again, he’s tethered to the life he knows, unwilling to be loved and love Ian openly. We continue to see snippets of Mickey’s vulnerability, but it’s not until the border crossing scene in season seven that we get to know how much Mickey hurts. The vulnerability of this scene is punctuated by Mickey wearing a dress and earrings, a disguise he chose to elude capture. It’s also the point that signals to us, or so we thought, the end of their tumultuous relationship. 


At least for me, it felt like a proper exit for Noel Fisher, even if it wasn’t what we wanted. Lucky for us, the writers weren’t done with Gallavich. In season nine, we’re given the Mickey’s return and the blessing of a jailhouse engagement, complete with some delightful ‘honeymoon’s over’ moments, which leaned into the idea that love is the same for everyone; too much time in close quarters makes you realize all of your partner’s annoying idiosyncratic behaviors. I’m sure those are fresh feelings for anyone who might have spent the last year in captivity with a slurper, or a heavy-heeled walker, or a tooth grinding, finger tapping nightmare person. Regardless, season seven and nine turned the tables on their love scenes as well. They felt tender, almost normal, and exposed the very nerves of both characters. We were no longer holding our breath for stolen moments like we did for Ennis and Jack’s fishing trips. 

Alas, the finale of season 10 gave us the gay South Side wedding we had yearned for, but there was still work to do. Mickey was free, but he was also still driven by his old habits. Even though the pair made it official, Mickey planned to stay the course of his criminal impulses. It’s Ian that protests and rises to the occasion of truly being Mickey’s better half and keeping him free, with maybe the exception of the super believable ambulance theft scenario. Anyway, we slowly see the two release themselves of the binds of their fucked up, feral childhoods and begin to take care of each other the best way they know how. 

I was originally going to write about the wonderful things Schitt’s Creek gave the LGBTQIA+ community. I still might, because seeing gay people on TV, existing in a normal relationship without a bunch of trauma is rare.

Season 11 was a tall order for the writers, but they continued to give us a couple who could compromise and become better, for their individual character development and as a unit. In my opinion, they did a brilliant job pushing Mickey. Before Mickey could be completely free, he had to reckon with and resolve his tense relationship with his father. They gave us that, and more tenderness with Ian, an agreement to be monogamous, and eventually, Gallavich got a real good life together on the West Side. It was everything we didn’t get for Ennis and Jack, and right before the final ensemble scene of the grand finale, we get to see Mickey as Ian’s partner, not just a partner in crime. 

I was originally going to write about the wonderful things Schitt’s Creek gave the LGBTQIA+ community. I still might, because seeing gay people on TV, existing in a normal relationship without a bunch of trauma is rare. Being out and free can be seen as one of the few luxuries Dan Levy’s character retains in that show, and in contrast to Shameless, it certainly is a luxury.  

I wrote about Shameless over Schitt’s Creek this time, specifically to share during LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, because Ian and Mickey’s message is as important when approaching barriers of class, culture, and individual upbringing affecting someone’s ability to be out. So, I agree that Shameless gave us a lot of wtf moments we weren’t buying and didn’t want, like Kermit and Tommy’s random hook up in the Alibi men’s room; but the loveliest plot it consistently watered was showing the world a couple of emotionally stunted dudes learn about their own sense of pride, self-care, and to how to unapologetically love one another. It’s far from a fairytale love story, but damn if it ain’t one that needed the visibility.  

Charleston born, thriving in Georgia. Lauren Wiggins is a USC graduate with a love of film and literature. Left human services to love people. Left advertising to pursue happiness. Will work for laughs.

Charleston born, thriving in Georgia. Lauren Wiggins is a USC graduate with a love of film and literature. Left human services to love people. Left advertising to pursue happiness. Will work for laughs.

Columbia Summer Rep Dance Company Keeps Cola’s Talent Local by Stephanie Allen

“What would have happened had they stayed here — what if that talent had been able to thrive here in Columbia because they were given the opportunity to pursue … what they were maybe really missing out on?

Josh Alexander, Bonnie Boiter-Jolley, Jennifer Becker Lee, Josh Van Dyke, Nicholas White, Abby McDowell, Nicole Carrion - photo — Kevin Kyzer

Josh Alexander, Bonnie Boiter-Jolley, Jennifer Becker Lee, Josh Van Dyke, Nicholas White, Abby McDowell, Nicole Carrion - photo — Kevin Kyzer

The Columbia Summer Rep Dance Company brings jobs to dancers and shows to local audiences during the summer months. After founding the company in 2019, Bonnie Boiter-Jolley and Stephanie Wilkins are looking to do “something different.” This summer, after suspending the program due to COVID-19, the company is back with a limited engagement performance on August 13th & 14th of LIMITLESS

Columbia only had two professional ballet companies, according to Boiter-Jolley — Columbia City Ballet and Columbia Classical Ballet. Their respective seasons each last from around September to March, leaving half the year vacant of professional ballet for Columbia audiences — and several months without local work for performers.  

photo credit Kevin Kyzer

photo credit Kevin Kyzer

Boiter-Jolley had long discussed the notion of working through the summer with other dancers at the Columbia City Ballet, but the idea lacked momentum until she started working with Wilkins. That’s when the option of starting a summer company came to life.  

According to Boiter-Jolley, Wilkins had the creativity, energy, and motivation to get the project of bringing dance to Columbia’s off-season started. Wilkins had been an adjunct professor at Columbia College and USC and owns a Pilates studio in Columbia. “I kinda got burnt out in the university world and wanted to supplement my Pilates life with my artistic life and have a dance company of my own,” Wilkins says.  

The Jasper Project serves as the fiscal agent for the Columbia Summer Repertory Dance Company until the organization acquires its own non-profit status.

“We have all this talent in Columbia that has to leave,” Wilkins says, “and we’d rather they stay here.”

After just five weeks of preparation, they were able to raise enough funds to debut their first show in 2019 and were, notably, able to pay both the dancers and the choreographers. Dancers and choreographers often have to find work outside of Columbia during the summer months due to their shortened seasons. “We have all this talent in Columbia that has to leave,” Wilkins says, “and we’d rather they stay here.” 

According to Boiter-Jolley, there’s been a longstanding rivalry between Columbia City Ballet and Columbia Classical Ballet —  a sense of competition that, in her opinion, is “silly,” given the breadth of talent that has originated in Columbia. Columbia dancers have made their way into the New York City Ballet, Broadway, and European companies, to name a few. “What would have happened had they stayed here — what if that talent had been able to thrive here in Columbia because they were given the opportunity to pursue … what they were maybe really missing out on?” Boiter-Jolley asks.  

photo Kevin Kyzer

photo Kevin Kyzer

Boiter-Jolley questions the way in which Columbia limits itself, suggesting that the Columbia professional dance scene has been too strictly defined. Her goal with the new dance company is to create something new that is just as valuable and intellectually stimulating as traditional professional dances.  

Aside from two small pieces that premiered in March, everything for the company’s upcoming season is entirely new. The dancers started rehearsing last summer, wearing masks, spacing out, and taking additional precautions. COVID-19 presented specific challenges to Wilkins as a choreographer, who has a penchant for partner-based dancing. Now that the members of the company have been vaccinated, some of the choreography has been adjusted to allow for more closeness between the dancers.  

Boiter-Jolley intends for their August show to be a “pure and heartfelt” experience for everyone participating, without a sense of competition with other organizations.

This season will feature guest choreographers Dale Lam, head of Columbia City Jazz Conservatory, and Angela Gallo, the dean of the School of Visual and Performing Arts at Coker University, in addition to dancers Joshua Alexander, Abby McDowell, Nicholas White, Nicole Carrion, Josh Van Dyke, Samuel Huberty, and Jennifer Becker Lee. Alexander  appeared in Hairspray Live! on ABC, So You Think You Can Dance, and the Superbowl halftime show

The company is now only a few weeks away from its next performance, titled LIMITLESS. Boiter-Jolley intends for their August show to be a “pure and heartfelt” experience for everyone participating, without a sense of competition with other organizations. “We’re doing this because we love it,” Wilkins says, “and we can’t wait to share it with the city.” Both women look forward to seeing maskless dancers on stage, watching their facial expressions of emotion, and seeing the breath that carries their movements.   

“There’s room for all of us,”

Wilkins mentioned the importance of fundraising efforts because, in spite of this genuine passion, the dancers and choreographers deserve to be paid. Based on funds, Wilkins would like to travel with the dancers and take them to international festivals. Additionally, Wilkins would like to see more local collaboration and mutual support.   



The women want viewers unfamiliar to the dance scene to watch their performances and feel something — regardless of what that emotion is. They encourage longtime supporters of Columbia dance not to limit themselves, to see something different with them, and, specifically, donate.  

The women are open to conversations and questions from anyone interested in their work and want to avoid competition. “There’s room for all of us,” Wilkins says.



8 PM



Local Poet, Musician, and Painter Will Pittman Unveils First Gallery Show

 “Art is life and life is art, and like it's like closure to have these materials and put in the time and the execution of the vision of what you're trying to” — Will Pittman

Will Pittman

Will Pittman

Will Pittman thrives in the interstices of poetry, music, and painting. A longtime lover of the arts and dweller of the city, he is finally revealing his first art show at State of the Art in Cayce next month.  

Pittman was born in Arkansas, but his family moved to Cayce when he was only 2, and he has long considered South Carolina his home. Even after leaving for college, travel, and experience, he came back to Cayce, where he resides now.  

Pittman, now 32, recalls his first encounter with art being comic books, joking that he used to fill his head with stories and images of Wolverine and Spiderman during class. While he took drawing classes in high school, it would be several years until Pittman began dedicating himself to this craft. 

While working in the distribution center of an Amazon factory, Pittman made a deal with himself: on his off days, he would dedicate 10 hours to painting, which he started by imitating the artists he admired most like expressionists Kokoschka, post-impressionist Van Gogh, and founder of impressionism Monet.

“My work is categorically original—it's still, in my opinion, similar of the beauty of perception in nature,” Pittman reflects, “You know, the thing about the expression of nature is that it can't be totally objective—documentation can't be totally separated from the artist's own mark inside of that.” 

In this interweaving of old and new, Pittman expresses with oil paints and portraiture. He roots part of his style in his relationship with John D Monteith, a local painter who Pittman worked with as an “informal protégé” before building a friendship. As for inspiration, it comes from all over, Pittman never quite placing where it might strike.  

“I'll put it like an author—it's whatever turns a phrase. When I write poetry, sometimes I'll take out books and just flip through and look for words, and then it's like an engine for creativity,” Pittman explains, “That's what portraiture is like for me; it wasn't something that I consciously saw out. And at the same time, it's a reason to load your brush, get that viscosity, and put it on a canvas.  

These ruminations follow Pittman across a number of disciplines, specifically writing and singing. He remembers first reading the American transcendentalist poets and feeling like a “tornado blew his windows out.” He started writing and performing soon after, opening for artists like Justin Townes Earle, Shovels and Rope, and Dex Romweber. 

“My love for literature feeds into songwriting, and those two are like sister arts, and then the painting and drawing, speak to each other, I think, in their craftiness, their intelligence,” Pittman relates, “When I approach a canvas, it's like being a carpenter's apprentice again.” 

Upon desiring forming these experiences into a show, Pittman walked directly into State of the Art and made conversation with gallery owner, Levi Wright, saying it was a form of “American neighborly friendliness.” Pittman showed Wright his art, and Wright knew it was the kind of stories he wanted to help tell. 

“Sometimes you see someone’s work and know they have something special,” Wright says. “And I believe Will is one of those people—he has that something.” 

Pittman is the gallery’s featured July artist. Around 12 canvases of various sizes and prices will be featured, including the two photographed above and a painting of the Hunley, a Confederate submarine Pittman just happened to stumble across last year and knew he had to record. The show is titled “Intervening Time: Facsimile and Ragbag.” 

“I decided to go all out and call it ragbag because the whole main kernel of painting and visual art is that it imitates life. You know, if I were to paint your portrait I would consider elements of art, like line and value and sort of render that with tools,” Pittman details, “But it's really like illusions—your face really doesn't have lines, your face has forms. And I have to make these sort of falsehoods on the canvas, and then that produces the image.” 

The show runs from the 1st to the 31st, and the Opening Reception is Thursday, July 8th from 3:00pm – 6:30pm. During this time, there will be pop-up vendors with food, vintage clothes, and jewelry outside, and Pittman will play his music. 

As the show turns towards its opening, Pittman has eyes set forward even beyond: painting more, playing his music, writing, and reminiscing on the overlaps—and—he’s currently in school to become an art teacher. 

“Art is life and life is art, and it's like closure to have these materials and put in the time and the execution of the vision of what you're trying to,” Pittman effuses, “Maybe having a show will be like a form of emphasizing a period of my life and then putting it away to move onto other material.”  

To support Pittman, follow him on social media (like his YouTube where he shares music, readings, and ruminations) and stop by State of the Art in the month of July to see his intimate reflections of the world around us, a world you might come to learn you didn’t know quite as well as you once thought.


—Christina Xan

South Carolina Potter Levi Wright Brings Life, Art, and Storytelling to Cayce

“It’s special being able to show that pride in a non-selfish way that says, ‘I'm proud of these people—this is our art that we make in South Carolina.’” – Levi Wright

Levi Wright

Levi Wright

Levi Wright, 32, is a South Carolina native and longtime art lover and maker, who, in the past several years, he has used his passion to breathe new life to Cayce’s art scene with gallery State of the Art. 

Before this though, Wright grew up moving between Lexington and Cayce, where his parents owned an adult daycare center. His first prominent experience with art happened in school when he made a sculpture based on a Native American tradition for an art class.  

“One Native American tribe had a tradition that when a great chief would die, they would have a sculpture made of his face, and they would put the ashes in there and throw it off the cliff,” Wright tells, “And that was their final goodbye.”  

This uniquely inspired piece was entered into the State Fair. Wright reveled in this praise, recalling that, not being particularly outstanding at school, this was one of the first times he received praise and felt accomplished in work he cared for—and he stuck with it. 

If you look around Wright’s work now, you’ll be setting yourself up for a lot of staring back—that’s because Wright’s work mostly involves sculpting faces, which started in his art class but blossomed when he encountered Peter Lenzo—prominent Columbia sculptor—while taking classes at Southern Pottery.  

“I would see him during my lessons, and the whole time I was thinking, ‘That's what I want to do,’” Wright recalls, “We ended up doing a private session, and it grew into an apprenticeship and then a friendship.”  

Their friendship continued, and a wall at Wright’s house is intermixed with pieces he made and pieces Lenzo made for him, a space that Wright refers to as a “reflection of himself.” Lenzo’s care pushed Wright to become a better artist and pursue different elements of pottery. 

“I really didn't know how to throw because I was just throwing a form big enough for me to put a face in it,” Wright remembers, “You need to learn your fundamentals better before you can grow as an artist.” 

Lenzo’s encouragement resulted in Wright going on to study pottery at the Piedmont Technical College in Edgefield where he received two certificates. While there, he also began teaching classes, something he quickly fell in love with. 

“When I see that smile a person who wanted to throw a plate gets upon successfully throwing a plate, it’s instant satisfaction,” he intimates, “I mean, who doesn't want to be a person to celebrate when people accomplish a goal? If you don't celebrate the small things in life, then life's going to be a big disappointment.”

Wright with Peter Lenzo-inspired art

Wright with Peter Lenzo-inspired art

Now, Wright offers classes at his very own gallery, one that came to be in 2019 after years of planning. As Wright dwelled in Cayce, he felt one thing was missing: bright, local art. Then, a friend—potter John Sharpe—approached Wright and Valery Smith—a local artist whose vision aligned with his—with the idea of opening a gallery. Together, Wright and Smith opened State of the Art.  

Soon after the birth of her first child, Smith left the gallery, and Wright has continued their initial trajectory. The gallery proudly shows only South Carolina artists and hosts around 20-25 artists at any given time, takes part in city events, has monthly featured artists, and offers pottery classes.  

“That's one thing I take pride in, in having a gallery that only carries South Carolina artists because I've always grown up a little bit of just a proud South Carolina boy,” Wright effuses, “It’s special being able to show that pride in a non-selfish way that says, ‘I'm proud of these people—this is our art that we make in South Carolina.’” 

When it comes to selecting work, Wright shows artists that he loves and brings in his family to add an external opinion and aid in selecting pieces he may not have picked on his own. Some artists are reached out to directly, and some walk right in the front door. 

“I've tried to ensure this isn’t a gallery where you go in and even though there are different artists, it all has an identical vibe or feel,” he shares, “I love the fact that you come in here and there is such different stuff.” 

As mentioned previously, Wright shares this love in part through offering community pottery classes at the gallery—one-on-one lessons, several-week courses, and group parties. His classes are for throwing, but another artist can be called in for people who request sculpting classes, and Wright hopes to include painting soon as well.  

Currently Wright is re-vamping the gallery’s website to make scheduling classes easier, but people can still book online or call Wright directly. As he says, “you should never be too old or too smart to learn.” 

If you want to support State of the Art, go by the gallery, share their posts social media, and spread some word-of-mouth love. Their next event will be the opening reception for July artist of the month, Will Pittman, on Thursday, July 8th from 3 – 6:30pm. 

If you want to support Wright and his work, of course support the gallery, take one of his classes, and maybe take one of his heads home too.


—Christina Xan



Jasper Galleries Presents New Gallery Space at McDonnell & Associates with Exhibition By Lauren Chapman and Pam Bowers

The exhibition opens on Thursday, June 24th

reception from 6 - 8 pm

McDonnell and Associates

2442 Devine Street - Columbia

The event is free and the public is invited to attend.

Lauren Chapman and Pam Bowers

Lauren Chapman and Pam Bowers

The Jasper Project is excited to announce a new gallery space for local artists at McDonnell and Associates law firm, 2442 Devine Street, in Columbia. We’ll be opening the gallery with an exhibition of work by Lauren Chapman and Pam Bowers. Reception is Thursday night (TONIGHT!) from 6-8 pm.

This collaboration with McDonnell and Associates came about when the organization reached out to Jasper and asked if we could help them find artists who would exhibit their work in the law office lobby and conference rooms. Of course, Jasper jumped at the opportunity to help fine art make its way into the homes of art lovers and we immediately booked Lauren Chapman, who we had previously worked with in our gallery at Motor Supply, and Pam Bowers, who previously taught Chapman at the University of SC.

The women’s relationship began as that of mentor and protege but developed into a close collegial friendship.

A native of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Chapman received her BFA in Painting at the University of South Carolina and has been awarded the Scholastic Art & Writing Gold Key Award for excellence in Visual Arts, the Yaghjian Studio arts scholarship at USC, and the 2018 Artfields Solo Award Exhibition at Jones-Carter Gallery. She has been featured in Garnet and Black, Daily Gamecocks, The State, Free Times, Susie Magazine, and Jasper Magazine. She has lectured for classes at USC, SC State University, and spent a summer residency in Monte Castello, Italy. Exhibitions include group shows in Italy, New York, South Carolina and solo shows in Iowa and South Carolina. 

Chapman says, “I create immersive environments via vibrant thick textured romantic paintings telling short stories, in the forms of fables, folklore, and fairy tales challenging our current cultural climate through the eyes of feminine figures and personified creatures. The narrative of the work promote lessons from my personal experiences and question dangerous themes within American society.”

Artist - Lauren Chapman

Artist - Lauren Chapman

Bowers, who earned a BFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and an MFA from Indiana University-Bloomington, has a distinguished career as an artist and an educator that has taken her all over the world for lectures, residencies, unique academic opportunities, and pleasure, including China, Hungary, and throughout Italy. Her work is in many private collections both in the US and internationally from Morocco to Greece.

According to her artist’s statement, “Bowers work explores nature as a connecting force in the intersection of art, science and mythology and express her affection for the wilderness and biological forms. There is an emphasis in her work, teaching and research on the interrelationship between environment, culture and individual material usage in the formation of visual meaning and metaphor.”

Artist - Pam Bowers

Artist - Pam Bowers

Recognizing Art in Everything: Noma Warehouse provides workspace and community for all kinds of artists

Noma Warehouse founder Mazie Cook doesn’t believe in the notion of a starving artist.  

Inspired by Andy Warhol’s factory, she created a space to start changing that narrative. Partnering with her mother-in-law, Beth Lawson, and sister-in-law, Cara Lawson, Cook opened Noma Warehouse in mid-March of this year.  

The warehouse started out as something that could only happen “in a dream world,” according to Cook. Beth Lawson was wrapping up nearly 25 years in the tech industry and Cook had recently graduated from the University of South Carolina with a degree in studio art. Cook found the property and reimagined it as an artist co-op and event space. 

“I live in a dream world,” Beth says, so she pushed Cook to take the plunge. 

With Beth handling the business side of things, Cook donning the title of creative director and Cara, who is a senior at the Darla Moore School of Business, managing the finances, the trio became the perfect team.  

Walking into the warehouse, you’re first greeted with a small, chicly decorated shop that features everything from clothing to candles — all of which are locally made or curated. Walk down a short hallway and you’ll find yourself in a sprawling studio space, complete with a high ceiling, long, classroom-style tables, and, most importantly, a coffee station.  

The four pillars of Noma Warehouse are work, shop, sell, and gather. A close fifth might be working well with others, or more bluntly, as their code of conduct says, “don’t be an asshole.” 

The women believe in embracing “what feels right in the space” according to Cook. During the week, members (who pay monthly fees based on needed studio hours and amenities) use the warehouse space to make and store their art. On Friday nights, the space is transformed into a market with around 15-20 vendors, according to Cara.  

On Saturday, June 19th, Noma Warehouse hosted the Summer Sol•Fest, featuring a slew of local performers and, to highlight Juneteenth, several local Black-owned businesses. This week the venue will also be hosting a summer art camp for kids.  

So, while the space may wear many hats, the women want to focus on supporting art as a profession. “I wanna reteach the community that art is valuable ,” says Cook. “I think using the term ‘starving artist’ is derogatory … it’s bogus and so sometimes you just need to hear that.”

The four pillars of Noma Warehouse are work, shop, sell, and gather. A close fifth might be working well with others, or more bluntly, as their code of conduct says, “don’t be an asshole.” 

Beth Lawson, Mazie Cook, and

Beth Lawson, Mazie Cook, and



With community being one of the priorities for the space, Beth says younger artists reach out to the older artists for advice and feedback. Cook notes that they have a diverse group of people of different ages, backgrounds, and methods of work. “It all lives here very peacefully and I think allows for a lot of growth. That’s been really neat to watch,” Cook says.

According to Beth, art brings them together. Witnessing that “family” develop is watching her vision come to life. In an art world that can be competitive, Cook notes the graciousness of the artists that frequent the warehouse — they create an open, sharing community.

The women operate business in a way they would want for themselves. In the so-called dream world that they’ve created, the space is a blank canvas — it just takes artists to expand the vision.

by Stephanie Allen

B.A. Hohman Shares the Life and Art Experiences That Led to Eccentric Tiny Gallery Show “WILLY NILLY”

 “Sometimes you don’t know what you’re capable of until you just do it.” — B.A. Hohman



Today is the summer solstice, a new breath of transition, and this turning point, both reliable and spontaneous, sets the stage of our Tiny Gallery show of the month. “WILLY NILLY” by B.A. Hohman is a show rife with verve.   

Tiny Gallery Manager Christina Xan sat down to talk with Hohman about her life, as a human and artist, and what led up to this show. 

Jasper: We’ve known each other for a couple years now, but we’ve never talked much about your past—will you tell me a bit about your childhood? 

Hohman: I grew up in the era following the end of WWII. My paternal grandparents and my maternal great grandparents were German Lutheran immigrants who settled in northeastern Ohio. My parents were hard-working middle-class people who wanted the best for their three children. I was third in line and a bit of an anomaly, being the decidedly right brained one in the mix. I explored imaginary worlds, loved to read and draw, play with neighborhood friends, and was the consummate tom boy. We grew up in a time when we had the run of the neighborhood with no immediate parental supervision. We were one of the last generations to experience the freedom that comes with no internet, no cell phones—the fifties were a time of hope and new horizons.


Jasper: Hope and new horizons—I love that! Was art one of the things on the horizon? Did it exist around you growing up?

Hohman: Art was not a prevalent theme in our home. Basic needs outweighed luxuries, yet I must applaud my father for his exemplary carpentry skills, becoming a volunteer fireman and eventually working in the Emergency Room at our local hospital in addition to his full-time work at General Electric. Kudos to my mother for always encouraging my creative endeavors while teaching nursery school for 40 years. She recognized my artistic nature, enrolled me in summer art classes, urged me to join the youth choir, took me on weekly visits to the library, and introduced me to museums. I also had wonderful art instructors as well as some amazing English teachers throughout my middle and secondary level schooling.

 Teaching Art was instrumental in my own art education. It forced me to break down all the components inherent in the creative process and thereby expanded my own abilities.

Jasper: And did you pursue art in college as well?

Hohman: Yes. My parents worked hard to provide us every opportunity to succeed. We were expected to excel and eventually get a college degree despite the financial burden, and all three of us did. My decision to pursue a degree in Art, I am sure was met with some skepticism. Studio Art at Ohio University became my college concentration from the very start, although English Literature classes nearly outweighed my time in the studio.



Jasper: And at some point after graduation, you started teaching, right?

Hohman: My art took a back seat during the years of raising two girls, but my husband and I constantly found collaborative creative outlets. We had moved from Ohio to West Columbia and then to LeRoy, NY in 1981. The girls were still in elementary when I returned to school at Roberts Wesleyan College and completed my teaching certification. I did my student teaching at my girls’ Wolcott St. School and at Churchville Chilli High School, continuing for a long-term substitute position. I then taught at a local Catholic school. After moving back to West Columbia, I taught art at Pine Ridge Middle School and Airport High School. Teaching Art was instrumental in my own art education. It forced me to break down all the components inherent in the creative process and thereby expanded my own abilities.


Jasper: Oh, I’m all about the breaking down of boundaries. Tell me about how you moved full force into art.

Hohman: In 1999, I made the decision to leave teaching and embark on a career as a muralist and trompe l’oeil artist. A local designer gave me my first opportunity to showcase my work, and business took off! I have painted more murals in more houses than I can count. Although daunting to go from a canvas to painting entire walls and rooms as well as the exterior of a few businesses, I dove in and found it so liberating. I also discovered that I had the ability to paint just about anything my clients wanted. Sometimes you don’t know what you’re capable of until you just do it. I painted everything from whimsical and realistic animals in children’s’ rooms to huge 360-degree historical panoramas in varying styles, and faux windows, doorways and panels that fool the eye into thinking a flat surface is three dimensional. I often surprised myself.



Jasper: Within those different projects, and today, what types of mediums did, and do, you explore?

Hohman: Over the years, I have explored many mediums, styles, and subject matter, but acrylic painting remains my staple. It was my concentration in college, and it has remained my comfort zone. I found I do not have the patience necessary to work in oil, but all other mediums interest me from pencil and charcoal to marker and colored pencil to clay. My style varies with each project. I look forward to again working in clay and creating 3D pieces as soon as I give myself a refresher course and get my kiln running.


Jasper: Well, on that note, tell me about this show specifically. What went into “WILLY NILLY?”

Hohman: This past year catapulted me into near isolation. My reaction to the outbreak of the pandemic was unexpectedly fierce. The state of our country and the world became an incredible challenge to face. I’ve been around for quite a while, but nothing prepared me for the physical and mental shut down I experienced. On the positive side, I intensified my explorations into the past, into the latest discoveries in physics and the connectivity of all things and read many books. As the world reemerges, my hope is that we all have a better understanding of who we are and why we are here. “WILLY NILLY” is an amalgam of various mediums and styles that reflect this period of my life. What began with a creative spurt, slowly fizzled to small doodles and experiments that steered my mind away from the chaotic state of our country and the world.



Hohman’s show will be up until June 30th on Jasper’s Tiny Gallery site. When you go to the site, plan to see impressions of the natural world that quietly beckon visitation, geometric colors that seem to move like organisms under a slide, black and white illusions in which time seems to shift, and worlds clearly not our own and yet somehow strangely familiar. 

These works can be perused and purchased 24/7 here:  

Hohman is unsure where she will go next but knows “the creative community in Columbia is always there to inspire.” While she embraces this inspiration, you can follow her work on Facebook @bahohman / Art & Murals by B.A.